MTR Corporation and supporting partners celebrate the great success of the Social Innovation Challenge.

CHINA: More than 1 000 pupils from 35 secondary schools took part in Hong Kong transport operator MTR Corp’s Train for Life’s Journeys 2.0 social innovation challenge programme, with winning teams offered a free study tour of its businesses in Australia and Beijing to learn about innovative technologies and experience the local culture.

Themes included developing technology concepts for disability inclusion, gender equity, ethnic diversity and intergenerational relationships.

‘Young people are the leaders, innovators, and change-makers of the future’, said MTR Corp’s Legal & Governance Director Gill Meller.

‘In the face of the new normal of the 21st century, we hope the brand-new 2.0 programme, through a series of courses, workshops and MTR case studies, will equip the next generation with the necessary future skills and innovation capacity, including design thinking, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and Al usage, enabling them to thrive in the future.’