Latest news – Page 1176

  • News

    Ori Yogev


    Ori Yogev was named as the next Chairman of Israel Railways on March 7. Formerly Head of the Budget department at the Ministry of Finance, he was already a member of the ISR board of directors. Subject to approval by the other directors, he will succeed Yaakov Efrati, who left ...

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    Crossrail restructures as final tunnelling contracts are awarded


    UK: Preferred bidders for the two final tunnelling contracts on London’s Crossrail project were announced by project promoter Crossrail Ltd on April 7. Covering construction of the Thames Tunnel between North Woolwich and Plumstead and refurbishment of the Connaught Tunnel under the former Royal Docks, the two contracts are valued ...

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    PRASA to order 6 000 vehicles under fleet renewal plan


    SOUTH AFRICA: Details of a R97bn large-scale rolling stock renewal plan were set out when Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa held an industry day on April 5 to gauge interest from potential suppliers and financiers. There is an 'urgent' need for new trains to replace life-expired vehicles based on ...

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    Chengdu Metro orders more cars


    CHINA: CSR has signed a 520m yuan contract to supply Chengdu Metro with a third batch of trains, taking its total orders for the city’s metro network to 354 cars. The vehicles are required for the 19·5 km second phase of Line 2.Line 1, which entered trial operation on September ...

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    ADB supports Bangalore metro


    INDIA: The Asian Development Bank has approved a loan of up to US$250m over 18 years for the US$2·7bn metro project currently under construction in Bangalore. Bangalore Metro Rail Corp is building a 42·3 km standard-gauge network in the capital of Karnataka, comprising an 18·1 km east-west line with 17 ...

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    Northeast Corridor tops bidding for US high speed funding


    USA: There has been overwhelming demand for a share of the $2·4bn of federal high speed rail funding rejected by the Governor of Florida, according to US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. He said on April 6 that 90 applications totalling more than $10bn had been received from 24 states, ...

  • Generic US freight train.

    PTC scaled back to save $500m


    USA: The Federal Railroad Administration has agreed to put forward revised requirements for the roll-out of Positive Train Control, after the Association of American Railroads launched a legal challenge to the original scope (RG 3.11 p31). The Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 requires more than 40 railway operators to ...

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    Tramlink Nottingham named preferred bidder for NET Phase 2


    UK: Nottingham City Council announced on March 29 that the Tramlink Nottingham consortium had been chosen as preferred bidder for the Nottingham Express Transit Phase Two concession, which covers construction of two extensions to the light rail network and operation of the network including the existing Line 1. The government ...

  • China.

    Work starts on passenger lines


    CHINA: Work is underway on the first Passenger-Dedicated Line in Inner Mongolia, a 286 km route linking provincial capital Hohhot with the eastern city of Zhangjiakou. A ceremony on February 28 marked the start of construction on the line, which is designed for 250 km/h running and will have ...

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    Toronto unveils revised transit plan


    CANADA: Top officials of the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario announced a new C$12·4bn transit plan on March 31. This envisages a fully-underground 25 km Eglinton Avenue light rail line and two extensions of the Sheppard subway totalling 13 km. The province will contribute C$8·4bn towards the ...

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    Portland light rail extension starts final design


    USA: The Federal Transit Administration has approved the start of final design for the $1·5bn MAX light rail extension to the Portland suburb of Milwaukie. The 11·7 km project, dubbed the Orange Line, is already at the 30% design stage. TriMet had previously received FTA permission to start building the ...

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    Bursa light rail receives international funding


    TURKEY: The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development has approved a 15-year loan worth €50m towards construction of the second phase of the light rail network in Bursa. The loan is part of a financing package which also includes €100m from the European Investment Bank. The BursaRay light rail network ...

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    Gauge-enhancement work completed


    UK: The completion of a £71m programme to allow 9 ft 6 in containers to be carried on conventional flat wagons from the UK's second-largest container port was marked with a ceremony at Southampton Central station on April 4. The enhancement of the loading gauge on the key artery between ...

  • News

    John Fullerton


    John Fullerton took over as Chief Executive of Australian Rail Track Corp at the end of February, succeeding David Marchant. He was previously Chief Executive for Asia Pacific Transport and Freightlink, and before that Divisional General Manager of Operation Services at Pacific National.

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    Rhein-Neckar Verkehr orders more supercapacitor trams


    GERMANY: Rhein-Neckar regional transport operator RNV has ordered a further 11 low-floor Variobahn trams for €33m, Bombardier Transportation announced on April 4. They will be fitted with Bombardier's Mitrac Energy Saver technology, which uses roof-mounted double-layer supercapacitors to store electricity regenerated during braking for reuse when accelerating. Trials in ...

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    Fyra shuttles run through to Breda


    NETHERLANDS: NS Hispeed finally began running Fyra services between Amsterdam and Breda on April 4, when the interim locomotive-hauled shuttle was extended from Rotterdam to Breda. Operating at half-hourly intervals, the trains take 67 min from Amsterdam Centraal to Breda, including intermediate stops at Schiphol Airport and Rotterdam Centraal. The ...

  • News

    Akhtar returns to Pakistan Railways


    Pakistan: Saeed Akhtar has returned to Pakistan Railways as General Manager, Operations, replacing Ashfaq Khattak who has been moved to General Manager, Development. Akhtar had been GM Operations before being appointed Federal Government Inspector of Railways. The former General Manager, Development, Shahid Ahmad has been named Managing Director of Pakistan ...

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    Alaska Railroad tenders Port MacKenzie extension works


    USA: Tenders are to be invited this month for construction work on the first section of Alaska Railroad’s 51 km Port MacKenzie Extension, following the publication of the final Environmental Impact Statement by the Surface Transportation Board’s Office of Environmental Analysis on March 25. The line is intended to connect ...

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    Alstom and CNR exhibiting at SIFER


    FRANCE: Held every two years, the Sifer trade exhibition returns to its accustomed venue at Lille's Grand Palais on April 5-7 with more than 200 exhibitors from 13 countries already finalised. Two headline names stand out. Alstom will be exhibiting for the first time as part of the Northern France ...

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    Speedier data collection


    GERMANY: Trimble has added to its rail data product range with the acquisition of the GEDO CE Trolley from German firm Vermessungsbedarf. The trolley is designed to speed the collection of track alignment and loading gauge data for maintenance purposes; it is particularly suited to measuring older infrastructure. The vehicle ...