Latest news – Page 1028

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    RZD's double-deck sleeping cars enter service


    RUSSIA: The first of 50 double-deck coaches which Transmashholding's Tver Carriage Works is delivering to Federal Passenger Co entered service on the Moscow - Adler route on November 1. In December 2010 RZD's passenger business ordered 38 Type 61-4465 sleeping cars with eight four-berth compartments on each deck, four cars ...

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    Eversholt Rail completes £600m refinancing


    UK: Rolling stock leasing company Eversholt Rail Group announced the successful completion of £600m of new senior debt financing on November 5. CEO Mary Kenny said this provides 'valuable flexibility on competitive terms', and 'puts Eversholt Rail in a strong position to respond to future investment opportunities for both our ...

  • CSR Qingdao Sifang high speed train for the Hong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou Express Rail Link.

    Express Rail Link high speed train unveiled


    CHINA: The first of nine high speed trainsets which MTR Corp has ordered for the Hong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou Express Rail Link was rolled out by CSR Qingdao Sifang on November 6. MTR Corp said the 'sweeping streaks of red and white on the livery of the eight-car ...

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    Zhuhai awards contract for catenary-free tram line


    CHINA: CNR Dalian subsidiary CNR Equipment Engineering Co has awarded Ansaldo STS a €26m contract to build the 8·7 km Line 1 of the Zhuhai tramway using TramWave catenary-free technology. This is the first phase of a planned network which CNR Dalian is to develop under a framework agreement with ...

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    Alstom plans to sell stake in Transport business


    FRANCE: Alstom is to consider the sale of a minority stake in its Alstom Transport business to industrial partners or investors by December 2014, Chairman & CEO Patrick Kron announced on November 6. Presenting the group's financial results for the six months to September 30 2013, Kron said 'we want ...

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    Toshiba and Marubeni awarded Bangkok Purple Line contracts


    THAILAND: Construction contractor CH Karnchang signed contracts with Marubeni and Toshiba on November 6 for E&M systems for the Bangkok Purple Line. The contracts cover supply of power distribution equipment, signalling and control systems and telecommunications, including 10 years of maintenance. The contracts also cover a fleet of ...

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    Siemens to supply signalling for Nacala corridor


    MOZAMBIQUE: The Corredor Logístico Integrado de Nacala joint venture of state railway CFM (20%) and Brazilian mining firm Vale (80%) has awarded Siemens a contract to provide signalling and train control systems for the Nacala corridor. Existing 1 067 mm gauge lines are being upgraded and a new line built ...

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    Russian turnout component manufacturer privatised


    RUSSIA: A joint venture of SP-Technology and Vossloh Cogifer has completed the acquisition of a 75% minus two shares stake in Novosibirsk Switch Plant, Russia's largest manufacturer of switches and crossings. The remaining stake is held by Russian Railways, which accounts for 87% of Novosibirsk's sales. Founded in 1942, Novosibirsk ...

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    Tracklaying starts on Midland Metro extension


    UK: A ceremony was held on November 5 to mark the start of tracklaying on the 1⋅4 km extension of the Midland Metro light rail system through the centre of Birmingham, running from Snow Hill to New Street. ‘This is a significant and symbolic moment for the Metro extension’, said ...

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    Major customer buys Seaboard Railcar Repair


    USA: The Trinity Railcar Repair subsidiary of Trinity Industries announced its acquisition of Seaboard Railcar Repair on November 4. Seaboard provides maintenance, specialised cleaning, lining, painting, inspection and testing services for tank cars and other wagons. The acquisition includes two maintenance facilities in Oklahoma and North Carolina. Trinity's wagon leasing ...

  • Infrastructure renewals (Photo: Network Rail).

    Morson acquires Vital Services businesses


    UK: The assets and business of seven companies from the Vital Services Group have been acquired from the joint administrators by recruitment and engineering services provider Morson Group. Manchester-based recruitment and training company Vital Services Group directly employs 208 staff and contracts a further 2 000 to companies including Network ...

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    Shanghai tram proposal


    CHINA: Shanghai Transport & Port Authority has proposed a 90 km, six-line tram network in the southwestern Songjiang district. This is the first stage of a plan for an 800 km network by 2020. The plan envisages that the 16 km route T1 from Xinsongjiang Road to Xinqiao would be ...

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    CityCube Berlin to be part of InnoTrans 2014


    INNOTRANS: The CityCube Berlin multi-purpose trade fair, conference and event hall is to be used to provide two extra 6 000 m2 exhibition floors for InnoTrans 2014, which will be held at Messe Berlin's ExpoCenter City site on September 23-26 2014. CityCube Berlin is currently under construction on the site ...

  • The Siemens Avenio trams for Munich have been built in Vienna.

    Siemens unveils first Avenio tram in München


    GERMANY: The first Siemens Avenio tram was publicly unveiled in München on November 4. In September 2012 München utility body SWM awarded Siemens a €29m contract for eight vehicles, designated Type T1 by city transport operator MVG. Following testing, the trams will enter passenger service alongside the Bombardier/Siemens Type ...

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    Rail Freight Alliance formed


    UK: Five leading rail freight operators announced on October 31 that they had formed a new alliance with infrastructure manager Network Rail, ‘with a view to delivering a sustainable and flourishing rail freight sector’. The five are DB Schenker Rail UK, Freightliner Group, GB Railfreight, Direct Rail Services and Colas ...

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    Adelaide tram expansion plan launched


    AUSTRALIA: South Australia Premier Jay Weatherill has begun public consultation on an integrated transport & land use plan for the Adelaide region. It has been developed by the South Australia government together with industry groups and government agencies. Total cost of the 30-year package is put at A$36bn, with an ...

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    Urban rail news in brief - November 2013


    Last month EIB signed a €50m loan agreement to fund road modernisation projects in Sofia including the upgrade of 7·6 km of tramway. Oklahoma City has approved funding for a US$130m tram line. Phase 1 would run for around 8 km and have six air-conditioned vehicles. The French ...

  • Euroduplex delivery centre at Belfort (Photo: Alstom Transport/C Lemontey)

    Alstom opens high speed train delivery centre


    FRANCE: Alstom officially opened a 'delivery centre' for Euroduplex double-deck high speed trainsets at its Belfort factory on October 24. The delivery centre has been developed over four years as part of Alstom's strategy of exercising tighter control over its testing and commissioning cycles, and equipping itself to be able ...

  • United Wagon Co's Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant.

    Fertiliser wagon deliveries underway


    RUSSIA: Fertiliser and chemical transport company Acron-Trans is taking delivery of 400 mineral fertiliser hopper wagons ordered from United Wagon Co's leasing business Rail1520 under a three-year lease. The wagons are being built by United Wagon Co's Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant for delivery by January 2014. They are fitted ...

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    Cross-border RER Franco-Valdo-Genevois to serve Genève from 2017


    EUROPE: SBB CEO Andreas Meyer and SNCF President Guillaume Pepy signed a letter of intent on October 30 setting out the next steps for the creation of a cross-border RER network centred on Genève. From December 2017 the 230 route-km RER Franco-Valdo-Genevois would serve a total of 45 stations, connecting ...