Latest news – Page 1285
Phoenix light rail starter line up and running
USA: An estimated 150 000 free trips were taken during first two days of public service on the $1·4bn Metro light rail starter line in Phoenix. Despite cold weather, heavy crowds and long queues throughout the weekend of December 27-28, there were no operational problems along the 32·6 km route ...
ADIF heads for profit
SPAIN: As well as directing Europe’s largest high speed line construction programme, infrastructure authority ADIF has been set the amibitious target of moving into profit by 2010. Robert Preston put the questions to ADIF President Antonio González.
The most modern fleet in Europe
SPAIN: Representing an investment of almost €6bn, between 2004 and 2010 national operator RENFE will have added 560 new passenger trains, 100 locomotives and 438 wagons to its rolling stock fleet. This will give Spain the most modern fleet in Europe, according to Unife’s Worldwide Rail Market Study.
World rolling stock market January 2009
Belgium: SNCB has exercised an option worth €222m for a further of 60 Siemens Class 18 Eurosprinter ES60U3 electric locos (RG 9.08 p631), to be delivered by April 2012. A €128m contract has been placed with Bombardier and Alstom for a further 72 M6 double-deck coaches for delivery 2010-11, bringing ...
Contracts January 2009
Belarus: Czech freight company OKD Doprava has bought a 90% stake in Belterminal, operator of the container and transhipment terminal at Brest on the Polish border. Belgium: B-Cargo has selected Ab Ovo’s Rail Cargo System to replace its current applications supporting planning and settlement. Malaysia: Bombardier and Hartasuma have ...
PKP PLK awards signalling contract
POLAND: Infrastructure manager PKP PLK has awarded a consortium led by PKP Energetyka and including Bombardier a contract to supply Interflo 200 signalling equipment for the section of the Warszawa - Gdynia main line through Tczew. Bombardier's share of the contract is worth €20m, and covers the provision of ...
Antwerpen - Aachen freight corridor is fully electrified
BELGIUM: The electrification of the cross-border link between Montzen and Aachen West was formally inaugurated on December 12. Dr Harry Hondius reports.
Skoda to supply CityElefants to ZSSK
SLOVAKIA: Skoda Vagónka has been selected to supply national passenger operator ZSSK with 10 three-car double-deck EMUs to replace 1970s rolling stock on suburban and inter-regional services between Trencín, Zilina and Kosice. The €96·1m contract is expected to be signed later this month, and deliveries wil be completed within four ...
Display wall commissioned
VIDEO WALL: Siemens and Barco have commissioned a rear-projected video wall at the Namur signalling centre of Belgian infrastructure manager Infrabel. A similar wall was already in service in Brugge, and a further 12 are to be installed across the country by 2012. The wall ‘presents operators with all key ...
Ultracapacitors on test
SOUTH KOREA: National railway research agency KRRI is trialling the use of lineside ultracapacitor modules to store braking energy on the Seoul metro. KRRI has contracted Woojin Industrial Systems to manage the trial. During 2008, Woojin took delivery of 72 Boostcap ultracapacitors rated at 48 V, supplied by ...
CityCargo in receivership
NETHERLANDS: The CityCargo project which envisaged using Amsterdam's tram network to supply shops and businesses has gone into receivership, although receiver Joris Lensink and Veolia are investigating the possibilities to revive the project. The city council has said it sees potential in the project only as an unsubsidised ...
Industry News in Brief
On January 1 signalling supplier AZD Praha became an associate member of the Unisig consortium, established at the request of the European Commission in 1999 to draft technical specifications for ETCS in collaboration with the European Railway Agency. AZD is the first new member since its formation, joining Alstom, Ansaldo ...
250 km/h sleeper train enters service
CHINA: Chinese Railways has begun putting a fleet of 20 high speed sleeper trainsets into service on overnight journeys between Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. In October 2007 the Ministry of Railways placed a €1bn order for a total of 40 high speed trainsets with the Bombardier Sifang Power (Qingdao) ...
Colorado Railcar Manufacturing closes
USA: Diesel multiple-unit and cruise train coach supplier Colorado Railcar Manufacturing is being liquidated, having ceased operations with effect from December 23. CRM had been the only supplier offering DMUs meeting FRA standards for mixed traffic operation and Buy America requirements. 'Colorado Railcar Manufacturing has a major liquidity problem, ...
Rail must do more to win logistics business
LOGISTICS: Freight forwarders and 3PL providers want to make greater use of rail. But until the industry develops an international perspective to match the level of service offered by competing modes, its potential will remain unfulfilled.
Surface Transportation Board approves EJ&E takeover
USA: The Surface Transportation Board has approved Canadian National's acquisition of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway in the Chicago area with effect from January 23. CN had been pressuring STB to issue a decision by the end of 2008 to meet a deadline in its contract with US ...
Dalian rolls out 9·6 MW electric locomotive
CHINA: The first of 500 powerful Co-Co electric locomotives being built by China Northern under an agreement with Bombardier was rolled out at Dalian works on December 29. Ordered by the Ministry of Railways in February 2007 at a cost of €1·1bn, the 9·6 MW locomotives are a single ...
DB signs €1·5bn double-deck framework
GERMANY: On January 5 Deutsche Bahn and Bombardier Transportation announced a framework agreement worth up to €1·5bn for the supply of 800 double-deck coaches, including DB's first double-deck EMU cars. DB will use the vehicles to compete in tenders for the provision of local rail transport. 'For the first ...
Victoria Line upgrade on schedule
UK: The ambitious project to renew one of London’s busiest Underground lines is nearing the halfway stage. Despite the high-profile collapse of PPP infraco Metronet in 2007, new trains and radio-based signalling are expected to bring a major capacity increase by 2013. Nick Kingsley investigates.
Urban rail news in brief - January 2009
Hampered by delays in extending the city’s metro, the Buenos Aires government is now considering alternative transport modes. On December 8, Mayor Mauricio Macri signed a collaboration agreement with the Mayor of Milano Letizia Moratti to investigate the feasibility of restoring the tram network. Two Boston Red Line metro cars ...