Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link news
The Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link will provide a cross-border metro service between Malaysia and Singapore.
Metro Report International
Cross-straits metro viaduct span links Singapore and Malaysia
ASIA: Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong met his Malaysian counterpart Anwar Ibrahim in the middle of the Straits of Johor on January 11 to mark symbolically the completion of the international span for the marine viaduct which will carry the RTS Link metro line ...
Metro Report International
Transit-oriented development to support Malaysia – Singapore metro
MALAYSIA: Hong Kong’s MTR Corp has signed a memorandum of understanding to support the planning of transit-oriented development at Bukit Chagar station on the future cross-border metro linking Johor Bahru and Singapore. Malaysian project promoter MRT Corp is looking to generate a sustainable source of income ...
Metro Report International
Johor Bahru – Singapore RTS independent certification contract awarded
ASIA: Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport and Singapore’s Land Transport Authority have appointed a consortium of Systra, Minconsult and Bureau Veritas as independent verification and validation agent for the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System metro. The consortium will undertake assessment and verification to ensure that ...
Metro Report International
Cross-border CBTC contract awarded
ASIA: Siemens Mobility has been formally awarded the contract to design, install and commission what it says will be the first communications-based train control deployment on a cross-border line. The contract covers the provision of Trainguard MT CBTC to support GoA4 unattended automatic operation on the ...
Metro Report International
RTS Link rolling stock and railway systems contracts awarded
ASIA: RTS Operations has confirmed the award of railway systems contracts totalling 1bn ringgits for the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System shuttle between Malaysia and Singapore. CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive has been selected to provide the rolling stock, while Siemens Mobility will supply the signalling. ...
Metro Report International
Singapore – Malaysia metro viaduct contract awarded
ASIA: Singapore’s Land Transport Authority has awarded China Communications Construction Co the second civil works contract for the construction of its side of the cross-border metro to Malaysia. The S$180m contract announced on January 29 covers the construction of the Singapore section of the viaduct which ...
Metro Report International
Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link groundbreaking ceremony
ASIA: Construction of the Singapore end of the cross-border metro line to Malaysia has been launched with a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the future Woodlands North terminus. The opening of the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link is planned for the end ...
Metro Report International
Malaysia – Singapore Rapid Transit System civils contract awarded
SINGAPORE: Land Transport Authority has awarded the first of two civil works contracts for construction of the Singapore end of the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System cross-border shuttle to Bukit Chagar in Malaysia. The S$933m contract won by Penta-Ocean Construction covers the RTS Link Woodlands ...
Metro Report International
Malaysia – Singapore Rapid Transit System project back on
ASIA: A ceremony on the causeway linking Singapore and Malaysia on July 30 marked the official resumption of work on the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link Project to develop a high capacity urban rail corridor between the countries. Officials remained on their own sides ...
Metro Report International
Singapore – Johor Bahru metro on hold for six more months
ASIA: The RTS Link international metro scheme that would link Singapore with Johor Bahru in Malaysia has been put on hold for a further six months. The government of Singapore has agreed to a request from Malaysia on October 29 for a further extension of the suspension ...
Metro Report International
Further delay to Singapore – Johor Bahru metro
ASIA: The RTS Link international metro scheme that would link Singapore with Malaysia has been put on hold for a further month. In May the two countries announced that development work had been put on hold until September 30 at Malaysia’s request, and Malaysia has now requested ...
Metro Report International
Singapore – Malaysia metro project on hold
ASIA: The project to build an international metro connecting Singapore with Johor Bahru across the Straits of Johor in Malaysia has been put on hold until September 30, the two countries announced on May 21. Singapore said it had agreed to suspend the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System ...
Singapore – Malaysia metro joint venture
ASIA: Malaysia’s Prasarana and Singapore’s SMRT have accepted a Letter of Offer jointly issued by Malaysia’s Prime Minister’s Department and Singapore’s Land Transport Authority for the two companies to form a joint venture to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link cross-border ...
Metro Report International
Singapore – Malaysia metro agreement signed
ASIA: A bilateral agreement setting out how the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link cross-border metro project is to be undertaken was signed by the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on January 16. The agreement covers technical, safety and security requirements; the commercial, financing, procurement and regulatory frameworks; ...
Singapore – Malaysia Rapid Transit System agreement to be signed this year
ASIA: The bilateral agreement enabling the construction of the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System is expected to be signed by December 2017 and passenger services are planned to start by December 31 2024, the Malaysia-Singapore Joint Ministerial Committee for Iskandar Malaysia said after its 13th meeting on July ...
Johor Bahru – Singapore RTS Link to use metro technology
ASIA: Following their annual retreat, on December 13 Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and his Singaporean counterpart Lee Hsien Loong welcomed the progress which the bilateral Transportation Links Work Group has made with the developing proposals for the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System ...
Malaysia - Singapore Rapid Transit study commissioned
ASIA: Malaysia's Land Public Transport Commission and Singapore's Land Transport Authority have awarded AECOM Technology Corp a US$42m contract to undertake engineering studies for the proposed Malaysia - Singapore Rapid Transit System Link. AECOM will undertake an architectural and engineering study for the proposed connection between Singapore and Johor Bahru ...
Rapid transit plan agreed as last train leaves Singapore
SINGAPORE: The final KTMB train left Tanjung Pagar station for Johor Bahru in Malaysia at 23.00 on June 30, driven by the Sultan of Johar and watched by a crowd of onlookers. At midnight ownership of the 26 km rail corridor south of Woodlands Train Checkpoint on the Singapore ...
KTMB to leave central Singapore
SINGAPORE: The Prime Ministers of Singapore and Malaysia announced an agreement on May 24 for Malaysian national railway KTMB to vacate its Tanjong Pagar terminus in Singapore by July 1 2011. Trains from Malaysia will instead terminate at Woodlands, the Singapore end of the cross-border causeway, with a bus ...