Latest news – Page 1324

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    Track design for the automated metro in Dubai


    Letter to the Editor

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    Euro 4000 on test


    SPAIN: Test running is under way with the first of two Euro 4000 diesel locos being supplied to Comsa Rail by Vossloh España under a contract awarded in 2006. Powered by a 16-cylinder EMD 710G3 engine, the 4 250 hp loco can be fitted with up to three train ...

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    FrontRunner services begin


    USA: A day of free rides inaugurated Utah Transit Authority's 71 km FrontRunner commuter service between Salt Lake City and Ogden on April 26. UTA placed two of the line's MotivePower MPXpress locomotives nose--to-nose behind the speakers' platform at Salt Lake Central for the launch, a modern re-enactment of the ...

  • Mitcham Eastfields modular station under construction.

    Modular station opens this month


    UK: The first trains are due to call at a newly-built station at Mitcham Eastfields in south London on May 19. The station is a showcase for modular construction developed in-house by UK infrastructure manager Network Rail, which is seeking an econo­mical way to build new stations or rebuild ...

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    Daimler acquires EQT's stake in Tognum


    TOGNUM: Private equity group EQT is to sell its remaining 22·3% stake in diesel engine manufacturer Tognum AG to Daimler AG. The Daimler board approved the €585m deal on April 30, and it is expected to be completed in the third quarter of this year, subject to regulatory approval. ...

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    Tianjin metro car order


    CHINA: CNR Dalian has won an order to supply 23 six-car stainless steel bodied trainsets for the 27 km east-west metro Line 2 now under construction in Tianjin. The trains will be formed of three motor and three trailer cars, with a seating capacity of 1?440 and maximum capacity of ...

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    Globaltrans IPO raises US$449·4m


    RUSSIA: On April 30 private freight operator Globaltrans Investment plc announced the price of its initial public offering of shares which will be admitted to the London Stock Exchange. The offer is priced at US$13·25 per Global Depositary Receipt representing one ordinary share. A total of 16 959 064 GDRs ...

  • Freight train.

    Expanding to exploit an open market


    RUSSIA: The country’s second biggest freight operator has announced an IPO and listing on the London Stock Exchange. Globaltrans Chief Executive Sergey Maltsev told Andrew Grantham how he views the opportunities presented by market liberalisation.

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    Veloxia signs Argentine high speed deal


    ARGENTINA: On April 29 President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner formally signed a turnkey contract with the Veloxia consortium for the construction of a 320 km/h line between Buenos Aires, Rosario and Córdoba. The consortium had been selected for the concession on January 16, having submitted the sole ...

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    Merkel approves partial sale of DB


    GERMANY: Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed on April 28 that a government committee had endorsed plans to sell an initial 24·9% stake in Deutsche Bahn to the private sector, with the process due to be completed ahead of national elections scheduled for September 2009. Previous attempts to persuade the left ...

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    UIC calls in administrator


    INTERNATIONAL: On April 28 the International Union of Railways announced that a Provisional Administrator had been appointed to manage the organisation, pending the calling of an Extraordinary General Meeting. Ms Béatrice Dunogué-Gaffié has been appointed by the Paris-based Court of First Instance following a request from UIC's Chief Executive Luc ...

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    Al Sufouh tram project consortium selected


    UAE: The Dubai government's Roads & Transport Authority announced on April 29 that the ABS consortium of Alstom, Besix and Serco has been selected to undertake the Al Sufouh tram project, also known as the Yellow Line. Final negotiations will now begin before a contract is signed. The 10 km ...

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    Gotthard base tunnel E&M contract


    SWITZERLAND: A contract covering the supply of railway systems for the Gotthard base tunnel was signed in Luzern on April 29 by AlpTransit Gotthard and the Transtec Gotthard consortium of Swiss and European suppliers, paving the way for the start of electrical and mechanical installation next year. Transtec brings together ...

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    Tenders called for Bangkok Purple Line


    THAILAND: A 2013 opening is now envisaged for Bangkok's Purple Line, after Japan Bank for International Co-operation signed a 25-year loan agreement worth ¥62·4bn following months of negotiations. Invitations to tender were issued at the end of April, and bids are due to be returned by August. Work is ...

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    Synergies drive growth in traction components market


    Harry Hondius visits ABB's 'power electronics triangle'

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    Rajin port accord


    NORTH KOREA: Minister of Railway Transport Kim Yong Sam signed an agreement with Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin in Moscow on April 24 clearing the way for the start of work on the reconstruction of the 54 km railway from the border station at Khasan/Tumangan to the Korean port of ...

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    Preferred bidder for Metrolink expansion


    UK: On April 25 Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive announced it had selected the M-Pact Thales consortium as the preferred bidder for a three-line expansion of the Metrolink light rail network (RG 10.07 p649). GMPTE is now seeking final sign-off from the Department for Transport before awarding the ...

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    Trains reach Modi’in Merkaz at last


    ISRAEL: ISR General Manager Yitzhak Harel visited the new central station in Modi’in on April 1 to mark the start of revenue services on the final 6 km section of the new line from Ben Gurion Airport which opened as far as Modi’in Outskirts station on September 1 last year. ...

  • Cockburn Crossing.

    Baffin Island arctic ore line advances


    CANADA: On April 24 Montréal-based consultant Canarail announced that it had been awarded a contract from Baffinland Iron Mines Corp to undertake detailed design of a heavy-haul railway on Baffin Island, approximately 520 km north of the Arctic Circle. Baffinland is currently developing a project to exploit the Mary ...

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    Passenger News In Brief


    UK commuter operator Merseyrail has awarded Cityspace a contract to install seven Smart Point touch screen terminals to provide ticket sales, passenger information and journey planning at five unstaffed stations. Wireless links provide real-time data feeds to the machines, which go live next month. The total number of Pasmo and ...