Latest news – Page 1056

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    Moscow - Kazan should be Russia's first dedicated high speed line, says RZD


    RUSSIA: An 803 km Moscow - Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan route should form the first stage of a high speed rail programme, Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin told President Putin and other guests at recent conference held to discuss the prospects for developing dedicated high speed lines. ...

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    Rob McIntosh


    Rob McIntosh has been appointed Director for Crossrail at Network Rail, responsible for the £2·3bn surface works programme that NR is undertaking for the project. He had joined NR last year as Project Director for ETCS & Traffic Management from Invensys Rail where he was latterly Vice-President, Delivery.

  • St Albans Abbey station.

    St Albans light rail conversion plan dropped


    UK: Plans to convert the 10 km Watford Junction - St Albans Abbey branch line to light rail standards have been dropped, with Hertfordshire County Council saying that the proposal 'turned out to be considerably more complicated than originally expected and we have found it is not possible to deliver ...

  • Egyptian National Railways train.

    Cairo - Alexandria resignalling contract awarded


    EGYPT: Egyptian National Railways has awarded Thales a €109m turnkey contract to design, install and maintain new signalling, telecommunications and centralised traffic control systems for the 208 km Cairo - Alexandria route. Implementation is expected to take four years. Announcing the contract on May 26, Thales said the route is ...

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    CSR to supply new Roca fleet


    ARGENTINA: Minister of the Interior & Transport Florencio Randazzo announced on May 23 a US$327m order for 300 EMU cars from CSR of China. The air-conditioned vehicles will operate on the Roca commuter network in Buenos Aires, increasing capacity by 50%. The contract specifies a price of $1⋅09m per car, ...

  • Domestic assembly of Desiro RUS electric multiple-units was ceremonially launched on May 25.

    Russian production of Desiro RUS EMUs begins


    RUSSIA: Domestic assembly of Desiro RUS electric multiple-units at the Ural Locomotives plant in Yekaterinburg was ceremonially launched by Siemens AG managing board member Roland Buschof and Dmitry Pumpyansky, President of Sinara Group, on May 25. Siemens' plant at Krefeld in Germany fulfilled Russian Railways' initial orders for the regional ...

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    Mitsubishi to increase capacity on peoplemover lines


    SINGAPORE: The Land Transport Authority has awarded Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Corp a contract worth ¥12bn to enhance capacity on two automated peoplemover lines in northeastern Singapore. The Sengkang LRT and Punggol LRT lines together form a 22 km network, and provide interchange with the North East Line of ...

  • Alstom's Axonis mini-metro concept

    Alstom launches Axonis mini-metro concept


    INTERNATIONAL: Alstom Transport Chief Executive Henri Poupart-Lafarge launched the Axonis mini-metro concept at the UITP Mobility & City Transport Exhibition in Genève on May 27. Intended to make extensive use of modular construction elements, Axonis is targeted at cities seeking to develop an automated metro network more quickly and at ...

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    São Paulo tenders restarted and cancelled


    BRAZIL: Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo restarted the tender for the 25-year PPP concession to build and operate metro Line 6 during April. The new bid submission date is July 30, and the value is unchanged at R$7·8bn. The original tender from January had to be cancelled because of ...

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    World rolling stock market May 2013


    Bulgaria: Pesa has been selected to supply 20 Swing five-section low-floor trams for 1009 mm gauge routes in Sofia. The €50m deal includes €16·8m for spare parts and diagnostic equipment. Delivery is planned for 2014. China: The YCSR joint venture of engine manufacturer Yuchai and CSR has appointed Ricardo ...

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    Crossrail 2 consultation underway


    UK: Transport for London and Network Rail opened a public consultation for the proposed Crossrail 2 route on May 14. The consultation aims to establish the level of support for the scheme and a preferred route. It will close on August 2, and its findings will then be presented to ...

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    Rail Industry Training & Recruitment in Brief


    An endowment of US$50 000 from Canadian National will fund in perpetuity a CN Scholarship at the Arema Educational Foundation, the Class I railroad announced in April. UK Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin visited the University of Huddersfield on April 15 to open its Institute of Railway Research. The ...

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    World rail infrastructure market May 2013


    Brazil: Thales is to provide telecoms for the Manaus monorail, which will also have its Seltrac CBTC. Valec has awarded a joint venture of Torque and Azvi a €10·3m, 30-month contract for civil works on 100 km of the southern extension of the North-South Railway in Goiás, as well ...

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    Hubert du Mesnil


    Hubert du Mesnil, President of Réseau Ferré de France from 2007 to 2012, has been appointed President of Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, a joint subsidiary of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and RFF which is developing the cross-border section of the future rail link between Lyon and Torino.

  • Impression of Qasr Al Hokm station on the Riyadh metro network.
    Metro Report International

    Metro provides an oasis in the city centre


    SAUDI ARABIA: Snøhetta of Norway has been appointed to design the city centre Qasr Al Hokm station on the planned Riyadh metro network. ArRiyadh Development Authority said it had selected the winning proposals for the main stations on the 177 km six-line network based on their 'outstanding conceptual thinking and ...

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    Aeroexpress launches in Kazan


    RUSSIA: Airport shuttle operator Aeroexpress launched a service between Kazan International Airport and the city’s central station on May 22, in time for the Summer Universiade taking place in July. Services will use Siemens Lastochka electric multiple-units. Initially there will be four services per day in each direction, with ...

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    World rail market May 2013


    Australia: Metro Trains Melbourne has ordered five MerMec rail geometry, profile and catenary measuring systems. Finland: Vogelsang is to supply a train water supply and retention tank emptying system for a €50m depot VR is building in Oulu. India: Project manager Delhi Metro Rail Corp has awarded Thales ...

  • Impression of Riyadh metro's Olaya station.
    Metro Report International

    Elevated gardens at station inspired by sand dunes


    SAUDI ARABIA: Riyadh metro project promoter ArRiyadh Development Authority has selected a design by Gerber Architekten of Germany for Olaya station, one of three major stations intended to create landmarks which 'will transform Riyadh streets as they become the most visible elements of the city's new world-class public transport system'. ...

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    Feature articles in the June 2013 issue of Metro Report International


    Articles in the June 2013 issue of Metro Report International. Comment Welcoming delegates to the 60th UITP World Congress in Genève, TPG CEO Roland Bonzon outlines the challenge of serving a growing population News Review Round-up of world metro, light rail and tram news. Chinese metros The urban ...

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    Sassan Rabet


    Sassan Rabet has succeeded Günther Ferk as CEO of European wagonload alliance Xrail.