Latest news – Page 1173

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    Magnetic separation


    SAFETY: The use of temporary fences to protect worksites is becoming more common, as railways come under pressure to keep busy lines open during maintenance and upgrading work. Such fences are typically secured to spikes driven into the ground or clipped to adjacent tracks. The RSS magnetic safety fence is ...

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    Products & Technology in Brief


    The German Federal Ministry for Economics & Technology has approved funding for a 42-month research project into the use of composite materials to reduce noise caused by wagon brakes. TMD Friction and four other suppliers are to investigate the cost-effectiveness of retrofitting existing wagons with composite blocks, which can reduce ...

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    FTA signs agreement to fund Central Corridor


    USA: Representatives of the Federal Transit Administration and the Metropolitan Council signed a full funding grant agreement worth $478m in St Paul on April 26. The federal government is now committed to provide half of the $957m needed to build the 18 km Central Corridor light rail project linking Minneapolis ...

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    Industry News in Brief


    Rolling stock manufacturer CAF has announced a profit of €129·6m for the 2010 calendar year, up 4·3% on 2009. Net turnover was up 25% at €1576m, while EBITDA was up 19% at €194m. As of December 31 the company had an order backlog of €4519m, more than 55% of ...

  • Chennai Central station.

    Chennai metro trackwork ordered


    INDIA: Chennai Metro Rail Ltd has signed a €73m contract with the consortium of Alstom and Larsen & Toubro to supply trackwork for the 45 km two-line double-track metro network now under construction in the city.The scope of the contract includes design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 105 km ...

  • Alstom Metropolis trains were supplied to work metro Line 1 in Santo Domingo.

    Lima metro operator chooses Alstom Metropolis trains


    PERU: Alstom has been awarded a €130m contract to supply 19 five-car Metropolis trainsets to operating concessionaire Tren Lima – Línea 1 for the Tren Eléctrico metro project in Lima. Proinversión, an agency promoting private investment in Peru, awarded a 30-year concession for the operation and maintenance of Line ...

  • Picture of Peculiar Knob, South Australia (Photo: WPG Resources).

    Peculiar Knob contract signed


    AUSTRALIA: Genesee & Wyoming Australia has ordered nine 4 400 hp locomotives and plans to order rolling stock and other facilities taking its total investment to A$67m after signing a contract to haul iron ore from the Peculiar Knob mine which is being developed by WPG Resources in central South ...

  • News

    Price to join ORR


    Former UK Home Office Chief Economist Richard Price, currently Chief Economist & Director of Performance at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, is to join the Office of Rail Regulation as Chief Executive. He will succeed Bill Emery, who steps down in June.The ORR has also announced the ...

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    Extremadura high speed PPP tendering launched


    SPAIN: The Ministry of Development announced on April 26 the start of tendering for two PPP contracts to complete the 450 km high speed line between Madrid and Badajoz in Extremadura. The winning bidders would part-finance work with a combined estimated cost of €3·83bn, including maintenance over a period ...

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    GWI launches Antwerpen port shunting service


    BELGIUM: Rotterdam Rail Feeding has launched Antwerp Rail Feeding to provide shunting and short-haul services at the Port of Antwerpen, its US-based parent company Genesee & Wyoming Inc announced on April 27. ARF has taken delivery of a Belgian-certified Vossloh G2000 DBNL, and plans to acquire further locomotives. RRF provides ...

  • Trenitalia has now ordered 688 Bombardier Transportation E464 locomotives.

    Loco order takes Trenitalia E464 fleet to 688


    ITALY: Trenitalia has placed a €128m firm order for a further 50 Class E464 electric locomotives, Bombardier Transportation announced on April 27. To be delivered in 2012-13 as an option on a 2009 contract for 100 locomotives, they take Trenitalia's total E464 order to 688 locomotives, of which 570 are ...

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    Angel Trains completes debt refinancing


    UK: Rolling stock leasing company Angel Trains Group announced the completion of a long-term debt refinancing programme through its subsidiary The Great Rolling Stock Company Ltd on April 26, saying this will 'de-risk' the business and provide 'a stable financial platform for the company to develop further'. The £450m five-year ...

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    Météor to serve Saint-Ouen from 2017


    FRANCE: Speaking at a round-table forum with local authority and transport representatives from Paris and Ile-de-France on April 26, RATP President Pierre Mongin confirmed that the capital’s fully-automated metro Line 14 would be extended from Saint-Lazare to the northwestern suburb of Saint-Ouen by 2017. Mongin said a new transport master ...

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    Knorr-Bremse opens HVAC facility


    UK: Knorr-Bremse has renamed Sigma Coachair's UK business as Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems (Burton) Ltd and moved its UK rail heating, ventilation and air-conditioning activities to new premises in Burton upon Trent during April. The changes follow the acquisition of Australian HVAC supplier Sigma Coachair Group by Knorr-Bremse Asia Pacific (Holding) ...

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    FirstGroup to pull out of troubled DSBFirst joint venture


    DENMARK: FirstGroup has confirmed that it is to sell its 30% stake in the DSBFirst joint venture which has contracts to operate passenger trains in Denmark and southern Sweden. State-owned passenger operator DSB announced the resignation of the FirstGroup members on the boards of DSBFirst Danmark A/S and DSBFirst Aps ...

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    Zaragoza tram Line 1 enters service


    SPAIN: The first phase of Zaragoza tram Line 1 entered service at 04.52 on April 19, following successful completion of trials which started in November last year.The initial 6·4 km section of the north-south route links Plaza Paraíso on Gran Vía with Valdespartera and has 13 stops. Work on ...

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    Record order backlog at Bombardier


    BOMBARDIER: Revenues of US$17·7bn for the year to January 31 were announced by Bombardier Inc on March 31, down from US$19·4bn the previous year. EBIT was static at US$1·1bn, but margin grew from 5·7% to 5·9% of revenue. The Transportation business 'delivered a strong performance', said Bombardier Inc President & ...

  • Dr Esamil Tekyehsadat, ECO Director of Transport & Communi­cations, tells Railway Gazette International about ECO's rail strategy.

    Connecting China and Europe


    CENTRAL ASIA: The Economic Co-operation Organisation is keen to develop east-west links with central Asia, Director of Transport & Communi­cations Dr Esamil Tekyehsadat has told Railway Gazette International, with a particular focus on providing a standard gauge route from China to the Gulf ports and to Turkey, and thus Europe. ...

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    Mashhad metro starts running


    IRAN: More than a decade after work began on the first light metro line in Mashhad, the country’s second city finally began running revenue services with the start of a limited pre-opening trial on March 12. A formal opening by President Ahmedinajad is expected to take place later this year, ...

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    Remote blocking


    POSSESSION MARKER: The FIXED 3000 RC sleeper developed by Dual Inventive for infrastructure maintenance contractor Strukton Rail incorporates a remote-controlled ZKL 3000 Track Circuit Actuator, which can be used to block a section of track during possessions. With the hollow sleepers installed at regular intervals along the route to delineate ...