Latest news – Page 1212

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    In touch onboard


    SAUDI ARABIA: Moxa is to provide ethernet switches for the data, information and CCTV networks onboard the 22 two-car trainsets AnsaldoBreda is to supply for the driverless metro being built at Princess Noura Bint Abdulrahman women's university in Riyadh. Moxa has also supplied the Helsinki metro with ethernet switches for ...

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    Fourth order for CRH1 high speed trains


    CHINA: The Ministry of Railways has ordered an additional 40 CRH1 Zefiro high speed trains from the Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation joint venture at a cost of 5·2bn yuan, Bombardier announced on July 16. The eight-car trains will have a top speed of 250 km/h and capacity for 604 passengers, ...

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    KiwiRail announces Auckland electric train shortlist


    NEW ZEALAND: KiwiRail has shortlisted Hitachi, Hyundai Rotem, Bombardier Transportation and a consortium of CAF and Mitsubishi for the contract to supply up to 38 three-car electric multiple-units to operate Auckland suburban services. KiwiRail is working with Auckland Regional Transport Authority to procure the 1 067 mm gauge trains as ...

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    RFF agrees terms for Tours – Bordeaux PPP concession


    FRANCE: Infrastructure manager Réseau Ferré de France confirmed on July 15 that it had completed negotiations with the Vinci-led LISEA consortium over the PPP concession to build LGV Sud Europe Atlantique between Tours and Bordeaux, which it describes as ‘the largest railway project in Europe’, with a total cost of ...

  • DB Regio.

    DB Regio awarded Warnow-Netz operating contract


    GERMANY: The Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has awarded incumbent DB Regio a new 13-year contract to operate Warnow-Netz regional services. Announced on June 30, the contract will be implemented in two phases and will eventually cover the operation of 4 million train-km a year. The first phase comes into effect in ...

  • ISR train.

    Work underway on Ashkelon - Be’er-Sheva line


    ISRAEL: Infrastructure works for the 60 km Ashkelon - Be’er-Sheva line were formally launched by Israel Railways on July 4. The US$500m project has been designated as of national importance and is scheduled for completion in early 2015. Initial work has already been undertaken on the Ashkelon ...

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    Indian wagon builder enters European market


    FRANCE: Indian rolling stock and earth moving equipment manufacturer Titagarh Wagons Ltd has made its first overseas acquisition, purchasing the assets of French rolling stock supplier IGF Industries-Arbel Fauvet Rail which went into receivership in February last year. TWL said AFR has the capacity to produce up to 5 000 ...

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    Certification and materials specialist bought


    USA: Testing and certification company TÜVRheinland announced its acquisition of the Rail Sciences Inc consultancy on July 7. Founded in 1987, Atlanta-based RSI provides specialist track/train dynamics studies and simulations, derailment investigations, track inspections, grinding programmes, operational analysis and risk assessment. It has a materials and metallurgical laboratory in ...

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    Siemens joint ventures to supply Desiros and modernise yards


    RUSSIA: Siemens is to form joint ventures to supply 240 electric multiple -units and modernise 22 marshalling yards under memoranda of understanding signed when German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for talks in Yekaterinburg on July 15. The agreements were signed by Siemens President & CEO Peter ...

  • Betuwe Route.

    Locomotive workshop opens


    NETHERLANDS: NedTrain Chief Executive Michiel van Roozendaal opened the company's newly-built freight locomotive maintenance, servicing and refurbishment workshop at Rotterdam Waalhaven on June 24. The company said the new facilities would enable it to provide faster turn-round times and a higher quality of service than was possible at its ...

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    DB Schenker moving to Frankfurt


    GERMANY: Deutsche Bahn is to concentrate the management of its freight and logistics division DB Schenker at a new site near Frankfurt Airport over the next one to two years, it announced on July 14. Teams currently based in Berlin, Mainz and Essen will move to the Frankfurt site, which ...

  • East Japan Railway Series E6 mini-Shinkansen high speed trainset.

    Series E6 mini-Shinkansen trainset unveiled


    JAPAN: The: prototype Series E6 mini-Shinkansen trainset for East Japan Railway's Akita route was unveiled to the public at Sendai depot on July 9. Once trials are completed the train is expected to enter commercial service from 2013. The Series E6 has five motor and two trailer cars, providing 315 ...

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    Products & Technology in Brief


    Erico has developed a Positive Train Control grounding kit, containing rods, clamps, welding material, moulds, and cable for protecting PTC signalling towers from lightning strikes. The first screens showing 20 min blocks of news, 'what's on', and advertising material went live on 18 København S-Tog trains on ...

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    Kolkata metro station design contract awarded


    INDIA: Kolkata Metro Rail Corp has appointed Mott MacDonald as detailed design consultant for the six stations to be built on the 5·7 km elevated section of the East-West metro corridor between Salt Lake Stadium and Salt Lake Sector V. The capital value of the project, which includes 'landmark' ...

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    Barcelona metro network exceeds 100 km


    SPAIN: Following the opening of a 0·6 km section of Line 2 from Pep Ventura to Badalona Pompeu Fabra on July 11, the Barcelona metro network now exceeds 100 km in length. The new station opened to the public at 15.00 after the official inauguration ceremony.The network is now 100·2 ...

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    HaCon buys planning and scheduling specialist


    GERMANY: Hannover-based HaCon has acquired Ingenieurbüro für Bahnbetriebssysteme GmbH, a specialist firm providing software and consulting in rail operations planning and simulation, vehicle and crew scheduling and performance analysis. Both companies were founded by researchers from the University of Hannover's Institute of Transport, Railway Construction & Operation. HaCon now has ...

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    Le Havre selects Citadis trams


    FRANCE: On July 12 Alstom announced an €45m order to supply Le Havre local authority CODAH with 20 Citadis cars for the city’s future tram network. Continuing the tradition of French cities specifying locally-themed styling, the Le Havre cars will feature 'flowing lines and architectural references' to integrate with the ...

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    ADIF awards Valencia contracts


    SPAIN: The latest package of contracts to be let by ADIF for the high speed line connecting Madrid with Valencia, Alacant and Murcia includes installation of electrification equipment on the 167 km between Albacete and Alacant, awarded to a joint venture of Balfour Beatty Rail Ibérica, Cobra and SEMI for ...

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    Industry News in Brief


    Czech passenger operator CD has selected wagon maintenance company OOS Ostrava as preferred bidder for its 51% stake in track maintenance company Tratová a Strojní Spolecnost. OOS Ostrava has offered KC600m, beating OHL ZS which has held the remaining 49% stake since March 2006. Heitkamp Rail has been renamed Eiffage ...

  • Freight train.

    News in Brief


    The Union Pacific board has approved a $100m increase in 2010 capital spending to $2·6bn, with the additional money being spent on equipment for intermodal traffic, which grew 8% last year despite the recession. On May 24 UIC and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe signed a memorandum covering ...