All Metro Report International articles – Page 131

  • ie-dublin-MetroLink-tunnel-impression
    Metro Report International

    Dublin automated metro operations consultant appointed


    IRELAND: SNC-Lavalin has been selected to act as Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s operations adviser for the MetroLink project to build an automated metro line running north–south across Dublin. The contract scope includes the development of an operational vision and strategy, reviewing and critiquing the design of the rolling ...

  • tn_us-los_angeles_metro.jpg
    Metro Report International

    Los Angeles Metro secures final Purple Line extension grant


    USA: Los Angeles Metro has secured a $1·3bn federal Department of Transportation grant for the completion of the 10·3 km Purple Line extension. The funding confirmed on February 11 is expected to be finalised in March following a mandatory 30-days Congressional approval process for transport grants. The ...

  • es- vitoria-gasteiz Euskotren_Tranbia_01
    Metro Report International

    Vitoria-Gasteiz light rail extension awarded


    SPAIN: A 24-month contract to construct a 2·5 km extension to the 9·5 km light rail network in Vitoría-Gasteiz was awarded to a consortium formed by Tecsa Altuna and Uría on February 21. The metre-gauge extension would link Florida tram stop with Salburua. The Tecsa Altuna/Uría consortium’s ...

  • si- Artist’s Impression of JRL Tawas Station 20200213_civil-contract-fourJRLstations-annex-a
    Metro Report International

    LTA lets contracts for the construction of four stations


    si - LTA JRL new stations SINGAPORE: Land Transport Authority awarded three contracts for the design and construction of four Jurong Region Line stations for a total of S$596m on February 13. One of the contracts awarded to China Communications Construction Co covers the design and construction ...

  • dk- odense stadler pankow tram letbane_foerste_tog_015
    Metro Report International

    Odense Letbane takes delivery of its first tram


    dk- odense stadler pankow tram DENMARK: The first of 16 Stadler Pankow trams for the light rail line under construction in Odense was delivered on February 20, with Mayor Peter Rahbæk Juel watching the vehicle being unloaded from the lorry which brought it from Berlin. ...

  • tecnobus gulliver electric bus
    Metro Report International

    Madrid invests €35m in electric bus fleet


    The latest version of the Tecnobús Gulliver SPAIN: Madrid’s municipal transport company EMT has put out a €35m tender for the purchase of 50 electric buses. The winning bidder must deliver all vehicles between September 1 and December 18 of this year. Describing the contract as ‘a ...

  • us- red ahead chicago red lin extension banner
    Metro Report International

    Chicago Red Line extension consulting contract let


    USA: The Chicago Transit Authority approved a contract for the planning and preliminary engineering services of the 8·5 km Red Line extension to T Y Lin International Great Lakes on February 10. The three-year contract worth $38·3bn has up to six one-year extensions, and is the final ...

  • br- Via Goiânia minibus shuttle
    Metro Report International

    Goiânia on-demand minibuses complete first year


    BRAZIL: Latin America’s on-demand shuttle ride service completed a year of operation on February 18, having carried 80 000 passengers. The CityBus 2.0 project launched in Goiás’ state capital Goiânia in February 2019 with 15 minibuses covering 11 neighbourhoods, before expanding to a fleet of 40 vehicles ...

  • by- m110 exterior factory Minsk_Stadler_01
    Metro Report International

    First Stadler M110 metro trainset enters service in Minsk


    Stadler M110 Minsk BELARUS: Minsk Metro’s first Stadler M110 trainset has entered revenue service on the Awtazavodskaya Line on February 5. The four-car aluminium-bodied transit vehicle can carry 756 passengers, 168 seated, and is one of six 78·4 m four-car and four 97·7 m five-car trainsets ...

  • es- Ángel Garrido visits Esperanza station of Metro de Madrid
    Metro Report International

    Madrid Line 4 modernisation reaches halfway point


    SPAIN: Metro de Madrid’s €47m modernisation of Line 4 is more than 50% complete and the small-profile line is expected to reopen by the middle of next month. The upgrading work will see legacy signalling renewed in the tunnels and the installation of rigid catenary, allowing more ...

