Myanmar railway news
News about railway and urban rail infrastructure, operations, policy, projects and the supply industry in Myanmar.
Indian Ocean – China freight corridor launched
ASIA: A first trial shipment has been completed on a sea, road and rail freight corridor linking Chengdu with the Indian Ocean via Myanmar. This is intended to provide inland China with a route to and from southeast Asia which avoids China’s eastern ports. The trial ...
Myanma Railways orders two train fleets
MYANMAR: National operator Myanma Railways has awarded a partnership of Japan’s Mitsubishi Corp and Spain’s CAF two contracts for the supply of a total of 246 diesel-electric multiple-unit cars in 2023-25 One contract covers 11 six-car high capacity metro-style cars for the project to modernise the 46 ...
Yangon – Mandalay upgrading loan agreement signed
MYANMAR: An agreement covering the ¥40·6bn third tranche of an official development assistance loan to finance Phase 1 of the Yangon – Mandalay Railway Improvement Project was signed by the government and Japan International Co-operation Agency on March 31. Phase 1 aims is to improve the ...
In depth
Myanmar: International backers spur network renewal
Work is well in hand to rehabilitate the main line between Myanmar’s most important cities, as international backers queue to support investment in one of southeast Asia’s largest networks. Peter Janssen reports from Naypyitaw.
Myanma Railways
With the separation of India and Burma in 1937, the railways became autonomous and nationalisation followed in 1948 when Burma (now known as Myanmar) became independent. Address PO BoxMerchant StreetYangonMyanmarPhone +95 1 201555Fax +95 1 298580 Email Traffic Passenger journeys: 61.7 million Passenger-km: 4,708 ...
Ministry of Transport & Communications, Myanmar
The Minister oversees all matters relating to Myanmar Railways. AddressZeyahtarni RoadNay Pyi TawMyanmarFax+95 06 7341
Work starts on Mandalay – Kunming study
MYANMAR: A joint team of local and Chinese engineers has started work on ground surveys to finalise the alignment for the planned 431 km rail link from Mandalay to the Chinese border at Muse. Intended to link Myanmar with Kunming, the line is being promoted as part of the China-Myanmar ...
Chinese coaches to re-equip Yangon – Mandalay expresses
MYANMAR: The national parliament in Naypyitaw has approved government plans to purchase new rolling stock for Myanma Railways’ principal Yangon – Mandalay services using funding from China. The Ministry of Transport & Communications intends to procure 14 standard and 14 first class vehicles for the route, which carries more than ...
Mandalay to China railway feasibility study agreed
MYANMAR: An agreement to undertake a feasibility study for a 431 km railway linking Mandalay with Muse on the Chinese border was signed by Myanma Railways and China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group on October 22. The study is to be completed within two years, including environmental and social impact assessments. ...
Myanmar locomotive handed over
MYANMAR: The last of 18 diesel locomotives manufactured for Myanma Railways by Indian Railways’ Diesel Locomotive Works in Varanasi and supplied through RITES was formally handed over with a ceremony on March 19. The order had been financed through an Indian government credit line. The 1 350 hp six-axle metre-gauge ...
Myanma Railways orders Japanese DMUs
MYANMAR: A consortium of Japanese companies Marubeni and IHI Corp’s Niigata Transys has signed a ¥7bn agreement to supply 24 diesel-electric multiple-unit cars to Myanma Railways. Consortium leader Marubeni will be in charge of the commercial side of the contract signed on February 9, while Niigata Transys will be responsible ...
Coach order and new line agreement signed
BANGLADESH: A contract for Indonesian company PT Inka to supply Bangladesh Railways with 200 coaches was signed on September 14, and was followed two days later by the finalisation of a joint venture agreement for the construction of a new line. The 5·8bn taka coach contract is being financed by ...
Bo-Bo-Bo locomotives shipped to Myanmar
MYANMAR: CRRC Dalian has shipped a further pair of locomotives to Myanma Railways, and has now supplied the national railway with more than 50 locomotives ordered in five batches. The metre-gauge Type CKD7B design is customised for local conditions in Myanmar. The 100 km/h locomotives have three two-axle bogies, with ...
Myanma Railways orders Indian locomotives
MYANMAR: Indian Railways subsidiary Rites is to supply 18 metre-gauge locomotives to Myanma Railways. The 1 350 hp diesel-electrics for use on passenger and freight services are to be manufactured by the Diesel Locomotive Works at Varanasi, and will have microprocessor controls, fuel-efficient engines and an ergonomic cab design. ...
Yangon launches light rail line
MYANMAR: The first phase of a light rail line in Yangon was officially opened with a ceremony on January 10. The 4·8 km east-west route from Linsadaung to Wardan Jetty uses a newly electrified on-street freight railway running along Strand Road, and a three-section ex-Hiroshima tram with capacity for ...
Myanmar diesel locomotive deliveries
MYANMAR: Seven Type CKD7B metre-gauge diesel locomotives have been shipped to Myanmar from the CRRC Dalian Locomotive & Rolling Stock plant in China. The 100 km/h locomotives have three two-axle bogies. According to the manufacturer they are designed to haul main line freight services in Southeast Asian conditions, including high ...
Myanmar signalling contract signed
MYANMAR: Myanma Railways has awarded Mitsubishi Corp and Hitachi a contract to modernise the signalling on the 140 km Yangon – Pyuntasa route by June 2017. The ¥2·4bn contract signed on May 15 is being funded by a grant from Japan International Cooperation Agency. The companies will supply electronic ...
ADB reviews Myanma Railways' needs
MYANMAR: As part of its re-engagement with Myanmar after ceasing operations there in the 1980s, the Asian Development Bank has published a report recommending a restructuring of the 'complex and overlapping institutional structure' which it believes is impeding effective management of rail, road water and air transport. ADB says Myanma ...
China starts work on line to Myanmar
ASIA: A foundation laying ceremony in the border town of Ruili on May 30 marked the official launch of construction on a railway from Kunming in China to Myanmar. The 330 km double-track line will join the CR network at Dali in Yunnan province. Construction is being undertaken in two ...