FRANCE: Infrastructure manager RFF and its GSM-R installation and maintenance PPP concessionaire Synerail have awarded Kapsch CarrierCom a contract to modernise the GSM-R network with an all-IP core based on Kapsch’s R4 architecture.
Kaspch says this will improve reliability and form the basis for new applications such as Railway Emergency Call (eREC) and train geolocation.
The all-IP core network will include geo-redundant call servers, media gateways, home location registers, service control points and Kairos mobile switching centres. These are to be deployed by December 2015 along 15 000 km of the RFF network equipped with Kapsch GSM-R technology.
The contract includes maintenance until 2030.
- Polish regulator UTK has approved the operation of Kapsch CarrierCom GSM-R equipment on route E30 from Bielawa Dolna to Węgliniec and Legnica. According to Kapsch, this is the first implementation of GSM-R to be completed in compliance with the Control-Command & Signalling Subsystem TSI.