All articles by Railway Gazette International – Page 1117
Bombela wins Gautrain race
ON JULY 2 Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa announced that the Bombela Consortium had been chosen as preferred bidder for the Gautrain Rapid Link. Financial negotiations are expected to take around six months. Bombela is 50% owned by Bombardier, Bouygues and RATP Développement, with the remaining half owned by South African ...
Bombardier takes Dutch regional order
NETHERLANDS Railways has awarded a €248m contract to Bombardier, partnered with Siemens, for 18 four-car and 17 six-car EMUs for regional services. Five consecutive options for 16 four-car and 16 six-car EMUs could take the fleet to 974 cars, lifting the total value to €1·2bn.Announced on July 21, the deal ...
What next for the Belgrano?
THE FAILURE of the Argentinian government’s attempt to sell a 79% stake in Belgrano Cargas (RG 7.05 p385) received a degree of official confirmation at the end of June, when Minister of Federal Planning Julio De Vido and Transport Secretary Ricardo Jaime met officials from the 14 provinces served by ...
Boring starts on Pajares base tunnel
SPANISH PRIME MINISTER José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was present at La Pola de Gordón on July 13 to mark the start of work on the 25 km Pajares base tunnel. The first of five machines to be used on the €1·4bn project, a Herrenknecht TBM began work on one of ...
Ergomechanical back support
FOLLOWING earlier scientific research into optimum back posture (RG 11.04 p747), Grammer AG used the Roma exhibition to display its first production seat with an automatically-adjusting back support.Just released on the market, but not yet ordered, the ergomechanical seat is designed to optimise support for the passenger’s back. When the ...
Terror bombers attack London Underground
THREE BOMBS were detonated on the London Underground at about 08.50 on July 7, with a fourth exploding later on a double-deck bus. At least 56 people died and more than 700 were injured in the attack that police quickly traced to suicide bombers from the Leeds area. Two of ...
Gauge conversion moves ahead
UNDER the final version of the PEIT strategic infrastructure plan for 2005-20, approved by the cabinet on July 15, the Spanish government is to launch studies to define in detail a programme of works to convert the 1668mm gauge network to 1435mm gauge to achieve compatibility with the rest of ...
Bulgarian wagons rolling again
SEEKING to regain market share lost to road transport while avoiding the costs of purchasing new rolling stock, Bulgarian State Railways is placing contracts for the refurbishment of 3260 wagons with specialist outside suppliers. VRZ-Karlovo is rebuilding Eaos open wagons to as-new condition, ensuring compliance with RIV and UIC standards ...
Adding value
BOMBARDIER Transportation has adopted analytical tools from Intellectual Capital Development Ltd to manage its sales processes.Specialised audit processes are needed because of the long sales cycle of six to 24 months between the start of planning and the submission of a tender, and the average delivery time of 30 months. ...
Freight accords
COMMITMENTS to improve service quality on key European intermodal corridors are to be put in place by the end of this year, under the terms of an agreement between the International Union of Railways and the intermodal operators’ forum UIRR announced on July 5.UIRR member companies have been increasingly critical ...
D78 stock gets a fresh look
Robert Preston samples the first of 75 six-car London Underground trainsets to be refurbished
UK now plans to install ERTMS in 2011-38
THE LATEST report from the UK's National ERTMS Programme Team revealed on June 23 that plans to fit all lines where the speed exceeds 160 km/h by 2015 have been scrapped. The new strategy sees development continuing, mainly on the single-track Cambrian lines in rural mid-Wales, but even that project ...
Market August 2005
Angola: Rites has won five contracts totalling US$40m for staff training and the supply of rolling stock and workshop equipment for the rehabilitation of the CFN line between Menongue and Namibe. Australia: United Goninan has completed delivery to QR National of nine heavy haul diesel-electric locomotives and 310 coal wagons ...
MF2000 on test in northern France
RUNNING trials have started with the prototype MF2000 trainset (RG 2.04 p92). Expected to enter service on the Paris metro in 2006, the five-car pre-production set began a programme of tests at the Centre d'Essais Ferroviaires at Petite Forêt near Valenciennes on June 17. The tests began almost a year ...
Delhi Metro completes Line 2
CEREMONIES were held on July 2 to mark the completion of the second metro line in the Indian capital. The 7 km section from Kashmere Gate to Central Secretariat was inaugurated by Sonia Gandhi, Chair of the United Progressive Alliance party.The first 4 km of Line 2 from Vishwavidalaya to ...
Network expansion plan aims to reach 100 000 km by 2020
Chinese Railways' long-term expansion strategy includes development of duplicate corridors to segregate freight and passenger services, as well as new lines to open up the west of the country. Chris Jackson looks at the principal elements of the plan
Hydrogen offers no alternative to main line electrification
FUEL CELLS combine hydrogen with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce water and electricity, eliminating local pollution. But as things stand, electrolytic production and delivery of H2 as a fuel would consume around four times more power than the fuel cells would actually produce on a train. In comparison, ...
A small problem solvedATJUST 128 cm tall, Melbourne resident Bruce ’Giant’ Chaplin has a problem when boarding the city’s trams; he can’t reach the coin slots on ticket machines. While he can usually find a fellow passenger to drop his coins in the slot for him, this isn’t always possible. ...
Sheltam stake
SOUTH African logistics firm Grindrod has acquired a 50% stake in Sheltam Locomotive & Railway Services, it announced on May 12. Port Elizabeth-based Sheltam owns a fleet of locos and an air charter business.Grindrod’s Landfreight Director Laurence Stuart-Hill said ’the acquisition of a 50% stake in Sheltam not only provided ...