Latest news – Page 1030

  • Impression of Køge Nord station.

    København - Ringsted civils contract awarded


    DENMARK: Infrastructure manager Banedanmark has awarded a joint venture of MJ Eriksson of Denmark and Züblin of Germany a DKr562m contract for civil works on the 18 km Ishøj - Køge section of the 60 km New Line København - Ringsted, which is being designed for 250 km/h operation. One ...

  • The government has begun procurement of the new InterCity East Coast franchise.

    InterCity East Coast tendering launched


    UK: The Department for Transport formally launched the competition for the next InterCity East Coast franchise on October 25, publishing documents setting out what potential bidders will need to consider when developing proposals for the operation of passenger services from London King's Cross to Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh. 'We want ...

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    World rail market October 2013


    Australia: Western Australia’s Department of Transport has appointed a Parsons Brickerhoff/Aecom joint venture to support development of the A$1·9bn Perth MAX light rail project. Germany: Keolis Deutschland has selected Scheidt & Bachmann to supply a ticketing system including mobile terminals, onboard and station ticket vending machines and a back-office ...

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    Products & Technology in Brief


    CNR Qiqihar has developed a stainless steel bodied iron ore wagon with a 40 tonne axleload for heavy haul lines in Australia. The axleload could be increased to 44 tonnes if required. La Farga has introduced its Dx3 Deep Defects Detector to the rail market, saying it can identify small ...

  • Rafael Canales, Country Manager; Dr Kari Kapsch, CEO; Armando Xavier, Sales, Railways Western Europe

    Kapsch CarrierCom opens Lisboa office


    PORTUGAL: Kapsch CarrierCom Chief Executive Kari Kapsch officially opened the company's branch office in Lisboa on October 22, saying it would provide the Austrian firm with a base to 'address key target markets in Africa, South America and the Arabic regions'. The office has eight staff. Kapsch CarrierCom acquired part ...

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    Dubai metro contract extended


    UAE: Serco Group announced on October 24 that it had extended its contract with Dubai’s Roads & Transport Authority to operate and maintain the metro network. The five-year extension is worth £355m and will run to September 2019, with an option to extend it further to 2021. Serco has ...

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    Private operation ends on Sarmiento route


    ARGENTINA: The Sarmiento commuter route in Buenos Aires was due to return to full state control on October 24, transferring to federal railway operating company SOFSE and infrastructure company ADIF SE. Since the government revoked the concession held by Trenes de Buenos Aires in 2012, the Sarmiento network had been ...

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    Fremantle Port rail expansion contract awarded


    AUSTRALIA: York Civil was awarded a contract to extend the North Quay Rail Terminal at Fremantle Port near Perth on October 23. The A$31m project is funded by the central government, which is contributing A$18·6m, and the state of Western Australia, which is providing A$12·4m. The work will extend ...

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    Europe's railways are getting even safer


    EUROPE: The number of people killed in railway-related accidents in the EU during 2012 was the lowest since data collection to common standards began in 2006, according to figures published by the European Railway Agency on October 21. The member states' national safety authorities recorded 36 passenger and 46 employee ...

  • Screenshot of Tyne & Wear Metro 'Use your brain near a train' door safety video.

    Tyne & Wear Metro launches door safety campaign


    UK: A campaign to encourage passengers not to obstruct train doors has been launched on the Tyne & Wear Metro. This includes a specially-commissioned animation 'Use your brain near a train' which is being published via social media. The campaign has been launched in response to recommendations made by ...

  • South West Trains five-car Class 458/5 EMU.

    South West Trains prepares to introduce longer trains


    UK: South West Trains has taken delivery of the first two five-car Class 458/5 electric multiple-units rebuilt from former Gatwick Express Class 460 vehicles. The first 10-car formation is expected to enter service by early December, increasing peak capacity on commuter routes from Reading and Hounslow to London Waterloo station. ...

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    Santiago metro lines 3 and 6 E&M contract awarded


    CHILE: A consortium of Eurovia subsidiary ETF and Colas Rail has been awarded a €150m contract to build and maintain track and catenary on lines 3 and 6 of the Santiago metro. ETF's share is 55% The contract covers 75 track-km and 15 track-km in two depots. Once built, ETF ...

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    Pere Calvet


    Pere Calvet, Director General of Spanish operator FGC, has been named President of UITP’s Metro Assembly.

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    Cuvillier confirms high speed alignments to Toulouse and Dax


    FRANCE: Noting that his government ‘would prioritise the everyday transport needs of the French people without turning its back on high speed rail’, Transport Minister Frédéric Cuvillier confirmed on October 23 the government’s intention to build two new high speed lines under the 410 km Grand Projet Ferroviaire du Sud-Ouest. ...

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    Siemens funds rolling stock academy


    UK: Siemens is to provide 50% of the cost of a training academy specialising in traction and rolling stock skills, to be built at its King's Heath depot in Northampton which maintains electric multiple-units for London Midland and is the headquarters for Siemens' UK service operation. The remainder of ...

  • Map of the core trans-European transport network corridors (Copyright: Railway Gazette International)

    Future EU transport infrastructure policy to focus on TEN-T corridors


    EUROPE: The European Commission has announced details of ‘the most radical overhaul of EU infrastructure policy since its inception in the 1980s’, setting out plans to shift the focus of future transport infrastructure investment from individual projects to nine defined trans-European corridors. This focus on major corridors announced on October ...

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    Railway supply industry news in brief


    President Ollanta Humala of Peru has officially opened a sleeper manufacturing facility at the Arequipa plant of cement manufacturer Yura SA, representing an investment of US$15m. Vossloh is to establish a rail fastening factory in Waco, Texas. Production is scheduled to begin in mid-2014, creating 50 jobs and enabling ...

  • Rails at Tata Steel's Scunthorpe plant.

    Network Rail signs five-year rail supply deals


    UK: Infrastructure manager Network Rail has signed rail supply framework contracts with three steel manufacturers. The deals run for five years, with an option for a further five. The largest part of the framework will see Tata Steel's Scunthorpe plant supply around 140 000 tonnes of rail per year, depending ...

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    World rolling stock market October 2013


    Australia: Mineral Resources (Equipment) Pty has awarded CSR Yangtze a contract to supply wagons worth 190m yuan. Chile: State railway EFE has ordered a further 12 Alstom X’Trapolis two-car EMUs as an option within a €54m contract for 12 announced in 2012. They are due to enter ...

  • Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn train with low-floor coach.

    Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn provides easier access to the Alps


    SWITZERLAND: The first of 11 low-floor coaches ordered to increase train capacity and improve facilities for passengers with reduced mobility entered traffic on the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn on October 11, after a formal unveiling two days earlier. The air-conditioned coach built by Stadler Rail's Bussnang plant has wide doors, folding ...