Latest news – Page 1107
Piura railway feasibility study
PERU: A feasibility study for a new railway to carry freight and passenger traffic between Piura and Lambayeque is due to be completed by the end of this year, according to José Antonio Sebastián, Managing Director of the International business at Spanish metre-gauge operator FEVE. On July 19 at the ...
Europorte to operate Port of Bordeaux rail network
FRANCE: The Port of Bordeaux authority has awarded the Socorail business of Eurotunnel's Europorte subsidiary an eight-year contract to operate and maintain the 20 km of rail infrastructure at its Bassens and Le Verdon sites. Europorte has previously won similar contracts at the ports of Dunkerque, Nantes Saint-Nazaire, Le Havre, ...
Salzburger Lokalbahn goes low-floor
AUSTRIA: Salzburger Lokalbahn has unveiled the first of its ET40 two-car electric multiple-units to be rebuilt with the insertion of a low-floor centre car. The low-floor section is 350 mm above rail level, making the articulated vehicles more accessible to passengers with reduce mobility. There will be two wheelchair spaces, ...
PPP model to fund Kalimantan coal network
INDONESIA: A declaration to pursue construction of a number of new lines in Kalimantan under a public-private partnership model was signed at a joint meeting of ministers held on July 17. The declaration was signed by representatives of a number of private companies and public authorities, including ...
Cancún tram-train feasibility study commissioned
MEXICO: Spanish metre-gauge operator FEVE is to undertake feasibility studies for a new tram-train network serving Caribbean resorts between Cancún and Tulum. FEVE is to study a route linking Cancún with Cozumel, Solidaridad, Benito Juárez, Isla Mujeres and Tulum, serving an area containing some of the most important tourist destinations ...
Rail Industry Training & Recruitment in Brief
South African freight railway Transnet is to invest R7·7bn on training by 2019, including R4·7bn for bursaries. UK commuter operator First Capital Connect has launched an apprenticeship scheme targeting 18 to 23 year-olds living along its routes. The scheme offers up to five recruits training towards a series of non-vocational ...
Genesee & Wyoming agrees to buy RailAmerica
USA: Genesee & Wyoming Inc announced on July 23 that it had agreed to acquire RailAmerica and ‘combine the two largest short line and regional rail operators in North America’. The deal is still subject to approval by the Surface Transportation Board, which GWI hopes to receive between the ...
Cross-border line to reach Vientiane
LAOS: Within a budget of 495m baht, the cross-border railway between Nong Khai in Thailand and Tha Na Laeng in Laos is to be extended to the capital Vientiane, where a station and railway offices would be built. The 7·8 km extension should be completed ‘within two ...
Vital bridge protected
BANGLADESH: A Railweight in-motion weighing system has been installed to protect the Bangabandhu bridge over the River Jamuna in Bangladesh. Weight limits were imposed on freight trains crossing the 4·8 km road and rail bridge after cracks appeared, but manual inspection of the 17 trains/day proved time consuming ...
News in Brief - July 2012
EIB is lending €776m to Albali Señalización, the special-purpose vehicle formed to design, install and maintain signalling and telecommunications equipment on the Albacete – Alacant high speed line under a 20-year PPP contract. Albali is owned by investment funds CDC Infrastructure and Fond-ICOinfraestructuras, ADIF and suppliers Alstom, CAF, EMTE and ...
Lisboa airport metro extension opens
PORTUGAL: A 3·3 km extension of the Lisboa metro's Red Line from Oriente to the international airport opened on July 17. The extension adds new stations at Moscavide, Encarnação and Aeroporto. Predicted ridership is 400 000 passengers/year, with the route serving the Moscavide and Olivais residential areas as well ...
Carsten Reinhardt
Carsten Reinhardt has joined the Corporate Board of Management at Voith and has also been named President & CEO of Voith Turbo.
Siemens ships Bangkok metro cars
THAILAND: Siemens has begun shipping 35 additional metro cars ordered by Bangkok SkyTrain operator BTS to lengthen its existing trainsets from three to four cars to ease overcrowding. The first batch of four cars is scheduled to arrive at Laem Chabang Port from Germany on August 20. Following testing and ...
Nippon Sharyo opens US rolling stock plant
USA: Deputy Federal Railroad Administrator Karen Hedlund joined state Governor Pat Quinn at the opening of Nippon Sharyo USA's passenger rolling stock manufacturing plant in Rochelle, Illinois, on July 19. The $50m plant has been established by the US subsidiary of Japanese firm Nippon Sharyo to meet the Buy America ...
Three Shinkansen extensions approved
JAPAN: Three more extensions to the country's expanding high speed rail network have been authorised for construction by the government, under a programme which includes the first commercial application of gauge-changing trainsets which have been under development for the past decade. The biggest of the three schemes announced by Transport ...
Plovdiv – Svilengrad integrated control centre opens
BULGARIA: A centralised traffic control centre has been opened in Plovdiv, marking the latest stage in the long-running modernisation of the main line to Svilengrad, close to the Turkish border. At an inauguration ceremony on July 10, Transport Minister Ivaylo Moskovski said the dispatch facility was the ...
President Ahmadinejad opens diesel locomotive plant
IRAN: President Ahmadinejad officially inaugurated a locomotive assembly plant on July 17, saying the new facility operated by industrial group MAPNA would support national self-sufficiency and produce high-quality locomotives at lower prices than imported equipment. The factory has the capacity to produce up to 150 locomotives a year, in addition ...
China to Europe rail freight joint venture established
INTERNATIONAL: Transport Holding of Chongqing, China Railway Company for International Multimodal Transport, RZD Logistics, Schenker China and Kaztransservice have established the YuXinOu (Chongqing) Logistics joint venture to manage rail freight services between China and Europe. Operations will begin with container traffic between Chongqing and Duisburg. The joint venture expects to ...
Erich Forster
Erich Forster, Chief Commercial Officer of Westbahn, has succeeded the Austrian open access operator’s founder Dr Stefan Wehinger as CEO. Wehinger will sell his stake in the company and resign from the board.
Wabtec completes acquisition of Tec Tran
USA: Wabtec Corp has acquired Tec Tran Corp, a North Carolina based manufacturer of hydraulic braking systems for passenger rolling stock. Tec Tran supplies components including calipers, power units, electronic controls and brake discs for new and aftermarket applications. It has annual sales of around $10m, and Wabtec expects the ...