MoU Signing BEML - SMH Rail

INTERNATIONAL: Indian and Malaysian rolling stock manufacturers BEML Ltd and SMH Rail have signed a memorandum of understanding to co-operate in the marketing, manufacturing and maintenance of railway and metro rolling stock for customers in Asia and Africa.

The companies’ plans include the joint design and production of rolling stock to meet client-specific requirements, as well as ‘formulating winning strategies’, sourcing subsystems and exchanging technology.

‘This historic collaboration will play a crucial role in meeting the rising global demand for urban mobility’, BEML Chairman & Managing Director Shantanu Roy said when the MoU was signed in Delhi on August 21.

SMH Rail Chairman & Managing Director PK Nara said ’through this collaboration, both SMH and BEML can develop new innovative rolling stock solutions to cater for the growing public transport sector in India and in Malaysia, providing cost optimisation through joint research and development’.