Irun station impression

SPAIN: Infrastructure manager ADIF has awarded OHLA and Construcciones Adolfo Sobrino a €55m contract to build a replacement station building at Irún on the French border.

This will support an expected increase in traffic when the station ceases to be a break-of-gauge with 1 435 mm gauge tracks from France extended west to San Sebastián and the Basque Y high speed network completed.

Irun station rebuild impression

The present station building at the western end of the platforms has inadequate facilities, and much of the platform space is occupied by customs and passport control halls which were rendered redundant by the Schengen agreement.

The new building will be on a raft spanning 10 tracks used by RENFE long distance and Euskotren local trains. The main access will be at ground floor level, with offices on the first floor and the concourse with retail outlets, cafeteria and ticket offices on the second floor.