Latest news – Page 1089
President opens Minsk metro extension
BELARUS: President Alexander Lukashenko officially opened a 5·14 km extension of Minsk metro's Moskovskaya Line on November 6. The extension southwest from Institut Kultury adds three stations at Grushevka, Michalowo and Petrovschina. Passenger services began the following day, with local surface transport revised to feed the metro. The extension is ...
Malaysian firm to build east-west corridor in Laos
LAOS: Watched by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Laotian Deputy Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, a contract was signed in Vientiane on November 5 for construction of a 220 km railway running east-west across Laos from the Thai to Vietnamese borders. Under an agreement with the ...
DB Netz orders new emergency cranes
GERMANY: Infrastructure manager DB Netz signed contracts totalling €60m for the supply of five emergency rail cranes on November 2. Tatravagonka will provide bogies, Gföllner superstructures and Kirov three 160 tonne and two 100 tonne cranes. DB Netz's emergency crane trains are based at Wanne-Eickel, Fulda and Leipzig. The ...
EuroMaint Rail expands to undertake coach project
SWEDEN: This month EuroMaint is to begin work on a contract to refurbish 55 second class coaches for national passenger operator SJ. The project will run until the first quarter of 2014, and is an option on a deal for the refurbishment of 160 coaches undertaken in 2009-11. Seats and ...
DB Systemtechnik awarded technical consultancy contract
DENMARK: DB's rolling stock engineering services business DB Systemtechnik has won a framework contract to provide Danish national passenger operator DSB with specialist technical support for the maintenance and repair of its fleet. The deal announced on November 7 runs for three years, with an option to extend for a ...
Europorte and Cerevia launch Bourgogne Fret Service
FRANCE: Bourgogne Fret Service has been launched to serve freight customers in the Bourgogne region. It is owned by Eurotunnel rail freight subsidiary Europorte (67%) and the Cérévia agricultural co-operative (33%). The partners have co-operated since 2010, when Cérévia awarded Europorte a contract to transport 390 000 tonnes of wheat ...
First Vectron handed over to Railpool
GERMANY: The first of six Vectron electric locomotives ordered by leasing company Railpool was formally handed over by Siemens Rail Systems Division CEO Dr Jochen Eickholt on November 7. The Railpool joint venture of HSH Nordbank and KfW IPEX-Bank was the first customer for the Vectron modular locomotive family, placing ...
Santiago poised to call metro E&M package bids
CHILE: Metro de Santiago expects to invite bids by mid-November for the first of nine contracts for the supply of electrical and mechanical systems to equip its new Lines 3 and 6, which are due to open in 2018 and 2016 respectively. The largest single expansion of the capital’s metro ...
Interoperability call on Brazil's new freight corridors
BRAZIL: Common standards should be adopted to ensure interoperability across the 10 000 km of new freight railway corridors to be developed by the federal government over the next 15 years, according to national railway industry association Abifer. Speaking on November 6 at the first Metroferroviário conference, being held alongside ...
Bratislava urban transport funding reallocated
SLOVAKIA: The government has allocated €420m to the construction of the first phase of a segregated light rail line from Bratislava Hlavná station to Šafárikovo Námestie and Janíkov Dvor, along with modernisation of the existing tram route to Dúbravka, the purchase of new trams and trolleybuses, and the acquisition of ...
Alstom to maintain Turkish high speed train fleet
TURKEY: State railway TCDD has awarded Alstom a €22·3m two-year contract to service and maintain its fleet of 12 six-car CAF high speed trains. The 250 km/h trainsets entered service from 2009, and are deployed on the 245 km Ankara - Eskisehir and 310 km Ankara - Konya routes. They ...
Beijing metro Line 14 PPP concession agreed
CHINA: Beijing municipality and Beijing MTR Corp Ltd initialled a PPP concession covering railway systems and the future operation of metro Line 14 on November 6. The agreement is still subject to approval by government authorities. Beijing MTR Corp Ltd is a joint venture of MTR Corp (49%), Beijing Capital ...
Jacques Damas
Jacques Damas takes up the role of SNCF Deputy Director-General, reporting to President Guillaume Pepy, following Jean-Pierre Farandou’s appointment as President of Keolis. Alain Krakovitch in turn becomes Director of Safety & Service Quality.
580 tonne bridge 'brings home the excitement of civil engineering'
UK: The first of two 580 tonne bridges that will carry the Manchester Metrolink light rail extension to Manchester Airport was moved into place over the weekend of November 3-4. The structure was designed to be installed during a single 24 h closure of the over the M60 motorway, but ...
Grudziadz tramway modernisation contract awarded
POLAND: A consortium of Przedsiebiorstwo Budowy Dróg i Mostów and Tor-Kar-Sson has won a contract to modernise the metre-gauge tram network in Grudziadz. The 54·8m zloty contract covers 7·6 km of track and overhead electrification renewals, doubling of single-track sections, replacement of power supply cables, drainage works and the ...
Genset locomotives to be manufactured in India
INDIA: The foundation stone for a locomotive factory on a 50 acre site at Sherpur in Sehore district was laid by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh state, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, on October 27. The factory is being developed at a cost of Rs2bn by Daulat Ram NREC Locomotives, a ...
Nizhny Novgorod metro extended over double-deck bridge
RUSSIA: An extension of the Nizhny Novgorod metro over a 1·3 km double-deck road and metro bridge opened to the public on November 5, after the regional governor and mayor attended inauguration ceremonies the previous day. The city's first metro line opened in November 1985, serving the main railway station ...
Central Asian strategic transport plan agreed
ASIA: Meeting at Wuhan in China at the end of October, ministers from the 10 Central Asia Regional Economic Co-operation Program countries agreed an action plan to implement transport infrastructure projects costing more than US$23bn, together with energy and trade initiatives aimed at improving connectivity. The majority of the medium-term ...
Railway supply industry news in brief
Consultancy Canarail has opened a subsidiary in Ulaanbaatar, where it is working with Energy Resources Rail on new lines to serve mining developments. Polish firm Nasycalnia Podkadów has opened a 1·5m złoty production hall equipped with a modern CNC driller which will enable it to produce wooden turnout bearers with ...
CCTV adapts frame rate to reduce storage needs
BRAZIL: Rio de Janerio metro operator MetrôRio chose IndigoVision and its local partner Setha Prosegur to supply an IP-based video security system incorporating an activity controlled frame rate feature. This reduces data storage requirements by regulating image capture rates according to motion observed. When there is no activity, video is ...