Latest news – Page 1200

  • Diagram of breakthrough point (AlpTransit Gotthard).

    Breakthough on world's longest railway tunnel


    SWITZERLAND: Tunnel boring machine 'Sissi' broke through the final 1·8 m of rock for the first main bore of the 57 km Gotthard base tunnel at around 14.15 on October 15. The breakthrough point in the east tunnel was 30 km from the north portal and 27 km from ...

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    Warszawa metro selects Siemens Inspiro


    POLAND: Metro Warszawskie has selected Siemens and Newag as preferred bidder for a contract to supply 35 six-car trainsets at a cost of 1·35bn złoty. Of these, 20 sets will be allocated to Line 2, construction of which has just begun, while the other 15 will supplement the Line 1 ...

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    Microwaving a wagon


    RUSSIA: Freight One has installed a microwave device to heat viscous oil residues in tank wagons at the Kombinatskaya Washing & Steaming Station on the Western Siberian Railway. It has passed the necessary tests and is expected to reduce energy consumption when preparing petroleum product tank wagons for filling. The ...

  • News

    First new Stansted Express train rolls out


    UK: The first of 30 four-car Class 379 electric multiple-units ordered for National Express East Anglia services from London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport and Cambridge was unveiled at Bombardier Transportation's Derby plant on October 14. Although part of the Electrostar family, the Class 379 incorporates a number of technical ...

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    Redesigning Hong Kong's iconic trams


    CHINA: Hong Kong Tramways operator Veolia Transport is planning to refurbish the fleet of 163 traditional double-deck trams. The HK$75m project, which will start in 2011 and is expected to take seven years, is part of a HK$200m investment programme to improve services over the next five years. Whilst the ...

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    Vossloh expands in China and Russia


    CHINA: Vossloh, Huaxing and China Railway Material Group have signed agreements setting up a joint venture to produce turnouts from the end of 2011. The production plant is to be established on an existing Huaxing site at Wuhu near Nanjing. It will have up to 500 employees and an annual ...

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    Madrid - Valencia high speed line opening dates confirmed


    SPAIN: High speed services are due to start running from Madrid to Cuenca and Albacete on December 15, and to Requena-Utiel and Valencia on December 18, Development Minister José Blanco has announced. On October 13 Blanco joined ADIF President Antonio González, RENFE President Teófilo Serrano and local politicians onboard ...

  • Generic photo of railway wheels.

    Wheel production in Durgapur


    INDIA: Ukrainian steel producer Interpipe has licensed its railway wheel manufacturing technology to Durgapur Steel Plant, allowing it to supply 955 mm diameter monobloc wheels under the KLW brand. Interpipe has supplied a range of equipment and support services to allow DSP to attain the production standards required by Indian ...

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    A DMU in Provence


    FRANCE: CFD has delivered a further two AM800 DMUs for the Chemins de Fer de la Provence route between Nice and Digne, operated by Veolia. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region has ordered a total of four AM800s for the 1000 mm gauge line at a cost of €159m, similar to ...

  • Photograph of Deutsche Bahn ICE3 train on test in the Channel Tunnel on October 13.

    DB prepares for Channel Tunnel tests


    EUROPE: As part of its bid to introduce ICE services between Germany and London by the end of 2013, Deutsche Bahn is preparing to undertake evacuation trials in the Channel Tunnel over the next few days. A pair of Class 406 ICE3 sets was dispatched from the Griesheim workshops ...

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    Potash prospects


    CANADA: National Steel Car is building 1000 wagons at its plant in Hamilton, Ontario, for Potash Corp, which is undertaking a C$7bn expansion plan with the aim of doubling its output from 2005 levels by 2015. The plan includes new mines and loading facilities in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick which ...

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    ISR orders more double-deckers


    ISRAEL: General Manager Yitzhak Harel confirmed on October 11 that the Israel Railways’ tender committee had awarded a US$195m contract to Bombardier Transportation for a further 78 push-pull double-deck coaches. Having supplied ISR’s first generation of double-deck vehicles for the expanding suburban routes around Tel Aviv, Bombardier was selected ahead ...

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    Bangkok SkyTrain orders metro cars


    THAILAND: Bangkok Skytrain operator BTS has signed a 2bn baht contract with Siemens for 35 cars to extend the existing fleet of 35 three-car trains to four cars. The vehicles will be delivered over the next 30 months.BTS plans to transfer the three-car Siemens trains to the Sukhumvit route once ...

  • Stadler double-deck train for Swiss Federal Railways.

    Luxembourg orders Stadler double-deck trains


    LUXEMBOURG: State railway CFL announced an €60m order for eight Stadler Rail double-deck electric multiple-units on October 7. CFL said they will be similar to the double-deck units ordered by Swiss operators SBB and BLS, which Stadler Rail launched under the brand name KISS during InnoTrans. The ...

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    Products & Technology in Brief


    Thales UK has launched an application for the Android smartphone operating system providing access to the online journey planner and live departure board services offered by National Rail Enquiries. The Rail Planner Live app includes a 'Get me Home' function to select the most direct route available, and a Nearest ...

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    Pointers October 2010


    Last month the national railways of Russia and Ukraine established a joint working group to investigate high speed passenger services on three routes from Moscow to Kyiv, Adler and Feodosiya. Moscow - Kyiv is the priority, but RZD says 'it is still too early to estimate the time and cost ...

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    Trans-Hudson rail tunnel project scrapped


    USA: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie halted the 'Access to the Region's Core' project to increase commuter rail capacity across the Hudson River on October 7, saying the cost of the $8·7bn project centred on a 5·5 km twin-bore tunnel could increase to more than $11bn, and possibly as much ...

  • AutoFlex multi-level wagon.

    Triple-deck automotive wagon on test


    USA: Union Pacific's recently unveiled AutoFlex multi-level wagon has an internal rack structure that can be adjusted to carry road vehicles on two or three levels depending on size and customer requirements. An improved design of end door provides convenient access and enhanced loading safety, and the tie-down chocks have ...

  • Siemens Velaro e320 high speed train for Eurostar.

    320 km/h train order as Eurostar sets sights on expansion


    EUROPE: Cross-Channel high speed train operator Eurostar announced details on October 7 of a £700m investment programme to expand the business and 'compete in an open access market' across Europe. The first major development since the former joint venture operator became an incorporated stand-alone company on September 1 includes an ...

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    Class 599 to Cartagena


    SPAIN: National operator RENFE introduced the Class 599 DMU to the Cartagena - Murcia - Valencia route on September 28. Two services are operated each way daily with the new rolling stock, which with a maximum speed of 160 km/h has cut journey times by up to 28 min. Offering ...