
ALGERIA: MerMec has won a contract to provide iCAB 1 ETCS Level 1 trackside equipment for a project to modernise the 55 km Thénia - Tizi Ouzou route.

The single-track line is being upgraded and electrified by a consortium of Teixeira Duarte, ETRHB-Haddad, Özgün Insaat and signalling contractor ENYSE with the aim of enabling 160 km/h operation on the 107 km route between Alger and Tiz Ouzou, reducing journey times to 65 min.

The order is an important step in MerMec's plans for the international expansion of its signalling business, according to Mohanna Mouffak, Director of the Signalling Business Unit. 'Increased market awareness and perception of our capabilities, high-quality products and cost-effective solutions are gaining momentum in all the key markets that we are following'.