All Peoplemover articles

  • Hiroshima 7000 Series AGT for the Astram Line (Photo Hiroshima Rapid Transit Co, MHI)
    Metro Report International

    Hiroshima AGT deliveries completed


    JAPAN: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has competed deliveries of 24 six-car Automated Guideway Transit rubber-tyred light metro trainsets ordered for Hiroshima Rapid Transit Co’s Astram Line. The longest AGT route in Japan runs 18·4 km from Hondori station in central Hiroshima to Koiki-koen-mae station in Seifu Shinto ...

  • Nippori-Toneri Liner (Photo MHI)
    Metro Report International

    New fleet boosts capacity on Nippori-Toneri Liner


    JAPAN: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has completed the deliveries of a further 12 five-car Series 330 Automated Guideway Transit trainsets for Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation’s Nippori-Toneri Liner. Delivery of the lightweight aluminium alloy Series 330 trainsets has enabled the replacement of 16 ...

  • Birmingham HS2 automated peoplemover viaduct leading to Interchange station
    Metro Report International

    HS2 invites Birmingham Interchange peoplemover bids


    UK: High speed line project promoter HS2 Ltd has invited shortlisted companies Poma and Doppelmayr Cable Car UK to tender for contracts to supply and operate a cable-hauled automated peoplemover to link the future Interchange station with the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham International station and the ...

  • Seibu Railway Yamaguchi Line AGT peoplemover car impression (Image MHI)
    Metro Report International

    Baseball branded trainset to ‘raise excitement and enthusiasm’


    JAPAN: Seibu Railway has ordered three Mitsubishi Heavy Industries rubber-tyre Automated Guideway Transit trainsets for use on its 2·8 km three-station Yamaguchi Line peoplemover which connects Tamako to Seibukyujo-mae in the greater Toyko area. The four-car sets are to be delivered in ...

  • BRT works Cuiaba image State Gov
    Metro Report International

    Brazil: Urban rail projects battle local politics


    Examples in Cuiabá and Canoas show how vulnerable Brazilian urban rail projects are to changes in local politics, as well as the temptation of alternative modes which are seen as less complex, even if the benefits are lower. Marcelo Benoit examines the two cases.

  • A 4 km peoplemover with three stations is to replace the existing AirTrain Newark monorail
    Metro Report International

    Contract let to build Newark airport peoplemover as successor to monorail


    USA: The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey has selected a joint venture of Tutor Perini and O&G for a $1·2bn contract to design and build a 4 km peoplemover with three stations to replace the existing AirTrain Newark monorail serving the New Jersey ...

  • Hyper Tube KRRI InnoTrans material (Image KRRI)

    Robots and Hyper Tube among KRRI research projects on show at InnoTrans


    INNOTRANS: Korea Railroad Research Institute is to highlight eight of its latest innovations and research programmes during the upcoming Berlin fair. Evacuation robot KRRI’s Evacuation Guide Robot is designed for rapid response to disasters such as fires and floods in main line and metro tunnels. Mounted ...

  • Las Vegas airport (Photo Harry Reid International Airport)
    Metro Report International

    Alstom to modernise Las Vegas airport peoplemover


    USA: Clark County Department of Aviation has awarded Alstom a $84m contract to upgrade the Green and Blue lines of the automated peoplemover at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, including the supply of new vehicles.

  • Xi’an Yunba Line (1)
    Metro Report International

    Elevated peoplemover opens in Xi’an


    CHINA: Revenue services began on Xi’an’s Yunba Line on August 12. This 17·4 km elevated peoplemover runs from the southwest terminus of metro Line 3 at Yuhuazhai south to Hengye Dadao with 18 stops, including an interchange with metro Line 6. The 22 three-car rubber-tyred trains ...

  • BPLRT Singapore launch (Photo Alstom)
    Metro Report International

    Innovia R peoplemover cars enter service on Bukit Panjang LRT


    SINGAPORE: The first two of 19 Innovia 300R peoplemover cars which Alstom is supplying as part of an upgrade of the 7·8 km Bukit Panjang Light Rail Transit entered passenger service on August 1. The S$344m contract which the Land Transport Authority awarded to what was ...

  • Inglewood Transit Connector impression (Image City of Inglewood, public domain
    Metro Report International

    Inglewood Transit Connector peoplemover contractor selected


    USA: The Californian city of Inglewood has selected the Elevate Inglewood Partners consortium as best value proposer for the Inglewood Transit Connector project to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a 2·6 km three-station automated peoplemover. This will link Downtown Inglewood on Los Angeles MTA’s light ...

  • Denver airport peoplemover (Photos Alstom) (1)
    Metro Report International

    Denver airport peoplemover cars enter service


    USA: Denver International Airport peoplemover operator Alstom has put into service the first six of 26 ‘top-of-the-line’ Innovia APM 300R peoplemover cars which it says will increase ‘capacity, efficiency and comfort’ at one of the world’s largest aviation hubs. ‘Manufactured in the US, and specifically designed ...

  • Detroit_People_Mover_approaching_Millender_Center-42BRT
    Metro Report International

    Detroit to acquire peoplemover cars from Toronto


    USA: Municipal officials in Detroit have approved funding for Detroit Transportation Corp to replace its fleet of automated peoplemover cars with vehicles from Toronto.

  • Dubai pods impression
    Metro Report International

    Dubai considers elevated pod platoons


    UAE: Dubai’s Roads & Transport Authority has signed a memorandum of understanding to work with Urban.MASS on an operational pilot of its Floc Duo Rail concept for platoons of driverless electric pods running on an elevated track. Urban.MASS is now seeking funding for development and deployment ...

  • Urbanloop
    Metro Report International

    Urbanloop personal rapid transit testing begins


    FRANCE: Testing of Urbanloop personal rapid transit pods has begun on 2 km track in a park at St-Quentin-en-Yvelines in the suburbs of Paris. The line is to be operated by Keolis, connecting a car park to a 2024 Olympic Games fan zone. The rubber-tyred vehicles ...

  • DFW peoplemover (Photo Alstom)
    Metro Report International

    Dallas Fort Worth airport peoplemover modernisation contract


    USA: Alstom has been awarded a $72·2m contract to modernise the Skylink automated peoplemover at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. This will include the overhaul, retrofit or replacement of vehicle and lineside components to ensure reliability and mitigate against obsolescence. In 2022 Alstom ...

  • Inglewood Transit Connector impression (Image City of Inglewood, public domain
    Metro Report International

    Inglewood Transit Connector peoplemover project makes progress


    USA: The Federal Transit Administration has given a positive rating to the Inglewood Transit Connector peoplemover project, making it eligible for funding from the Capital Investment Grants programme. The proposed 2·6 km three-station elevated automated peoplemover would link Los Angeles MTA’s K Line with event and ...

  • Praha funicular impression
    Metro Report International

    Praha funicular cars ordered


    CZECH REPUBLIC: Praha transport operator DPP has awarded Doppelmayr/Garaventa a KC138m contract to supply a pair of replacement cars for the Petřín hill funicular railway. The custom-designed 1 435 mm gauge vehicles will be manufactured by Doppelmayr’s CWA subsidiary at Olten in Switzerland, while its Frey ...

  • Shanghai Pujiang Line automated peoplemover.
    Metro Report International

    Shanghai Pujiang Line maintenance contract signed


    CHINA: Shanghai metro operator Shanghai Shentong Metro Group has awarded the CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation Systems joint venture a contract to maintain the rolling stock and railway systems on the Pujiang Line automated peoplemover. The elevated line with six stations opened in March 2018, running 6·6 ...

  • HS2 Birmingham Interchange peoplemover impression (Image HS2 Ltd)
    Metro Report International

    HS2 Interchange peoplemover procurement begins


    UK: HS2 Ltd has begun procurement of an automated peoplemover to link the future High Speed 2 Interchange station in Solihull with the National Exhibition Centre, the existing Birmingham International station and the airport. Procurement has begun with the APM Systems contract, which has two elements. ...