Latest news – Page 1250

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    Greengauge 21 proposes UK high speed network

    17 September 2009

    UK: High speed rail lobby group Greengauge 21 published a report on September 16 calling for a 1 550 km network of high speed lines. GG 21 Director Jim Steer said that the message was simple: 'what Britain needs today is a high speed network, not a single line'. ...

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    World rolling stock market September 2009

    17 September 2009

    Australia: Faiveley is to supply United Group with braking equipment for 18 four-car Oscar trains to be delivered from November 2010 in the third phase of the Sydney outer-suburban rolling stock programme. Cuba: Iranian firm Wagon Pars has supplied 100 covered vans to Cuba under a 60bn rial contract, ...

  • Impression of Alstom X'trapolis UK train.

    Alstom unveils X'trapolis UK

    16 September 2009

    UK: Alstom formally presented X’trapolis UK, its contender for the Thameslink electric multiple-unit contract, on September 15. Alongside Bombardier and Siemens, Alstom had submitted its bid to the Department for Transport on June 25. An exhibition accompanying the presentation included models of ...

  • GE Transportation PowerHaul locomotives in Freightliner livery.

    PowerHaul locomotives receive Freightliner colours

    16 September 2009

    UK: Freightliner has unveiled the livery for its PowerHaul locomotives, with the four in the second batch nearing completion at GE Transportation's Erie plant in the USA. The two PowerHaul locomotives which formed the initial batch are currently undergoing more than 170 tests including ride, gauge and electromagnetic compatibility, ...

  • Impression of Alstom Citadis tram for Brest.

    Brest and Dijon award joint tram order

    16 September 2009

    FRANCE: The cities of Brest and Dijon have jointly awarded Alstom a contract to supply 52 Citadis trams worth more than €100m. In November last year the two cities agreed to co-operate to streamline procurement of their vehicles. Brest requires 20 trams for a 14·3 km line scheduled to ...

  • Siemens LE4700 locomotive.

    Locomotive maintenance joint venture created

    16 September 2009

    PORTUGAL: The EMEF maintenance subsidiary of national railway CP has established a joint venture with Siemens Mobility to maintain locomotives which the German firm has supplied to Portugal. Siemens has a 49% stake in the joint venture, which will service 29 LE 5600 and 25 LE 4700 Eurosprinter electric ...

  • Tram-train in Kassel, Germany.

    Rotherham tram-train replaces Penistone scheme

    15 September 2009

    UK: Proposals to test diesel 'tram-trains' on the Sheffield - Huddersfield line have been put on hold in favour of linking Sheffield city centre with Rotherham through a new connection between the Supertram light rail network and a Network Rail freight line at Meadowhall South. 'We have learned a ...

  • Istanbul.

    CAF wins Istanbul metro train order

    15 September 2009

    TURKEY: Spanish rolling stock manufacturer CAF has been awarded a €139m contract to supply 30 four-car metro trainsets for the Kadikoy - Kartal line now under construction in Istanbul. The trainsets will be 90 m long with a capacity of 1 300 passengers, and will use 1·5 kV ...

  • Vagonmash launched its fourth-generation metro car.

    Vagonmash introduces NeVa

    15 September 2009

    RUSSIA: Vagonmash launched its fourth-generation metro car during a ceremony attended by St Petersburg city governor Valentina Matvienko, local government officials and representatives of Russian and CIS metro networks on July 10. The NeVa series is the result of a collaboration agreement signed with Skoda Transportation on November 4 ...

  • Signals.

    SNCFT orders LockTrac interlockings

    14 September 2009

    TUNISIA: SNCFT has awarded a consortium of Vossloh Cogifer and Thales a €20m contract to supply electronic interlockings for a total of 14 stations on the Borj Cédria - Kalaâ Seghira section of the Tunis - Gabès line and the Manoube - Ghardimaou section of the Tunis - Alger route. ...

  • Portland.

    Portland and Dallas open new Green Lines

    14 September 2009

    USA: September 12 marked the inauguration of a Green Line in both Portland and Dallas. In the former, TriMet celebrated its fifth new MAX light rail route, connecting Clackamas Town Center and the Portland State University campus just south of downtown Portland. Opening day ceremonies were held at many of ...

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    Low cost coaches developed by RCF Kapurthala

    14 September 2009

    INDIA: RCF Kapurthala has developed a range of stainless steel coaches which it says are 40% cheaper than the previous designs offered under a 2001 technology transfer agreement with LHB. The high cost of stainless steel cars has previously limited their use to the main Shatabdi and Rajdhani Express services. ...

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    World infrastructure market September 2009

    13 September 2009

    Australia: ARTC signed an agreement with Leighton Contractors on July 29 creating the Upper Hunter Valley Alliance to deliver A$152m of works to increase rail capacity on the Hunter Valley coal corridor. Sub-alliance partners include Parsons Brinckerhoff, Coffey Geotechnics and KMH Environmental. Last month Siemens completed electrification of QR’s Jilalan ...

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    Contracts - September 2009

    12 September 2009

    Australia: The Victorian Department of Transport has awarded Unisys a six-year contract worth A$114m to modernise passenger information systems at 220 stations around Melbourne. Xstrata Coal has awarded Pacific National a 10-year haulage contract replacing existing contracts covering the Hunter Valley and Port Kembla regions from January 1. QR National ...

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    Rail industry has cause for optimism, survey suggests

    11 September 2009

    GLOBAL: A survey of 961 respondents across the rail, aviation and shipping industries by law firm Norton Rose has indicated that the rail industry is best placed to withstand the impact of the recession. Norton Rose launched its report detailing the results, entitled The Way Ahead for Transport, at ...

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    Grand designs from Ethiopian Railway Corp

    11 September 2009

    ETHIOPIA: Dr Getachew Betru is a man with a vision. As Director of the Ethiopian Railway Corp, he has been charged by the country’s government with planning and developing a 5 000 km standard-gauge rail network over the next seven years. Through his business at GBA Consultancy, Dr Betru ...

  • Lord Andrew Adonis.

    Adonis builds momentum at UK’s High Speed Rail Summit

    10 September 2009

    UK: Fresh from visits to China and South Korea where he had been looking at high speed rail developments, Secretary of State for Transport Lord Andrew Adonis told an audience of around 250 delegates at the HSR Summit in London on September 9 that the issue of high speed rail ...

  • Sheikh Mohammed (in blue) enjoys the inaugural ride on the Red Line.

    A ride to remember

    10 September 2009

    The Dubai Metro is officially open, reports Kathryn Semcow

  • Railway track in Poland.

    Cab signalling to bring 200 km/h to Poland

    10 September 2009

    POLAND: The CMK fast line linking Warszawa with Silesia is to be equipped with ETCS Level 1 under a 50·1m zloty contract signed by infrastructure manager PKP PLK and Thales Rail Signalling Solutions on August 29. The work is being funded by PKP PLK and the state, but as ...

  • New Kolkata metro station.

    Kolkata metro expands

    10 September 2009

    INDIA: Governor of West Bengal Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Minister for Railways Mamata Banerjee flagged off the first train on a 5·1 km four-station extension of Kolkata's North-South Line from Tollygunge to Kavi Nazrul on August 22. Tollygunge station has been renamed Mahanayak Uttam Kumar, ...