ON MARCH 17 the Californian city of Folsom abandoned plans to buy RegioSprinter diesel railcars for a commuter rail line in favour of an extension to Sacramento Regional Transit’s electric light rail network. RT has agreed to build the 12 km link from Sunrise Boulevard to Folsom by 2000 at a cost of $40·7m. It would be built as a single package with RT’s extension from Mather Road to Sunrise. Folsom will contribute $600 000 a year towards the operating expenses.
The RT board has adopted an environmental impact report for its 10 km South Line from Sacramento to Meadowview Road, resolving a dispute with lineside residents. RT is to build 4·6 km of noise barrier walls along the northern end of the route, and on parts of the present 29·4 km network which exceed federal noise standards. If federal funding is agreed, work on the South line could begin in 1999 for completion by 2003. o