We are pleased to congratulate our sister journal The Railway Magazine on its centenary year. Although operating in two distinct sectors of the railway press, RM and Railway Gazette share a long and complex history which can be traced back to the first edition of The Railway Magazine on May 1 1835.
RM was first published in its current form in July 1897, allowing it to claim the prize for the worlds' longest continuously published railway periodical. It would be a further eight years before The Railway Gazette title appeared, which went on to merge with The Railway Times in April 1914.
Disappeared in a puff of smoke
Three withdrawn steam locomotives have vanished from a siding at Nymburk, 60 km east of Praha. The discovery was made when Czech Railways carried out an audit of its assets.
Prime suspect was a CD driver who is alleged to have hauled the locos by rail to a breaker's yard in Praha, earning US$31 000 for the scrap metal.