  • Keolis has joined the Greentown Labs Global Center for Cleantech Innovation as ‘terawatt-level’ partner, the highest level of engagement.
    Metro Report International

    Keolis joins Greentown Labs startup incubator


    USA: Keolis has joined the Greentown Labs Global Center for Cleantech Innovation as ‘terawatt-level’ partner, the highest level of engagement. The Greentown campus in Somerville, Massachusetts, offers startup companies resources including prototyping and wet lab space, shared offices, a machine shop and an electronics lab. It is ...

  • pl- Durmazlar tram Olsztyn
    Metro Report International

    First of 12 Panorama trams arrive in Olsztyn


    POLAND: The first of 12 Durmazlar Panorama trams was delivered to Olsztyn on February 14. The low-floor vehicles were ordered from the Turkish manufacturer in August 2018 at the cost of 107·9m złoty, and will operate on the 6 km extension of the city’s tram network from ...

  • Tram warning.
    Metro Report International

    Fast-charge battery development funded


    AUSTRALIA: The development of fast-charge lithium-ion batteries to power catenary-free trams is among the projects which have been awarded A$11m of government funding under a programme to develop the national minerals sector. The A$5m tram battery project brings together the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation, University ...

  • Bozankaya wins Timișoara tram order
    Metro Report International

    Iași orders 16 more trams


    ROMANIA: The Ministry of Regional Development & Public Administration has awarded Polish manufacturer Pesa a €38·5m contract to supply 16 trams to the city of Iași on February 5. The five-section low-floor Swing 122Na vehicles will be 30·5 m long with a capacity for 239 passengers, 58 ...

  • PL- Pierwszy-wagon-Modertrans-dla-TS-11
    Metro Report International

    First of 10 trams delivered to Katowice


    modertrans katowice tram POLAND: Modertrans delivered the first of 10 single-section trams to Tramwaje Śląskie on February 12. The low-floor vehicle is one of two bidirectional trams and eight unidirectional ones expected to operate in Katowice by the end of ...

  • es- vitoria-gasteiz Euskotren_Tranbia_01
    Metro Report International

    Vitoria-Gasteiz tram network extended


    SPAIN: A 1·4 km southern extension of the Vitoria-Gasteiz tram network opened on February 15. The metre gauge extension runs from Angulema stop to Unibertsitatea Universidad via the stations of Florida and Hegoalde. The section between Hegoalde and Unibertsitatea Universidad is single track. A 2·5 km extension ...

  • Transport for London has announced its preferred route option for the proposed extension of the London Trams network to serve Sutton
    Metro Report International

    Transport for London selects preferred route and trams for Sutton Link


    UK: Transport for London has announced its preferred route option for the proposed extension of the London Trams network to serve Sutton, along with the use of light rail rather than bus rapid transit. Public feedback had been invited on three possible routes and the use ...

  • hk-kai-tak-opening-tony-lee
    Metro Report International

    Hong Kong MTR opens Tuen Ma Line Phase 1 extension


    CHINA: Phase 1 of Hong Kong MTR’s Tuen Ma Line was opened for revenue service on February 14, extending the existing Ma On Shan Line from Tai Wai through Lion Rock to the eastern part of Kowloon.

  • Alstom has delivered 12 of its first Aptis battery electric buses to Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois
    Metro Report International

    Aptis electric buses ready to launch in Strasbourg


    FRANCE: Alstom has delivered 12 of its first Aptis battery electric buses to Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois for use on Route H which is scheduled to launch on February 24. The 3·2 km route with 10 stops will connect the main station to ...

  • ba-sarajevo tram
    Metro Report International

    EBRD finances Sarajevo transport modernisation


    BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development signed €35m in loans to improve public transport in Sarajevo on February 5. A €20m loan will be used to modernise the 19·5 km tramway, which EBRD said has had no major improvements in decades. This will ...