Bulgaria rail industry news

Business news about railway operations, services and the supply industry in Bulgaria.

  • bg-Bulgaria library shots-BDZ-Bacic (8)

    Bulgaria selects Alstom to supply EMUs


    BULGARIA: Following a prolonged procurement process, a consortium of Alstom and RVP Invest has been selected to supply 35 single-deck electric multiple-units. The order — which is awaiting signature — is worth €445m, including 15 years of maintenance. The national Recovery & Resilience Plan had allocated ...

  • bg-Bulgaria library shots-BDZ-Bacic (2)
    In depth

    Southeast Europe: EU funding underpins Bulgarian route modernisation schemes


    Financial support from Brussels is lending much-needed momentum to a long-running programme of route modernisation on the key rail axes linking Bulgaria with neighbouring countries and serving its major ports. Toma Bačić reports.

  • Škoda Group EMU for Bulgaria - visualisation (1)

    Bulgarian EMU order signed as previous procurements hit problems


    BULGARIA: The Ministry of Transport & Communications has signed a contract for Škoda Group to supply 20 four-car 160 km/h electric-multiple units for use on long distance services from Sofia to Burgas, Varna and Ruse. The 25 kV AC 50 Hz EMUs from the Czech manufacturer’s ...

  • Stadler Flirt EMU impression

    Stadler selected for Bulgarian EMU order


    BULGARIA: Stadler Polska has been selected for a contract to supply 35 electric multiple-units, Transport minister Georgi Gvozdeykov said at the Green Transition Forum 4.0 in Sofia on June 26. The contract will be worth 642·5m leva, including 15 years of maintenance. The EMUs would be ...

  • Bulgarian passenger train.

    Stadler selected for Bulgarian double-deck train order


    BULGARIA: Stadler has been selected to supply seven double-deck electric multiple-units for use by national passenger operator BDZ . Stadler’s bid came in at 301m leva, including 15 years of maintenance, with a delivery time of 26 months. The 200 km/h units will have a capacity ...

  • DB coaches for BDZ

    Bulgarian operator buys DB coaches


    BULGARIA: National passenger operator BDZ-Putnicheski Prevozi has bought 76 second-hand coaches from Germany’s Deutsche Bahn for use on services from Sofia to Varna, Burgas and Ruse. The €15·7m contract signed on March 29 covers 60 second class open saloon coaches, six second class cars for passengers ...

  • BDZ electric loco in Bulgaria

    CRRC drops Bulgarian train bid following EU investigation


    BULGARIA: CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive has withdrawn its bid for a contract to supply 20 push-pull trainsets, after the European Commission launched an investigation into whether the Chinese state-owned company might have benefited from an unfair subsidy. The tender from the Ministry of Transport & Communications ...

  • Talgo 230 Intercity BG impression (Image Talgo)

    Bulgarian Talgo 230 push-pull train proposal revealed


    BULGARIA: Spanish manufacturer Talgo has announced details of the trainsets it has proposed in response to a call for tenders to supply and maintain 20 push-pull inter-city trainsets. CRRC Qingdao Sifang Locomotive submitted a much lower bid for the tender called by Bulgaria’s Ministry of Transport ...

  • BDZ electric loco in Bulgaria

    European Commission investigates whether CRRC received market-distorting subsidy


    BULGARIA: The European Commission has launched an in-depth investigation into whether a subsidiary of Chinese state-owned rolling stock group CRRC received unfair subsidy enabling it to submit a low bid for a contract. The investigation announced on February 16 is the first under the Foreign Subsidies ...

  • BDZ narrow gauge cycle van (1)

    Bicycle and ski van added to Bulgarian narrow gauge trains


    BULGARIA: National railway BDZ now offers bicycle and ski vans on the 760 mm line between Septemvri and Dobrinishte. Two vans are available on weekends from November 4. They have been converted from parcels vans, and are fitted with racks for bicycles ...

  • Sofia metro Inspiro
    Metro Report International

    Trains ordered for Sofia metro Line 3 extension project


    BULGARIA: Sofia metro operator Metropolitan JSC has awarded the Simetro consortium of Siemens Mobility and Newag a €68m contract to supply a further eight trainsets for Line 3. The order announced on July 20 will take the Line 3 fleet to 38 Inspiro trainsets ordered in ...

  • Warszawa metro Skoda Varsovia train
    Metro Report International

    Sofia orders Warszawa-style metro trains adapted for a hotter climate


    BULGARIA: Sofia metro operator Metropolitan JSC has awarded Škoda Group a €65m contract to supply eight four-car trainsets. These will be a follow-on from vehicles supplied to Warszawa, but equipped with powerful air-conditioning suitable for the warmer climate and surface running sections of the Sofia network. ...

  • NKZhI contract signing

    Track machine order signed


    BULGARIA: National Railway Infrastructure Co has awarded Plasser & Theurer a contract to supply three track machines. The contract signed by the infrastructure manager’s General Director Zlatin Krumov on June 19 covers the supply of a tamper, a ballast profiling machine and a machine for replacing ...

  • BDZ_03

    Narrow gauge locos refurbished


    BULGARIA: Express Service has completed the refurbishment of two Class 77 diesel locomotives used by national operator BDZ on the 760 mm gauge Septemvri – Dobrinishte line. The 4m leva contract was awarded in May 2020. The Maybach diesel engines have been replaced with Stage V ...

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    Bulgaria to realign railway to Romanian border


    BULGARIA: Infrastructure manager NKZI has announced plans to replace the Medkovets – Vidin section of its Sofia – Vidin main line serving the northwest of the country with a new alignment, enabling passenger trains to run at 160 km/h and freight trains at 120 km/h. The ...

  • Bulgaria tunnel (1)

    First tunnel completed for Bulgarian route upgrade


    BULGARIA: Construction of a 1 km twin-bore tunnel has been completed as part of the upgrading of the 20 km Elin Pelin – Vakarel section of the Sofia – Plovdiv line. This section is the most complex part of a 498·8m lev EU-backed project to modernise ...

  • NorthMacedonia_01

    Ceremony marks start of work on Skopje – Sofia link


    NORTH MACEDONIA: A groundbreaking ceremony has been held to mark the start of civil works to complete the long-planned rail link between North Macedonia and Bulgaria.

  • Plovdiv rail map

    Suburban railway planned as alternative to Plovdiv’s congested roads


    BULGARIA: Plans for a suburban rail network to relieve road congestion in Plovdiv are to drawn up shortly, Minister of Transport & Communications Nikolay Sabev said during a visit to the city in April. The ministry said 45 000 people travel to work by car in ...

  • BDZ Smartron

    Bulgarian train operations reintegrated


    BULGARIA: The state rail operations holding company BDZ Holding and its passenger BDZ Ptnicheski Prevozi passenger and BDZ Tovarni Prevozi freight businesses have been reunited as one organisation, Minister of Transport & Communications Nikolay Sabev announced on February 4.

  • Sofia Pesa Swing tram (5)
    Metro Report International

    Sofia orders 25 trams after delayed process


    BULGARIA: Sofia operator Elektrotransport has ordered 25 Swing trams from Pesa Bydgoszcz, the Polish manufacturer’s fourth order from the city. They are to be delivered in 2023, taking the city’s Pesa fleet to 62 of the Swing design. The latest batch of 1 009 mm gauge ...