All articles by Nick Kingsley – Page 4

  • Scherpenhuizen_Hans.150916.HR.242.503.Malmö.Snälltåget Malmö (09.20)- Stockholm
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    Comment: Rebalancing public and private


    Nick Kingsley, Managing Editor, Railway Gazette International ‘We believe that the travel market will look completely different after the pandemic’, predicted Snälltåget’s Head of Sales Marco Andersson, when he confirmed that the Transdev subsidiary was focusing on 2021, rather than trying to run its overnight train between ...

  • il ISR train cleaning
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    Comment: Railways in lockdown


    San Francisco’s BART metro network reported on March 12 that ridership for the previous day was 268 192, a 35% drop compared to an average Wednesday in February this year.

  • img_presse_fret_sncf_marchandises_dangereuses_1_19-02-2014
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    Realising the digital freight train


    French start-up Traxens has developed a digital brake testing procedure to reduce the time needed for pre-departure checks on freight trains. It could be the first step towards the creation of an IoT ecosystem to support rail freight operations. Nick Kingsley reports.

  • GG1_3450
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    New York: Signalling the Subway


    CBTC roll-out starts to bear fruit