Latest news – Page 1069

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    NS to buy stake in Den Haag city transport operator


    NETHERLANDS: National passenger train operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen confirmed on March 13 that it is to go ahead with the purchase of a 49% stake in Den Haag city transport operator HTM. The €45m deal is still subject to final approval from the city council, which would hold a 51% ...

  • Impressions of new trains for four Swiss narrow gauge  railways.

    Four railways save money with a joint train order


    SWITZERLAND: Four metre-gauge operators in western Switzerland have jointly selected Stadler Bussnang to supply a total of 17 two and three-car electric multiple-units worth a total of SFr150m. Announcing the orders on March 13, Stadler said joint procurement had saved SFr28m compared to separate competitions and should offer long-term savings ...

  • The exceptional load was transported by rail from Luxembourg to Germany.

    CFL Cargo delivers 60 metre beams by rail


    EUROPE: CFL Cargo transported 14 concrete and rolled steel bridge beams each 60·6 m long from ArcelorMittal's Differdange plant in Luxembourg to Dresden-Friedrichstadt in Germany between March 11 and 12. CFL Cargo had not previously moved beams of such length by rail, and so a detailed transport plan had to ...

  • A 1011 km high speed railway would link Almaty and Astana in Kazakhstan.

    Kazakhstan plans 1 000 km high speed line


    KAZAKHSTAN: National railway KTZ has awarded Systra a contract to oversee the design and construction of a 1 011 km high speed railway between Almaty and Astana. The proposed 1 520 mm gauge single-track line would be suitable for 250 km/h running. A 10 km bridge across Lake Balkhash ...

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    Operator sought for Den Haag - Brussels service


    NETHERLANDS: Den Haag's city-owned company The Hague Trains Holding has invited expressions of interest in a two-year contract to operate inter-city services between Den Haag and Brussels. An OJEU notice was published on March 13, following informal discussions with six potential operators and approval from the Dutch completion authority for ...

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    Vale suspends Río Colorado project


    ARGENTINA: Brazilian mining company Vale announced on March 11 that it had informed the Argentinian government that it was suspending its Río Colorado project to develop potash deposits in the province of Mendoza. According to the company, 'in the current macroeconomic environment the economics of the project are not ...

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    Collins moves to Sydney


    Currently Chief Operating Officer of London Underground, Howard Collins has been named CEO of Sydney Trains. The new passenger operator is due to take over RailCorp’s City­Rail suburban services from July 1.Collins was responsible for returning the Underground to full service after the 2005 London bombings, and was awarded an ...

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    World rail infrastructure market March 2013


    Brazil: An Alstom-led consortium has won a €20m contract to provide ventilation systems for the 11-station extension of São Paulo metro Line 5 scheduled for completion in 2015. Bulgaria: NRIC has awarded Thales and Kapsch CarrierCom a €35m contract to provide ETCS Level 1 and GSM-R for 133 km ...

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    Corte 8 opens on Rio commuter network


    BRAZIL: A new station was officially opened at Corte 8 on the Rio de Janeiro commuter network operated by SuperVia on March 11. Located between Gramacho and Duque de Caxias on the route to Saracuruna, the station has been built at a cost of R$10m to serve a local population ...

  • Crossrail roundel.

    TfL seeks Crossrail operator


    UK: Transport for London has placed a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union inviting expressions of interest in the concession to operate Crossrail passenger services. Potential operators have until the end of April to respond. The concession would be similar to the existing London Overground inner-suburban contract, ...

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    Los Angeles approves streetcar funding


    USA: On March 6 Los Angeles City Council approved the provision of $300m over 30 years for the operation and maintenance of a light rail line in central Los Angeles. This follows voters’ approval in December of a tax that is expected to raise $62·5m towards the construction cost. ...

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    CN and CP recruit COOs


    On February 19 Claude Mongeau, President of Canadian National, announced the promotion of Senior Vice-President Jim Vena (photo) to Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice-President. He fills the gap left by Keith Creel, who departed CN two weeks earlier to take up the post of President & Chief Operating Officer ...

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    Antti Vehviläinen


    Antti Vehviläinen has been appointed Director General of Liikennevirasto, the Finnish Transport Agency, for a five-year term. He joins from paper and pulp manufacturer Stora Enso Oyj, where he was Vice-President, Logistics. With extensive transport experience, he has chaired Liikennevirasto’s advisory board since the agency was established in 2010.

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    Joel Ortega


    Joel Ortega has been named Director of Mexico City’s metro, while Eduardo Venedero becomes Director of light rail operator STE.

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    Dimitris Sophocleous


    Dimitris Sophocleous has been appointed General Manager of Romanian infrastructure manager CFR SA, succeeding Cristian Ghibu.

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    Clare Moriarty


    Clare Moriarty has taken over as Director General, Rail, at the UK’s Department of Transport with effect from January 7, as part of an internal restructuring following the InterCity West Coast refranchising problems. Formerly Director General, Corporate, she served as Acting Permanent Secretary at DfT pending the appointment of Philip ...

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    Dragoljub Simonovic


    Dragoljub Simonovic, a former member of the Serbian Parliament’s Transport & Communications Board, has been named Director General of Serbian Railways. Svetozar Capin and Predrag Jankovic have become Executive Directors, replacing Milovan Markovic and Zoran Masal.

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    ADIF changes President


    On January 22 Gonzalo Ferre Moltó took up the post of President of Spanish national infrastructure manager ADIF. Formerly Secretary General for Infrastructure at the Ministry of Development, he succeeds Enrique Verdeguer who has stood down for personal reasons.

  • Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the Nouveau Grand Paris metro programme was 'unprecedented in its ambition'.

    €26⋅5bn Grand Paris metro expansion programme confirmed


    FRANCE: The government is to proceed with the project to build 200 km of new metro lines by 2030 to serve the outer suburbs of the capital, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in a speech given on March 6. Following a review of the programme inherited from the Sarkozy administration, ...

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    Preferred bidder for Gdańsk airport line


    POLAND: A consortium of Budimex and Ferrovial Agroman has been chosen as preferred bidder to build Phase II of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway linking Gdańsk Wrzeszcz with Gdańsk Airport. The 716m złoty contract is expected to be signed in April. Construction is due to start in late 2013, for completion ...