Latest news – Page 1034

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    Cornu heads up SNCB


    Former Alcatel President Jozef Cornu has been confirmed as CEO of Belgian national rail operator SNCB. His predecessor, Marc Descheemaecker, left on September 1 to become President of Brussels Airport, and the CEO of SNCB Holding Jannie Haek is also standing down to head the country’s national lottery. Descheemaeker ...

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    Government approves RENFE restructuring


    SPAIN: Plans to restructure RENFE as four companies responsible for passenger operations, freight, rolling stock maintenance and train leasing were approved by the Spanish cabinet on September 27, having previously been approved by the RENFE board. The four new companies will be structured as 100%-owned subsidiaries of holding company RENFE ...

  • Keolis and Eurostar International intend to launch a joint bid for the InterCity East Coast franchise.

    Eurostar and Keolis announce joint bid for East Coast franchise


    UK: Keolis and Eurostar International announced their intention to launch a joint bid for the InterCity East Coast franchise September 30. The contract to operate services from London to Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh is scheduled to be awarded in October 2014 and commence in February 2015. Keolis would be the ...

  • Mauricio Macri, head of the Buenos Aires city government, attended the opening ceremony.

    Buenos Aires metro Line A opens to San Pedrito


    ARGENTINA: A two-station extension to Buenos Aires metro Line A opened on September 27. The new stations beyond Carabobo are San José de Flores and San Pedrito, which becomes the new southwestern terminus of the line. The new stations are expected to increase ridership on Line A by 35 ...

  • Alstom is supplying 19 three-car Metropolis trainsets.

    Panamá City metro testing begins


    PANAMA: The first test run on the Panamá City metro has taken place between Albrook and 5 de Mayo. The 2 km test run on September 13 took place at the southern end of the 13·7 km line, which is now 92% complete. The 13-station Line 1 is being ...

  • Cummins' locomotive power module is being developed through a design collaboration with Sygnet Rail Technologies.

    Cummins announces Tier 4 demonstrator locomotive


    USA: Cummins Engine Co announced on September 29 that it is to launch a demonstrator locomotive for its new QSK95 diesel engine, which is expected to start trial running in the second half of 2014. Speaking at the Railway Interchange exhibition in Indianapolis, Cummins' Vice-President & General Manager for the ...

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    World rolling stock market September 2013


    Belarus: BC has taken delivery of two DP1 single-car DMUs produced by Belkommunmash and Pesa, and a third is to follow. Eight 2TE10 locos have been repowered with new engines, which is expected to significantly reduce fuel consumption. Chile: EMD’s Muncie plant has delivered six GT46AC metre-gauge freight locomotives ...

  • News

    North Korea rail link completed


    NORTH KOREA: A ceremony was held on September 22 to mark the completion of work to reinstate the railway from Rajin in the Rason Special Economic Zone to the border at Tumangang and Khasan in Russia. More than 5·5bn roubles has been spent rehabilitating the 54 km line for ...

  • Electro-Motive Diesel has supplied seven SD70ACS locomotives to Etihad Rail.

    Etihad Rail test running begins


    UAE: The first test train on the initial phase of the national railway network which is being developed by Etihad Rail ran on September 22. Two trains will run in each direction per day during the three-month commissioning period. Each train comprises up to three of the seven SD70ACS locomotives ...

  • Siemens Velaro e320 high speed trainset for Eurostar.

    Eurostar confirms launch of London – Amsterdam services in December 2016


    EUROPE: Eurostar, the Dutch government and Dutch national passenger operator NS have signed an agreement for the launch of direct services between London and Amsterdam Centraal in December 2016. This forms part of a programme to enhance services on HSL-Zuid which was announced by State Secretary for Infrastructure & ...

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    Chinese DMUs for Buenos Aires commuters


    ARGENTINA: Continuing his official visit to China, Minister of the Interior & Transport Florencio Randazzo announced on September 25 that CNR is to supply 27 three-car DMUs for the Belgrano Sur commuter network in Buenos Aires. With contract signature expected within two weeks, deliveries are due to take place in ...

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    Harbin metro opens


    CHINA: Harbin Metro line 1 opened for trial passenger services on September 26, almost exactly five years after its construction began. The 17·4 km line runs from Harbin East railway station in the northeast of the city to Harbin South railway station, via Taipingqiao and Yida Eryuan. ...

  • Signals.

    SSL awarded Great Western signalling contracts


    UK: Infrastructure manager Network Rail has awarded the Signalling Solutions Ltd joint venture of Alstom and Balfour Beatty three contracts totalling £140m for signalling renewals on the Great Western Main Line. SSL is to design, supply and commission signalling including five Alstom Smartlock 400 interlockings and associated power systems around ...

  • AAE Twin II intermodal wagon.

    GATX sells stake in AAE Cargo


    SWITZERLAND: Chicago-based leasing company GATX Corp sold its 37·5% stake in European wagon owner AAE Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn Cargo to its partner AAE Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn Holding on September 26. The sale price of €84·5m comprised €17·0m in cash and a €67·5m secured loan to AAE Holding. As a result ...

  • Station clock (Photo: DB/Christian Bedeschinski)

    Force majeure does not exempt train operators from compensating delayed passengers


    EUROPE: The Community of European Railway & Infrastructure Companies and the International Rail Transport Committee have called for the European Commission to harmonise consumer protection laws between transport modes, after the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that railway undertakings are not exempt from refunding passengers for delays ...

  • Arriva has launched an unsubsidised passenger service on the 26 km Praha Masarykovo - Kralupy nad Vltavou route (Photo: Aleš Petrovský).

    Arriva launches pilot Czech passenger service at its own risk


    CZECH REPUBLIC: After a year of planning, on September 23 DB subsidiary Arriva Vlaky launched an unsubsidised passenger service on the 26 km Praha Masarykovo - Kralupy nad Vltavou route, competing at its own risk against national passenger operator CD. There are initially eight return semi-fast trains a day, calling ...

  • The Régiolis multiple-units would be based on the regional sets now being delivered, but with an interior configured for long-distance services.

    €510m package to renew inter-city fleet


    FRANCE: Meeting on September 26, the SNCF board approved a draft financing agreement which paves the way for replacement of the ageing fleet used to operate longer-distance passenger trains on the conventional network, known as trains d’équilibre du territoire. Loss-making services on 38 designated routes, used by around 100 000 ...

  • The North-South Railway includes the Mineral Route linking phosphate mines at Al Jalamid with processing and export facilities at Ras Al Khair.

    Saudi Railway Company seeks operating concessionaire


    SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi Railway Company has invited expressions of interest for a concession to maintain and operate the North-South Railway, under a tendering process being supported by management consultancy A T Kearney. SAR is looking for national and 'world-class' international companies to take responsibility for train operations, infrastructure management and ...

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    Bill Fullerton


    Bill Fullerton has succeeded Larry Kelterborn as President of Interfleet Technology’s North American operation. Kelterborn will stay on in an advisory capacity.

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    Elizabeth Dipuo Peters


    Elizabeth Dipuo Peters has succeeded Dikobe Ben Martins as South Africa’s Minister of Transport.