Latest news – Page 1228
Suburban growth in Spain
SPAIN: As it assumes greater responsibility for the management of suburban services in Barcelona, the Catalunya regional government has signed an agreement with ADIF and the Ministry of Development guaranteeing train paths over the next five years. Targets for network availability, reliability and incident management will be set in a ...
World infrastructure market March 2010
Austria: ÖBB has awarded the Alptransit Energie consortium of Rhomberg Bahntechnik and DB Bahnbau a €39m contract to supply electrical equipment for the quadrupling of the 41 km Kufstein - Innsbruck section of the Brenner corridor. Algeria: Dessau has a US$38·8m contract to undertake final design for reconstruction of ...
Contracts March 2010
Australia: Interfleet Technology is to provide operations advice for the development of the 13 km Gold Coast Rapid Transit line. Morocco: Telvent is to supply its SmartMobility technology to give the future light rail system in Rabat priority over road traffic. Russia: RZD’s TransWoodService will sell its ...
Train energy consumption standards published
INTERNATIONAL: A Technical Recommendation to enable benchmarking of locomotive and rolling stock energy consumption has been published by UIC and UNIFE. The total net energy consumed at the pantograph or from the fuel tank is calculated over a predefined service profile based on the operation of the train or a ...
London - Birmingham starts high speed railway to the north
UK: Transport Secretary Lord Adonis published the government's high speed rail strategy on March 11, setting out details of a planned 400 km/h high speed railway between London and Birmingham which could open by 2026 as the first part of a Y-shaped network serving Leeds and Manchester. The route developed ...
Locomotive delivered for north Norway reopening
NORWAY: Vossloh Locomotives has delivered a G1000BB diesel-hydraulic to Sydvaranger Gruve, which is restarting iron ore production at a mothballed mine at Kirkenes in the far north of Norway. The locomotive will make up to 20 trips a day along an 8 km isolated standard gauge railway which links the ...
Rail growth in road slump
KNORR-BREMSE: The braking equipment maker recorded sales of €2·76bn at its Rail Vehicle Systems business during 2009, and although this was down from €3·38bn the previous year, Rail was not hit as badly as the Commercial Vehicle business. The company said it benefited from a 'strong strategic position' in a ...
Israel Railways orders second batch of Siemens coaches
ISRAEL: On March 9 Siemens Mobility signed a €47m contract to supply Israel Railways with a further 31 Viaggio Light coaches, as a follow-on to the initial 2006 order for 87 cars which included options for a further 585. The latest cars will delivered from Wien in ...
First contracts awarded for Shatin - Central Link
CHINA: Hong Kong’s MTR Corp has awarded two contracts to Halcrow and Aecom for design work on phase one of its 17 km Shatin - Central Link project. The first phase of SCL involves an 11 km extension of the Ma On Shan Line from Tai Wai station via Diamond ...
Hamburg unveils first DT5 trainset
GERMANY: Hamburger Hochbahn unveiled its first DT5 metro train in Salzgitter on March 4. It will now undergo 12 months of testing and commissioning before making its first appearance in Hamburg in March 2011. Hamburg’s public transport operator ordered 67 trains costing €240m from a consortium of Alstom and Bombardier ...
Work in progress on Lima metro
PERU: Construction of a 12·3 km extension of Lima metro Line 1 started in the Santiago de Surco district on March 2. The event was marked by a ceremony attended by the mayors of Villa María del Triunfo, Suco, La Victoria and Surquillo. The Tren Eléctrico Lima consortium, comprising ...
Talgos on test for Moscow - Europe services
RUSSIA: By the end of April the Shcherbinka research centre near Moscow will complete tests which aim to assess whether Talgo automatic gauge-changing technology could be used under Russian conditions. Coaches supplied by the Spanish firm will also undergo running trials on the Moscow - St Petersburg and Moscow - ...
China South exports are up
CHINA: Rolling stock manufacturer CSR has announced export sales of more than US$1·2bn for 2009, up 60% on the previous year and vastly more than the US$59m recorded in 2001. During the past year contracts were signed with customers in countries including Australia, Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, ...
Capital Metro finally achieves FRA approval
USA: Capital Metro’s nine-station commuter Red Line will begin revenue service between downtown Austin and Leander on March 22. Federal Railroad Administration inspectors gave their approval for commercial operation on March 5, following final testing on the 52 km route during February and early March.The line was within days of ...
Ashton and Didsbury Metrolink extensions funded
UK: Transport Minister Sadiq Khan announced the government's final approval of £121m of funding for two Phase 3b extensions to the Manchester Metrolink light rail network on March 8. Local sources will provide the remaining £49m of the antitipated £170m cost. According to Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, the work ...
High speed tunnels broken through
GERMANY: Federal Transport Minister Peter Ramsauer, DB Chief Executive Rüdiger Grube and Sachsen-Anhalt Transport Minster Karl-Heinz Daehre watched the breakthrough of the 6 466 m western bore of the Bibra tunnel on March 3. The 6 970 m Finne tunnel was also holed through on the same day. Three twin-bore ...
Industry News in Brief
This month Electro-Motive Diesel will complete a new facility for the rebuilding of traction motors and other electrical equipment at San Luís Potosí in Mexico. 'EMD continues to invest extensively in providing after-sales service', according to CEO John S Hamilton. 'We have previously established turbocharger and engine remanufacturing capabilities, and ...
Plastic railway bridges
USA: Two short bridges on a freight line near the Fort Eustis Army Transportation Corps base in Virginia, USA, are to be replaced by structures consisting almost entirely of recycled plastic. The plastic materials should allow the weight limit of the structures to be increased to 118 tonnes, giving greater ...
Roma Line C cars start tests at Velim
ITALY: The first driverless trainset for Roma Metro Line C has arrived at the Velim test track in the Czech Republic for commissioning trials ahead of the opening of the first section of the line next year. AnsaldoBreda is supplying 30 six-car trainsets to the Metro C consortium which ...
DSB buys into German passenger market
GERMANY: Danish national railway DSB has acquired 50% stake in Frankfurt-based regional train operator VIAS GmbH, giving it a foothold in the German market which it will use to bid for future operating contracts. Subject to regulatory approval the deal will be completed by May. 'VIAS is a well run ...