Latest news – Page 1100

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    Level crossing barrier machine approved


    UK: Invensys Rail has received Network Rail approval for its WESTeX S60 level crossing barrier machine, which uses a lightweight electro-mechanical design rather than traditional hydraulics. Various configurations are possible, with the machines being built and tested at the factory and delivered ready for rapid installation on screw pile or ...

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    European networking with Young Railway Professionals


    YRP: Having made its first foray into Europe at InnoTrans 2010, the Young Railway Professionals networking group is holding another reception at this year’s show. YRP was established in the UK in 2009 as a pan-industry network to foster career development among younger professionals and to enhance the attractiveness of ...

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    Testing underway on Bangkok suburban line


    THAILAND: Test running has commenced over the first section of the Red Line suburban railway in Bangkok, ahead of a planned launch of revenue services by the end of the year. The 15·3 km starter section links Taling Chan with Bang Sue on a new alignment that largely follows existing ...

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    Directive 91/440 does not require institutional separation


    EUROPE: The holding company model adopted for the incumbent national railways in Austria and Germany is permitted under European directives, according to a non-binding opinion delivered by European Court of Justice Advocate Generate Niilo Jääskinen on September 6. The European Commission is taking action against five member states for alleged ...

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    Bigger depot for longer trains


    NETHERLANDS: The first pile for the expansion of Amsterdam's Diemen metro depot was driven on September 3, watched by Bart Schmeink, General Director of city transport operator GVB, and Gert Jan Vos, Director of construction contractor Strukton. The depot is being enlarged to accommodate the Series M5 trainsets which Alstom ...

  • CNR Datong HXD21001 heavy haul 10 MW electric freight locomotive.

    CNR Datong unveils 10 MW locomotive designed to cross China


    CHINA: CNR Datong has unveiled a twin-unit electric locomotive developed to haul long-distance freight trains carrying natural resources from the north and west of China to industries in the east. Rolled out on August 27, HXD21001 has a maximum speed of 120 km/h. It is rated at 10 MW, an ...

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    Östgötatrafiken orders Alstom EMUs


    SWEDEN: Östergötland transport authority Östgötatrafiken has placed a firm order for Alstom's Salzgitter plant to supply eight more Coradia Nordic X61 regional electric multiple-units by early 2015. The four-car units are designed for winter temperatures of -35°C, with roof-mounted equipment to blast away snow and ice. The €50m ...

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    DB awards Ebensfeld - Leipzig high speed line ETCS Level 2 contract


    GERMANY: Deutsche Bahn has awarded Siemens and Kapsch CarrierCom a €93m contract to supply ETCS Level 2 signalling and GSM-R communications for the Ebensfeld - Erfurt - Leipzig high speed line which is now under construction. Part of a major post-reunification project to upgrade the München - Nürnberg - Berlin ...

  • Turan Express launches Almaty - Korgas passenger service.

    Turan Express launches Almaty - Korgas passenger service


    KAZAKHSTAN: Private sector operator Turan Express launched an overnight passenger train between Almaty and Altynkol on September 3, having run a trial on September 1. It uses the recently-completed 293 km Zhetigen - Korgas line, built by national railway KTZ to provide a second freight route to the Chinese border. ...

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    Mitre upgrade announced


    ARGENTINA: Interior & Transport Minister Florencio Randazzo announced a 633m pesos upgrade programme for the Mitre commuter network in Buenos Aires last month. Comprising 342m pesos for infrastructure work, 173·4m pesos for rolling stock and 118·9m pesos to improve workshop facilities, this follows a similar programme now underway on ...

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    CN sets out wagon acquisition plans


    CANADA: Canadian National Executive Vice-President & Chief Marketing Officer Jean-Jacques Ruest has announced details of the 2 207 new wagons that the railway plans to acquire during 2012. The largest order is for 600 high-payload 60 ft vans for forest products and metals traffic. These will have double doors to ...

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    Zefiro 250NG included in revised high speed train contract


    CHINA: After reviewing its operational strategy, the Ministry of Railways has issued a variation order to its 2009 contract under which the Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation joint venture was to supply 20 eight-car and 60 16-car high speed trainsets. The number of 380 km/h trainsets has now been reduced, ...

  • San Diego Trolley car breaks a banner.

    San Diego Trolley modernisation reaches half way


    USA: The half-way point in a $720m modernisation of the San Diego Trolley light rail network was marked by the introduction of a revised network on September 2. Green Line services have been extended along existing tracks through the city centre, passing the Convention Center and Petco Park ...

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    Trains ordered for Nanjing airport rail link


    CHINA: Nanjing Metro has awarded a 588m yuan contract for the supply of 15 six-car trainsets for the Nanjing-Gaochun Intercity Rail project. The 35·6 km airport rail link between Nanjing South station and the city's Lukou International Airport will have five stations on an 18·3 km underground section and three ...

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    Jernbaneverket awards signalling and electrification contracts


    NORWAY: Infrastructure manager Jernbaneverket has announced the award of two contracts for signalling and electrification renewal works. A framework contract with Thales covers the supply of non-ETCS signalling over the next 10 years, with maintenance for 25 years. Specific contracts worth NKr240m have been signed for the Sandnes - Stavanger ...

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    Thales to supply Ampang Line CBTC


    MALAYSIA: Contractor George Kent (Malaysia) has awarded Thales a contract to provide SelTrac communications-based train control for the Ampang metro line in Kuala Lumpur. The contract covers the 27 km existing route and 17·7 km extension which is under construction between Sri Petaling and Putra Heights. The signalling work ...

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    LTA announces Thomson Line alignment


    SINGAPORE: Land Transport Authority announced the alignment and station locations for the future Thomson Line on August 29. The 30 km underground metro line is scheduled to be built in three phases for completion in 2021. The route runs north to south from Woodlands to Marina Bay, linking a corridor ...

  • News

    Figueiredo to lead EPL


    Bernardo Figueiredo has been named Chief Executive of EPL, Brazil's new multi-modal transport planning and logistics agency established by Presidential decree on August 15. EPL absorbs Etav, the state-owned company formed earlier this year to promote the development of a high speed line linking Campinas, São Paulo and Rio de ...

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    Two tram lines to serve Avignon


    FRANCE: Avignon council has finalised its preferred alignment for a planned two-line tramway which could open in 2016. The 9·2 km Line A with 16 stops would run from Ile Piot via Gare Centrale to Le Pontet Gare, with a branch at the eastern end serving Realpanier. The 5·2 ...

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    Dijon tram network opens six months early


    FRANCE: The first line of a two-route tram network opened in Dijon on September 1 with a weekend of celebrations and inaugural rides, before full commercial services started on September 3. The 8·5 km starter line runs on an east-west alignment from the city’s main line railway station to the ...