AXLELOAD: Avery Weigh-Tronix has launched I-Line2, a browser-based software package for accessing, reporting and presenting data from its in-motion train weighing systems.
Information is presented using a configurable dashboard. The software can be used to control multiple weighing systems, and combined with RFID and other vehicle identification systems. Reports can be presented in tabular or graphical format, or exported for use in third-party applications. Measurements can be archived to cloud storage systems.
Tata Steel is using a Railweight in-motion weighing system in the UK to ensure the even loading of wagons carrying iron ore to its Scunthorpe steelworks. The equipment offers an accuracy of ±0·5%, with red lights to alert staff to any problems.
If an overloaded axle is detected the train is run over the transducers a second time, stopping for static weighing of the problem vehicle, which can then have its load redistributed.