INTRO: Although slab track was originally to have been laid in the Storebaelt tunnel, failure to optimise the choice of track with the diameter of the tunnel at the design stage led to a compromise using ballasted track
BYLINE: Palle Reenberg
Project Manager, TrackDSB Banetechnik Storebaelt
DANISH STATE Railways was appointed by A/S Storebaeltsforbindelsen as the main contractor for the railway installations on the Storebaelt link (p117). DSB Banetechnik’s project team is in charge of planning, designing, construction management, site supervision and commissioning.
There are 25 km of double track, and from the coast of Zealand to the coast of Fünen the distance is 18 km. Conventional trains will be limited to 180 km/h, but initially the maximum in the 8·5 km tunnel will be 140 km/h.
Testing of the railway equipment under ’live’ conditions began last year. Commercial freight traffic is due to start running over the link from April 1, with passenger services starting on June 1, which has dictated the timetable for final commissioning: