
INTERNATIONAL: The YuXinOu (Chongqing) Logistics joint venture has despatched its first container train from China to Europe using the CIM/SMGS Common Consignment Note.

Using documentation meeting the legal requirements of both OTIF's CIM and OSJD's SMGS rules reduces costs to shippers, as there is no need to issue new notes at national borders.

The first train left Chongqing for Poland and Germany on October 31, carrying 42 containers for customers including Acer and ASUS.

Russian Railways Logistics is working with Kazakhstan's Kaztransservice and Belarus firm Belintertrans on co-ordinating the project. They are also working to expedite traffic through the breaks of gauge at Dostyk in Kazakhstan and Malaszewicze in Poland, with the aim of cutting two days from the current Chongqing - Duisburg journey time of 16 to 20 days for 10 769 km.

'Introduction of the CIM/SMGS Common Consignment Note is a result of two years of work by the railway administrations of all the transit countries', according to Pavel Sokolov, CEO of RZDL. 'Shippers save transit time due to the decrease in container demurrage at the border stations.'