Latest news – Page 1240

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    Pöyry creates Urban & Mobility business group


    PÖYRY: Engineering and consulting firm Pöyry announced a restructuring on December 2, to focus on higher value activites including project management and management consulting. As part of this, from January 1 the Transportation and Construction Services business groups will be merged into an Urban & Mobility business group. This ...

  • Göteborg M32 tram (Photo: Göteborgs Spårvägar/Niklas Maupoix).

    Göteborg exercises tram option


    SWEDEN: The city of Göteborg has ordered a further 25 AnsaldoBreda Sirio trams at a cost of €61m. Designated Type M32 by operator Göteborgs Spårvägar, they have been ordered under the terms of a 2001 contract for 40 trams which included options for up to 80 more vehicles. The ...

  • Krösatågen Itino DMU at Nässjö.

    DSB wins Krösatågen operating contract


    SWEDEN: Jönköpings Länstrafik has selected Danish state railway subsidiary DSB Småland to run Krösatågen services on five routes around Jönköping and Nässjö from December 12 2010. The 10-year contract is worth SKr800m and covers the operation of 2·1 million train-km a year using 14 local authority-owned Bombardier Itino and Y1 ...

  • Nottingham trams.

    Nottingham tram Phase Two bidders confirmed


    UK: The Arrow Connect and Tramlink Nottingham consortia have been invited to submit tenders for the NET Phase Two tram expansion project, Nottingham City Council announced on December 2. The 23 year NET Phase Two contract covers construction of the 7·5 km Line 2 to Clifton and the 10 ...

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    Next-generation Thales interlocking commissioned


    FRANCE: Infrastructure manager RFF brought the first Thales PIPC G2 computer-based interlocking into service on December 1. Installed at Longueau on the outskirts of Amiens, it sets 178 routes, controlling 65 sets of points and 75 signals. LockTrac 6171 PIPC G2 is an upgrade of PIPC V1 which is ...

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    More manganese please


    SOUTH AFRICA: The increasingly busy Orex heavy haul iron ore railway between Sishen and Saldanha may gain a second source of traffic in the coming years. Transnet Freight Rail is in discussion with a consortium of mining companies about using the route to export manganese through the deep-water port at ...

  • Passengers in France using a mobile phone on a train (Photo: DB).

    Regulator calls for train information code of practice


    UK: In an effort to encourage a competitive market in the provision of live train-running information, the Office of Rail Regulation has asked the Association of Train Operating Companies to publish a code of practice setting out criteria against which it will assess applications for access to its 'Darwin' database ...

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    Veolia Cargo sale finalised


    FRANCE: On December 1 Veolia Environnement announced that its Veolia Transport subsidiary had finalised the sale of Veolia Cargo to Transport Ferroviaire Holding and Europorte 2. Eurotunnel subsidiary Europorte 2 is acquiring Veolia Cargo's businesses in France, which include Socorail, Veolia Cargo France, Veolia Cargo Link and CFTA Cargo. ...

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    Globaltrans to be biggest private tank wagon owner


    RUSSIA: Private freight operator Globaltrans has agreed to acquire a 50% interest in BaltTransServis from TIHL, the controlling shareholder in Globaltrans, in exchange for ordinary shares of company with a value of US$250m. Globaltrans is also raising capital of US$175m for rolling stock acquisition and general corporate purposes. BTS ...

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    Bilbao Line 3 construction contracts


    SPAIN: Euskal Trenbide Sarea awarded a consortium of Ferrovial, Amenabar and Exbasa a €27·5m contract on October 23 for construction of the 0·8 km Uribarri section of Bilbao Metro Line 3. On November 12, a contract worth €30·8m was awarded to UTE Sacyr, Cavosa Obras y Proyectos and Altuna y ...

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    Open data


    USA: Chicago Transit Authority is to provide pre-packaged application program interfaces on its website, enabling rail and bus timetable and running information to be used in externally developed desktop and mobile computer applications. 'By making information readily available to developers and other interested parties, the benefits of ...

  • Toronto subway.

    Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension breaks ground


    CANADA: A ground-breaking ceremony on November 27 launched work on the first phase of an extension to Toronto's Yonge - University - Spadina subway line. The first phase covers a link from Wilson yard to the main route of the planned 8·6 km extension from Downsview to Vaughan Corporate ...

  • Wien metro.

    Siemens wins Wien ATC contract


    AUSTRIA: Wien transport operator Wiener Linien has awarded Siemens Mobility a €25m contract to supply automatic train control equipment for two extensions to the city's metro network. Work is underway to extend Line U2 by 5 km to Aspernstrasse by late 2010, and a ceremony in October marked the ...

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    PKP PR rebrands


    POLAND: National regional train operating business PKP PR is being renamed Przewozy Regionalne, reflecting the transfer of ownership from state railway PKP to the 16 voivodships. 'We wanted to emphasize our separateness from the PKP Group, and also indicate the effects of restructuring to passengers through a new ...

  • Desiro ML.

    China may be next Desiro customer


    CHINA: Working in partnership with a local company, Siemens Mobility is hoping to secure an order for around 50 suburban trainsets in Guangzhou, having tendered a version of its Desiro product platform. Of major interest to Siemens and rival bidders are options that could see up to 1500 further ...

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    Wagon works auction


    RZD: A further two wagon repair plants have been sold by Russian Railways as part of a privatisation programme which aims to increase competition in the rolling stock maintenance market. In an auction held on October 23 the Cheremkhovo wagon repair depot in the Irkutsk oblast was bought by ...

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    Factory grows


    HUNGARY: A bogie production hall was opened at Bombardier’s Mátranovák plant in northeastern Hungary on November 6. The investment in the former Ganz Steel Structure works cost €22m, with half the funding coming from the national government via its Economic Development Operations Programme. The extension of the factory has ...

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    VTG to fit stronger axles


    EUROPE: Hamburg-based wagon leasing group VTG announced on November 16 that it is to equip its fleet with new wheelsets suitable for heavier axleloads. Starting with all newly-built wagons, plus those registered in Germany and Austria, the programme will cover up to 20000 vehicles and is expected to take between ...

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    Infrastructure managers to merge


    EUROPE: Two of the Nordic region’s railway infrastructure authorities are to disappear in 2010, as their respective governments move to consolidate their transport administrations. First to disappear will be Finnish rail infrastructure manager RHK, which is to become part of a new Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency from January 1. Liikennevirasto ...

  • Tramino.

    Solaris to supply low-floor trams to Poznan


    POLAND: Solaris has signed a 342m zloty contract to supply 40 low-floor trams to Poznan municipal transport operator MPK. They are to be delivered between June 2011 and March 2012, in time for the city hosting the 2012 UEFA European Championship. The 40 unidirectional Solaris Tramino LF 32 trams will ...