GERMANY: A financing agreement for construction of the München airport – Schwaigerloh line was signed by the Land of Bayern and Deutsche Bahn on July 29. This will enable the national railway to call tenders for construction of the 4·5 km line.
The federal government is contribute €63m towards the cost, with Bayern providing €26m and DB €6m. The line will include a 1·8 km tunnel, which is to be financed separately by the airport at an estimated cost €115m.
The line will eventually form the westernmost section of the future Erdinger Ring, which will link the airport with Erding to complete a loop. The 9·5 km Walpertskirchen link would also provide a direct route from the airport to southeast Bayern.
The next sections are currently being planned, with completion envisaged by 2030, Bayern’s Ministry of Housing, Building & Transport told Railway Gazette International.
Planning is also underway for double-tracking of the existing 13·6 km line between Markt Schwaben and Erding as part of the München S-Bahn expansion project.