
SPAIN: Plans to build three new tram systems in Andalucía are progressing. Following signature of an agreement between the mayor of Chiclana and the Andalucian Minister of Transport on February 2, a €51·4m tender will shortly be launched for the 3·5 km seven-station Chiclana section of the Bahía de Cádiz tramway. The 24 km 22-station route requires 13·5 km of new track; the remaining 10·5 km will use ADIF’s Sevilla - Cádiz line.

Work could begin on the first tram line in Jerez in 2010. A two-month public consultation process on the proposed 7·6 km line, with 16 stops between Voltaire and the hospital, opened at the beginning of February.

Tenders have recently been issued for the construction and project management of Jaén’s tram line, worth €96·5m and €3m respectively. The 4·7 km segregated route will have 10 stops serving key facilities and should take about two years to build.
