
FRANCE: The creation of the Wizway Solutions joint venture dedicated to developing mobile ticketing technology was announced on December 3. Four founder members each have a 25% share: Paris transport authority RATP, national railway SNCF, digital security company Gemalto and telecoms provider Orange. The venture is supported by the Ministry for the Economy, Industry & Digital Affairs and the Ministry for Transport, and is still subject to regulatory approval.

Described as the world’s first consortium dedicated to contactless mobility, Wizway Solutions will ‘offer transport organising authorities and transport companies a modern and simple ticketing solution that will facilitate door-to-door travel’.

The aim is to develop technology for NFC-enabled mobile devices that allows ticket purchasing through apps and secure storage of tickets on SIM cards. Passengers would only require a mobile device, which can be used even if switched off or out of battery.

As well as meeting the Calypso contactless electronic ticketing standard, the technology is to be compatible with the various mobile operating systems in use in France, with a view to expansion to international markets ‘in the medium term’. Other transport operators and telecoms carriers are welcome to participate.

Wizway products are to be made available to transport companies in 2016, with a roll-out to passengers envisaged the following year.
