Bulgaria: Bulgarian State Railways and VAE are to establish a joint venture to manufacture points at BDZ’s Sofia works, which is to be modernised at a cost of Lev116m.
Czech Republic: CKD and Skoda have signed a co-operation agreement covering foreign and domestic markets.
Europe: In conjunction with the management and employees of Spie Batignolles, engineering and construction group AMEC has agreed to acquire Spie from Schneider SA for Fr350m. The deal includes Spie’s rail electrification, engineering consultancy and project management activities.
France: Alcatel Amtech has been renamed Amtech International, reflecting Amtech’s agreement to purchase Alcatel’s 51% shareholding in the company.
Germany: Vossloh AG has taken over the transport and industrial activities of Deutsche System-Technik and set up a new company called Vossloh System-Technik headquartered in Kiel.
India: Konkan Railway Corp has received government approval to form a joint venture with Rites and engineers Larsen & Toubro to undertake turnkey railway construction outside India. KRC has also applied to form a wholly-owned subsidiary for domestic infrastructure projects.
Russia: Varlen Corp has begun negotiations with the Ministry of Railways and a private manufacturer with a view to forming a joint venture to supply suspension devices and other wagon components.
Sweden: Cardo BSI Rail AB began operations on January 1, following European Commission approval for the joint venture between Cardo and Thyssen in the field of brake systems and on-board equipment.
Switzerland: Vevey Technologies SA, currently owned by the Dutch group Begemann, is to be sold to DWA of Germany. The deal was due to be completed last month.