California high speed rail project train impression

USA: The California High-Speed Rail Authority has appointed a joint venture of Systra and Typsa to design the track and overhead electrification for the initial section of the line.

The contract has an initial value of up to $131·2m. It covers the production of high-level designs for the 275 km Merced to Bakersfield route, including detailed designs for the 190 km section which is currently under construction.

The contractor will then collaborate with the future construction manager and general contractor.

The procurement process has taken into account industry feedback and changed needs since the authority let a previous request for qualifications expire in October 2022, blaming the economic climate, supply-chain challenges and 40-year high inflation.

‘Getting track and systems design under contract is an important milestone in movement to bring high-speed rail service to California’, said CHSRA Chair Tom Richards on June 26.