All Metro Report International articles – Page 168

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    Metro Report International

    More E-Class trams ordered for Melbourne


    AUSTRALIA: The Victoria state government announced on September 18 that it had ordered 10 more E-Class trams from Bombardier for A$83m. Bombardier is already supplying 80 low-floor trams from its Dandenong factory under previously placed orders; the 70th of these is expected to arrive in the next few weeks.

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    Metro Report International

    Cubic wins Los Angeles fare collection upgrade contract


    USA: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has awarded Cubic Transportation Systems a $22m contract to upgrade its automatic fare collection system. The TAP smart card, used across 25 regional transport agencies in the area, will be upgraded over the next 18 months. In addition to a mobile app, ...

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    Metro Report International

    Grand Paris fit-out contract awarded


    FRANCE: Société du Grand Paris has awarded a consortium of Colas Rail (70%) and Alstom (30%) a €155m contract to supply track and rigid catenary for the eastern part of Line 15 South of the Grand Paris Express. The 69-month contract covers 17 km of Line 15 with eight ...

  • A mock-up of the proposed R211 design was displayed in New York in late 2017, while the Hübner gangway model was shown in Berlin last week.
    Metro Report International

    Walk-through trains are coming to the New York Subway


    USA: Rolling stock component specialist Hübner used the InnoTrans trade show in Berlin on September 18-21 to introduce a model of the open gangway it is developing for the next generation of New York Subway cars. Currently, New York Subway cars have no through gangways between cars, and transport advocates ...

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    Metro Report International

    Facial recognition ticket gates to be introduced this year


    CHINA: Later this year passengers in Beijing will be able to use ticket gates incorporating facial recognition which have been developed by BII Railway Transportation Technology. The gates offer two operating modes. In the first, a passenger’s photo is stored on a physical ticket, and when the passenger touches ...

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    Metro Report International

    Automated tram demonstrated in Potsdam


    GERMANY: Fully-automated driving of a conventional tram was successfully demonstrated by Potsdam transport operator ViP and Siemens Mobility on September 18 with a special test run for delegates to the InnoTrans trade fair in Berlin. Demonstrations are due to continue until September 21. Under the joint research and development project, ...

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    Metro Report International

    Stadler Pankow and Siemens Mobility present first Berlin S-Bahn trainset


    INNOTRANS: The first of the 106 trainsets which a consortium of Stadler Pankow and Siemens Mobility is building for the Berlin S-Bahn was officially presented to ‘the world and the people of Berlin’ at InnoTrans on September 18. The four-car set on show at the Berlin trade fair is the ...

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    Metro Report International

    CRRC unveils Cetrovo carbon-bodied metro vehicle


    CHINA: Hailed as the world’s first carbon-bodied metro vehicle, CRRC’s Cetrovo metro car prototype was formally unveiled at InnoTrans on September 18. CRRC says the Sifang-built vehicle will pave the way for the third generation of Chinese metro trainsets. These will be needed to operate new lines expected to open ...

  • Siemens is supplying the fleet for lines 1 and 2.
    Metro Report International

    RATP Dev consortium to operate two Riyadh metro lines


    SAUDI ARABIA: Arriyadh Development Authority has awarded the Capital Metro Co joint venture of RATP Dev and Saudi Public Transport Co the operations and maintenance contract for Riyadh metro lines 1 and 2. The 12-year contract covers the mobilisation period ahead of opening next year and has ...

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    Metro Report International

    Italo-French consortium to operate most Riyadh metro lines


    SAUDI ARABIA: Arriyadh Development Authority has presented a letter of award to the FLOW consortium of FS Italiane, Alstom and Ansaldo STS covering the operation and maintenance of lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Riyadh metro. The 12-year contract covers the mobilisation period ahead of ...

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    Metro Report International

    Sydney metro station contract awarded


    AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales government has awarded Macquarie Group a A$378·6m contract to develop Martin Place station on the southern section of the future Sydney metro line. Macquarie Group submitted an unsolicited proposal to develop the underground station and buildings above it. The company has appointed Lendlease as ...

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    Metro Report International

    Alstom trainsets enter service on the Santiago metro


    CHILE: The first NS16 trainset entered revenue service on Santiago metro lines 2 and 5 on September 13. In March 2011 Metro de Santiago awarded Alstom a €220m contract to refurbish the 35 seven-car NS74 trainsets, but this proved too difficult owing to large quantities of asbestos. The replacement ...

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    Metro Report International

    Harsco wins Singapore metro grinder contract


    SINGAPORE: Land Transit Authority has awarded Harsco Rail a contract to supply a 16 stone grinder custom designed for Singapore’s metro network. Modifications include electric motors and a small profile to operate in metro tunnels. ‘We have developed a strong partnership and open communication with LTA over the last ...

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    Metro Report International

    San Francisco fare collection to be modernised


    USA: San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission has selected Cubic Transportation Systems as preferred bidder to modernise its Clipper fare collection system. Cubic currently operates the regional fare collection system, which covers 22 transport agencies. The modernisation includes the introduction of mobile ticketing as part of an app that will ...

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    Metro Report International

    Alstom wins further Shanghai metro contract


    CHINA: Shanghai Shentong Metro Group has awarded Shanghai Alstom Transport Electrical Equipment Co and its Xi’an Alstom Yongji Electric Equipment Co a €58m contract to supply electrical and traction equipment for the Shanghai metro Line 15 fleet. The group will supply Alstom’s Optonix traction system for the 324 metro ...

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    Metro Report International

    Metro line linking Suzhou with Shanghai approved


    CHINA: The National Development & Reform Commission approved a metro line linking the Suzhou and Shanghai networks on September 6. The city approved the Line S1 project on August 28 as part of the Suzhou Urban Rail Transit Phase III Construction Plan. The 41·3 km underground route would serve ...

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    Metro Report International

    First CAF trainset arrives in Quito


    ECUADOR: On September 6 the first of 18 metro trainsets being produced by CAF arrived to Quito. The six-car trains are being supplied to operate the city’s first metro line. CAF was awarded a contract on July 15 2016 under a US$183m agreement financed through a credit agreement between ...

  • Cubic Transportation Systems is developing augmented reality technology for mobile devices with the aim of enhancing the public transport user experience for passengers with disabilities.
    Metro Report International

    Using technology to empower passengers with disabilities


    WAYFINDING: Cubic Transportation Systems is developing augmented reality technology for mobile devices with the aim of enhancing the public transport user experience for passengers with disabilities. While transport operators are meeting the letter of accessibility laws, ‘we believe we can take it ...

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    Metro Report International

    FTA announces zero-emission bus funding


    USA: The Federal Transit Administration announced on August 24 that it is providing grants totalling $84·5m to cities and transport authorities for the purchase of electric and low-emission buses as well as related infrastructure such as charging stations. The funding covers a total of 52 projects in 41 states. ...

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    Metro Report International

    Washington Metro starts next fleet renewal


    USA: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority has unveiled plans to replace its oldest remaining trainsets, which are now approaching life-expiry. The agency issued a request for proposals on September 4 for the design and manufacture of up to 800 new vehicles, designated Series 8000, along with a driver training simulator ...