Railways & Renewable Energy Sources
The Community of European Railways’ response to a European Commission Green Paper on Energy for the Future notes that electrified railways can harness a wide variety of renewable energy sources, and suggests that the creation of a high-speed rail network in Europe by 2010 will reduce world energy consumption by 4%. Community of European Railways, Boulevard de l’Imperatrice 15, Bte 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Fax +32 2 512 5231
High Speed in Japan
by P W B Semmens
Subtitled ’Shinkansen - the world’s busiest high-speed railway’, this 108-page A4 hardback offers a comprehensive description of Japan’s bullet trains and their lines, addressing technical and commercial issues. Quoting extensively from our bi-annual speed surveys, it traces the history of the shinkansen from pre-war conception to the present, and looks ahead to developments such as the Chuo Shinkansen. Many of the attractive photographs are by Mikio Miura, who contributes to Railway Gazette. ISBN 1 872524 88-5
ú16·95 plus post and packing from Platform 5 Publishing, Wyvern House, Sark Road, Sheffield S2 4HG, Great Britain.
Fax: +44 114 255 2471
Transit Fact Book 1997
This handy pocketbook provides a mass of statistical information about the urban public transport industry in North America: profiles of big operators, details of capital funding and operating costs, levels of patronage, energy and environmental issues, and modal comparisons.
ISSN 0149-3132 American Public Transit Association, 1201 New York Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20005, USA.
Fax: +1 202 898 4070
Finnish Motive Power 1.1.1996
by Eljas P