Latest news – Page 1268

  • Sapsan high speed train.

    Sapsan claims Russian rail speed record


    RUSSIA: A Sapsan high speed trainset reached 281 km/h during trials between Okulovka and Mstinskiy Most on May 2. 'This is the first time that such a speed has been achieved on the Russian railway', said RZD Senior Vice-President Valentin Gapanovich. The trials are scheduled to last until ...

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    DB Regio orders EMUs for Stuttgart S-Bahn


    GERMANY: DB Regio has placed a €452m order for 83 four-car ET 430 electric multiple-units, to be delivered between February and December 2012 for use on Stuttgart suburban services. The order announced on May 5 follows the signing of a contract on April 3 for DB Regio to operate ...

  • United Streetcar is building light rail vehicles in partnership with Skoda Transportation.

    Federal funds for Portland Streetcar Loop


    USA: The Department of Transportation has awarded a total of $75m to the Portland Streetcar Loop. This includes $30m from the FTA 's Small Starts programme, and $45m earmarked in the 2009 Omnibus Appropriations bill signed by President Obama in March. Another $72m will come from local and state lottery ...

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    Abu Dhabi unveils transport master plan


    UAE: Tenders for construction of the first of 30 light rail routes are to be invited in the next two months, following the official launch of the emirate’s Surface Transport Master Plan 2030 by the Crown Prince, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the end of April. Prepared by ...

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    Trans-Siberian in seven days


    RUSSIA: Meeting in Moscow on April 29, RZD’s Scientific & Technical Council endorsed plans to improve the efficiency of container transport, notably transit shipments on the Trans-Siberian landbridge. According to the railway, achieving international quality standards for container transport is one of RZD’s strategic priorities. Although freight volumes have fallen ...

  • Passengers reading a timetable (Photo: SBB).

    Train scheduling research benefits commuters


    OPERATIONS: While automatic generation of timetables remains a goal for many train operators, the Sujic programme optimises passenger benefit and is seen as a valuable decision support tool.

  • Ferroeste train.

    Ferroeste consolidates its expansion plans


    Samuel Gomes, Chairman & CEO, Estrada de Ferro Paraná Oeste SA This year will be a decisive time for Ferroeste, as we press ahead with our long-term expansion strategy. By the end of the year, we expect to have completed all the technical and environmental studies for a series of ...

  • News

    Lyon T4 first phase opens


    FRANCE: Phase 1 of Lyon’s fourth tram line entered service on April 20. Linking Jet d’Eau to Feyzin, the €185·3m line T4 is 10 km long with 18 stops, and is operated by 13 Citadis trams. Sytral, the city’s transport authority, was one of the first to choose Alstom’s Citadis ...

  • Track.

    Work set to start on Mongolian coal line


    MONGOLIA: Construction of a 260 km railway to carry coal from Energy Resources LLC’s mine at Ukhaa Khudag to the Chinese border at Gashuun Sukhait is set to begin by the end of the year, with the first trains running in 2011. Having already completed a preliminary study, DB ...

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    A ‘sound launching pad’


    VOSSLOH: Sales at Vossloh were up 19% at €1·2bn in 2008, with EBIT up 24% on 2007 to €138m. Earnings jumped from €71m to €139m, with €47m from the disposal of Vossloh Infrastructure Services to Vinci Group. After adjusting previous figures to allow for the divestment, Vossloh’s Rail Infrastructure division ...

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    Marubeni buys into Australia


    RJV: Marubeni Corp has signed a deal to acquire a 49% stake in the Australian arm of Chicago Freight Car Leasing Co for an undisclosed price. Rail Joint Venture has a A$200m fleet of 37 locomotives and 805 grain and container wagons on lease across Australia. CFCLA Managing Director Ian ...

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    Nottingham’s next step


    UK: The government approved the Transport & Works Act Order granting joint promoters Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council legal powers to build Nottingham Express Transit Phase Two on March 30. However, full government approval is still needed before construction can begin. The next step is to seek ...

  • News

    Tram on test


    CZECH REPUBLIC: A prototype of Škoda’s Type 15T ForCity articulated low-floor tram began trials in Plzen on March 19. A total of 250 three-car unidirectional vehicles have been ordered by Praha operator DPHMP (RG 5.08 p279) at a cost of KC16bn, to augment its fleet of 60 Škoda Type 14T ...

  • Helsinki.

    Helsinki lines open


    FINLAND: Helsinki’s public transport operator HKL began operations on two new sections of tram line on March 30, adding 7·2 km to take the total network to 112·3 km. The extensions significantly increase service flexibility. The figure -of-eight 3T/3B routes now wind through several central pedestrian zones and 3T ...

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    UIC assembly endorses ‘a new start’


    INTERNATIONAL: Meeting in Paris on March 31, the General Assembly of the International Union of Railways unanimously approved a package of new statutes and governance rules which had been agreed by the Executive Board on the previous day. Based on the principles established last December (RG 1.09 p21), the ...

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    Pointers May 2009


    A Slovenian and Italian joint commission approved the final version of the construction plans for a 35·6 km direct link from Trieste to Divaca on April 15, and agreed to form a joint co-ordination body for the €2·4bn project (RG 10.08 p789). Armenia and Iran have agreed to undertake a ...

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    Urban rail news in brief - May 2009


    The central government approved a revised budget on April 20 for the planned Taichung Mass Rapid Transit system in central Taiwan, increasing funding to NT$51·4bn from the previous NT$28·8bn. The 16·7 km 18 station project will link Taichung City’s Beitun district to Taichung County’s Wuri, based on an amended plan. ...

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    Strong interest in Sydney metro contract


    AUSTRALIA: New South Wales’ Transport Minister David Campbell announced on April 29 that 13 groups had registered an interest in the contract to build the infrastructure for the planned CBD metro line in Sydney. These include both local and international companies. Formal Expressions of Interest are to be returned by ...

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    On a mission


    MEXICO: With the Mexican government planning US$49bn of rail investment by 2012 and all tariff barriers on industrial goods removed by the free trade agreement with the European Union and Mexico, UK suppliers have identified the country as a potential market opportunity. UK Trade & Investment, the government’s international ...

  • Acela.

    Seeking cost efficiency through benchmarking


    USA: In order to learn from international best practice, Amtrak has started to benchmark its infrastructure performance and expenditure against a group of European operators.