THE Austroroll system for moving switch blades developed by Enzesfeld-Caro Metallwerke AG has been tested by main line, regional and metro operators throughout Europe, with recent trials conducted by Eurotunnel, Danish State Railways and Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe.
Austroroll has been adopted as standard for Type B and C points by Austrian Federal Railways and officially approved by Railtrack of Great Britain, which is currently testing the system in several zones in conjunction with infrastructure maintenance contractors. Some 300 Austroroll units have also been supplied and installed on Italian State Railways’ Roma - Ancona route.
Under the Austroroll system the switch blade is slightly lifted and moves over rollers manufactured from Carodur, which offers superior mechanical properties and weathering resistance and has been developed by Austria Buntmetall Gruppe, the parent of Enzesfeld-Caro. The roller system requires no lubrication, is easy to install and has been designed to be virtually maintenance-free.
Enzesfeld-Caro Metallwerke AG, Austria
Reader Enquiry Number 138