Latest news – Page 1167

  • Mumbai monorail on test

    Scomi wins Line 17 monorail project in São Paulo


    BRAZIL: Metro São Paulo awarded the Monotrilho Integracao consortium of Scomi, Andrade Gutierrez, CR Almeida and Montagens e Projetos Especiais a R$1·4bn turnkey contract to build the Line 17 monorail on June 2.The 18 km elevated Gold Line with 18 stations will link São Paulo-Morumbi on Line 4 with Jabaquara, ...

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    Solar tunnel turned on


    BELGIUM: A 50 000m2 installation of photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of a 3·4 km covered way where the Brussels - Amsterdam line passes through protected woodlands north of Antwerpen was inaugurated on June 6. The €14·5m installation has been undertaken by SPS Fin, a public-private partnership ...

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    Crossrail Tunnelling & Underground Construction Academy topped out


    UK: A topping out ceremony was held in Aldersbrook, east London, on May 16 to mark completion of the superstructure for the Crossrail Tunnelling & Underground Construction Academy. Intended to open in September, the £13·5m, 3600 m2 facility designed by architects Capita Symonds is primarily designed to train staff to ...

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    Revenue share port line opens


    INDIA: The first line built under the government's Railways Infrastructure for Industry Initiative to attract private finance for rail projects opened on May 8, when a train of Australian coal left the new Port of Dhamra for Tata Steel's Jamshedpur plant. The 62 km single track line serving the east ...

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    Toronto Rockets to enter service in June


    CANADA: The first of 420 new Rocket subway cars being built for Toronto Transit Commission by Bombardier will enter revenue service on the Yonge-University line in June, according to TTC. The first four cars have been undergoing testing for several months, and more are now being delivered from Bombardier’s ...

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    'Reliable and economical' Russian EMU to roll out next year


    RUSSIA: Following Alstom's acquisition of a 25% stake in Transmashholding, on June 6 the companies confirmed details of their ongoing project to develop a 'reliable and economical' electric multiple-unit for the Russian market. The ED10 modular EMU platform will offer a range of regional and suburban options combining modern ...

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    Siemens wins København S-bane signalling contract


    DENMARK: Infrastructure authority Banedenmark has selected Siemens to install its Trainguard MT communications-based train control on the København S-bane network. Due to be confirmed later this month, the CBTC deal is the first of four major contracts for resignalling the entire Danish rail network. The other three, a framework contract ...

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    Serbian Railways restructured


    SERBIA: The government formally converted Serbian Railways into a joint stock company 100% owned by the state on May 26. ZS is now a holding company for four subsidiaries which are responsible for infrastructure, property, passenger operations & rolling stock maintenance and freight operations & rolling stock maintenance. Interaction ...

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    Passenger rolling stock braking joint venture formed


    CHINA: The launch of Hunan CSR Wabtec Railway Transportation Technology Co to manufacture and service braking equipment for the Chinese passenger rolling stock market was announced by Wabtec and Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co on June 1. The companies have formed the joint venture after previously working together in what ...

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    A Travellers' Railway Map of Europe


    Book review.

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    News in Brief


    The EU's TEN-T programme is to meet 10% of the €29·6m cost of upgrading the Boden - Kalix line in northern Sweden and building 42 km of new line to the Finnish border by 2012. On April 29 Norfolk Southern began construction of the $105m Memphis Regional Intermodal Facility in ...

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    Urban rail news in brief - June 2011


    Under a programme to ‘improve’ public transport in Toshkent 26 km of tram track is being removed from the city centre and trams will be restricted to the inner ring road. Four new sections of track totalling 16 km are being built and 20 trams will be ...

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    São Paulo Line 4 growth


    BRAZIL: São Paulo metro opened Pinheiros station between Faria Lima and Butantã on the driverless Line 4 on May 16. It is expected to increase daily ridership from 50000 to 80000. Operating hours on the Paulista – Butantã section of the Yellow Line were extended on May 2. The ...

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    More women in transport


    USA: Federal Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood was among the guests at the Women’s Transportation Seminar annual awards in San Francisco on May 18 where a national educational initiative was launched to encourage young women to choose a career in transport. Known as Transportation YOU, the programme will encourage girls to ...

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    Franck Gervais


    Franck Gervais has been named CEO of European passenger operator Thalys International. He succeeds Olivier Poitrenaud, who has moved on to become Director General of Toulouse public transport operator Tisséo.

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    RATP reshuffle


    Paris transport operator RATP has announced a major reshuffle of senior management. Cyril Condé (photo), who is currently in charge of metro Line 14, becomes Director of the RER network, succeeding Michel Henry who has been named Operational Managing Director of the department of transport equipment and systems (EST). Secretary-General ...

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    Transport planners merge to form SKM Colin Buchanan


    INTERNATIONAL: A merger between UK-based transport planning, urban design and economics consultancy Colin Buchanan & Partners and Australian-headquartered international projects firm Sinclair Knight Merz was announced on June 2. The combined organisation will be 'a world leading transport planning consultancy with global reach and increased capacity and capability', branded as ...

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    Radek Smerda


    Radek Smerda has been named Czech Transport Minister following the resignation of his former superior, Vit Barta, who has been accused of corruption. The appointment is temporary while the allegations are being investgated.

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    Milagros Caiña-Andrée


    Milagros Caiña-Andrée has replaced Steffen Wurst as Personnel Director at DB Schenker.

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    Easing winter discontent


    SWEDEN: The government has announced plans to increase spending on preventive maintenance of rail infrastructure by SKr800m this year, following winter disruptions which had 'clearly shown the consequences of neglecting the maintenance of the railway network for far too long'. Last year the government set out plans to invest SKr500bn ...