Japan railway news

English-language news about railway and urban rail infrastructure, operations, policy and the supply industry in Japan.

  • Tobu Urban Park Line 80000 EMU

    Advanced EMUs refresh the Tobu fleet


     JAPAN: Tobu Railway has put its first Series 80000 EMU into revenue service on the Urban Park Line. 

  • JR-East E10 Shinkansen LIVERY tangerine design

    British influence in JR East’s next Shinkansen rolling stock design


    JAPAN: East Japan Railway has issued the first images of its E10 Shinkansen high speed trainset.

  • Hiroshima 7000 Series AGT for the Astram Line (Photo Hiroshima Rapid Transit Co, MHI)
    Metro Report International

    Hiroshima AGT deliveries completed


    JAPAN: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has competed deliveries of 24 six-car Automated Guideway Transit rubber-tyred light metro trainsets ordered for Hiroshima Rapid Transit Co’s Astram Line. The longest AGT route in Japan runs 18·4 km from Hondori station in central Hiroshima to Koiki-koen-mae station in Seifu Shinto ...

  • Nippori-Toneri Liner (Photo MHI)
    Metro Report International

    New fleet boosts capacity on Nippori-Toneri Liner


    JAPAN: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has completed the deliveries of a further 12 five-car Series 330 Automated Guideway Transit trainsets for Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation’s Nippori-Toneri Liner. Delivery of the lightweight aluminium alloy Series 330 trainsets has enabled the replacement of 16 ...

  • Seibu Railway Yamaguchi Line AGT peoplemover car impression (Image MHI)
    Metro Report International

    Baseball branded trainset to ‘raise excitement and enthusiasm’


    JAPAN: Seibu Railway has ordered three Mitsubishi Heavy Industries rubber-tyre Automated Guideway Transit trainsets for use on its 2·8 km three-station Yamaguchi Line peoplemover which connects Tamako to Seibukyujo-mae in the greater Toyko area. The four-car sets are to be delivered in ...

  • JR Central inspection equipment

    Automated wheel shape monitor to detect wear


    JAPAN: Central Japan Railway has developed a device that allows the shape of wheels to be measured while trains are passing over it at up to 80 km/h. Following a series of field tests, the equipment is being introduced on JR Central’s Tokyo – Shin Osaka ...

  • jp-jr-east-Joban-Line_E233-2000-toshinori-baba
    In depth

    Japan: Understanding when to replace electronic signalling equipment


    Using estimates for the service life of electronic signalling components, Japan’s Railway Technical Research Institute has developed a method for choosing the ideal time to replace them.

  • Razorsecure MoU
    Rail Business UK

    Rail cyber-resilience collaboration


    INTERNATIONAL: A memorandum of understanding to collaborate on enhancing the cyber-resilience of rail operations was signed by rail cybersecurity specialist RazorSecure, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Mitsubishi Electric Europe and EKE Electronics during the 18th UK-Japan Rail Working Group hosted by the Department for Transport in London on ...

  • JR East double-deck train

    Double-deckers enter service on Chuo Rapid line


    JAPAN: East Japan Railway is to launch regular operation of double-deck cars on its busy Chuo Rapid line services between Tokyo, Shinjuku, Nakano and the capital’s western suburbs.

  • Saitama New Urban Transit trainsets delivered (Photo MHI)
    Metro Report International

    Saitama New Urban Transit trainsets delivered


    JAPAN: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has completed deliveries of the 2020 Series Automated Guideway Transit light metro trainsets for Saitama New Urban Transit Co’s New Shuttle Ina Line in Greater Tokyo. MHI supplied five six-car sets in 2015-20 to replace older vehicles, and announced at the end ...

  • Mount Fuji (Photo Pexels, Tirachard Kumtanom)

    Mount Fuji light rail study highlights steep challenges


    JAPAN: An interim report by Yamanashi Prefecture into a proposal to build a light rail line serving Mount Fuji has raised a series of questions about the infrastructure and rolling stock needed for a railway with gradients likely to be as steep as 8∙8%. Published in ...

  • Tokaido Shinkansen (image Railway Gazette)
    In depth

    Comment: Delivery is the priority


    One of the key messages of InnoTrans 2024 was that railways need to focus on delivery to justify the scale of investment and maintain the political support the industry is looking for. 

  • If there were no Shinkansen

    ‘If There Were No Shinkansen‘


    BOOK REVIEW: With an introduction by Prof Roderick Smith of Imperial College, London, If There Were No Shinkansen is the work of former East Japan Railway Chairman Shuichiro Yamanouchi, who died in 2008. Subtitled High-speed rail experience from its birth to today in Japan, the book ...

  • Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
    Metro Report International

    Tokyo Metro shares jump after stock exchange listing


    JAPAN: Tokyo Metro was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on October 23 in Japan’s largest IPO since the listing of SoftBank’s mobile telecoms business in 2018. Prior to listing, the national government owned 53·4% of Tokyo Metro’s shares, with the remaining 46·6% held by the ...

  • JR Central Dr Yellow

    N700S high speed trains with inspection capability to replace Dr Yellow


    JAPAN: Central Japan Railway is to augment its fleet of N700S Shinkansen trainsets with a further 17 units, some of which will be fitted with infrastructure inspection equipment.

  • JR West robot (Photo JR West)

    Humanoid robot to maintain Japanese railway infrastructure


    JAPAN: A giant humanoid robot capable of undertaking tasks such as painting lineside structures, cutting back vegetation, lifting heavy objects and performing simple maintenance of overhead electrification equipment has been unveiled by developer Jinki Ittai Corp and West Japan Railway. The robot has two 12·2 m ...

  • Japanese facial recognition
    Metro Report International

    Japanese local railway pilots facial recognition ticketing


    JAPAN: Light rail and bus operator Yamaman Co has added facial recognition to the Jorudan Style Point&Pass ticketing system used on its 4·1 km six-station Yukarigaoka Line and local bus services. Passengers need to register online and provide a passport-style photo and credit card details to ...

  • JR East freight

    Japanese high speed rail freight services expand


    JAPAN: The increasing use of high speed passenger trains to carry light freight was highlighted by a fair at Tokyo station on May 17 where products now being transported to the capital by Shinkansen were available for purchase. The rail services have benefited from a national ...

    In depth

    Philippines: A comprehensive package of Japanese know-how


    Keisuke Fukui, Senior Representative of Japan International Co-operation Agency’s Philippines office, sets out how the bilateral financing body is providing support in a variety of fields to ensure effective delivery of rail and metro schemes in the country.

  • jr-JR Central private rooms on Tokaido Shinkansen-credit CJR

    Private rooms to be revived on Tokaido Shinkansen


    JAPAN: Central Japan Railway has announced plans to reintroduce private compartments on the Tokaido Shinkansen.