All articles by Railway Gazette International – Page 1274
India forges ahead with installation
CONSIDERABLE interest in ERTMS/ ETCS has been expressed by railways outside Western Europe, which has brought some comfort to the manufacturers. Eastern Europe in particular is seen to have much potential for applications, with Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary following developments closely. There are also indications of interest ...
Radio agreement
SIEMENS Transportation Systems and Austria’s Kapsch AG have signed an exclusive agreement to jointly produce and market next generation GSM-R mobile termination units and cab radios.Developed from existing products, the equipment will include General Packet Radio Service data and voice communications functionality. It will meet the requirements of ERTMS radio-based ...
Swiss merger agreed
AFTER many years of close co-operation, Switzerland’s Bodensee-Toggenburg and Südost railways are to merge. On March 26, the BT and SOB boards announced that they had signed a letter of intent; subject to shareholders’ approval, the merger will take effect from January 1 2002.Mergers elsewhere have left the two ...
Bombardier cleared to buy Adtranz
ON APRIL 3 the European Commission approved the acquisition of DaimlerChrysler subsidiary Adtranz by Bombardier of Canada. The transaction is expected to be complete by May 1.As part of the approval process Bombardier Transportation was required to meet several conditions set by the Commission. It must sell its 26·5% share ...
Ads move underground
MOVING advertising images are to be projected onto the walls of London Underground stations, following the signing of a contract on April 6. Cross Track Projection (XTP) digital projection equipment will be installed in some central stations this autumn, and across the network within five years.XTP makes it possible ...
SBB Cargo acts to secure a European future
BYLINE: Daniel NordmannDirector, SBB CargoON AUGUST 1 SBB Cargo moves its headquarters from Bern to Basel. Pulling out of the Swiss capital to start afresh in a new venue symbolises a programme of major change for SBB Cargo. The programme was announced on April 4 and followed a strategic review ...
ETCS/ERTMS test sites across Europe
THERE are 12 locations where ETCS/ERTMS components and systems are being tested, and 10 countries have made a commitment to implement it at Levels 1 and 2. No railway is as yet committed to Level 3, although it is expected to be rolled out for application on high speed lines ...
Halving intermodal times across the Brenner
INTRO: Acting on the initiative of a customer, the national railways of Germany, Austria and Italy aim to halve transit times for intermodal traffic between München and Verona. Until a few years ago swap bodies took 12 h to make the trip, but timings have been cut to 8h, with ...
ICE and Talgo 350 share high-speed order
SPANISH National Railways announced on March 24 that it was awarding two contracts totalling Pts123bn for the supply of 32 high-speed trainsets to operate on the Madrid - Barcelona line. The 350 km/h sets are intended to cut the journey time from 6h 30min to under 2h 30min.Siemens is to ...
Bogie builders tackle European 25 tonne challenge
FACING pressure to improve productivity and increase the competitiveness of their rail freight operations, several European railways are looking at the scope to raise axleloads beyond the classic 22·5 tonnes laid down in the current UIC standards. British Rail adopted a 25·5 tonne limit many years ago for its then-isolated ...
West Rail will come in under budget in 2003
INTRO: The largest expansion programme ever undertaken by Kowloon - Canton Railway Corp is well under way, with West Rail Phase 1 now 40% complete. Construction of two extensions to the East Rail route from Kowloon to Lo Wu began in FebruaryBYLINE: James BlakeSenior Director, Capital ProjectsKowloon - Canton Railway ...
Over 200 exhibitors at UITP show
THIS MONTH sees the 54th International Union of Public Transport Congress take place at London’s Earls Court exhibition centre from May 20 to 25. In conjunction with the Congress and the technical visits, well over 200 companies from across the world will be participating in the Mobility & City Transport ...
Pilots go live as 11 railways commit to ETCS
After a decade of development, the European Train Control System and European Rail Traffic Management System are being tested under live conditions on Italy's direttissima. An International Union of Railways conference in Firenze in March pinpointed progress
Tilt trains to Toulouse
FRENCH Transport Minister Jean-Claude Gayssot, French National Railways President Louis Gallois and Reseau Ferré de France President Claude Martinand signed an accord on February 22 releasing funds for modernisation of the Paris - Orléans - Limoges - Toulouse main line. A total of Fr1·6bn will cover improvements to the infrastructure ...
Toulon tram route
PUBLIC transport operator Sitcat has confirmed plans to build an initial 17 km tram route in the French city of Toulon. Due to open in 2005, the line will run from La Seyne-sur-Mer eastwards to La Garde, with 26 intermediate stations. The route was agreed in an urban transport programme ...
SNCB sails into rough waters
Belgian National Railways' next 10-year investment strategy is due to be approved shortly, but renewal of the operating contract agreed with government in 1991 has become mired in political disagreement. Harry Hondius takes stock of the situation
Simplon ready
MEETING in Milano on February 19, Swiss Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger and his Italian counterpart Pier Luigi Bersani confirmed that rolling motorway services would begin running over the L
Railway ReformEuropean Conference of Ministers of TransportThis report was presented to Ministers of Transport at the Praha Council in May 2000 as a basis for discussion of the key issues for regulatory reform of rail freight services. It examines railway regulation and attempts to promote the efficiency of railways and ...
n Canada’s Federal Minister of Transport David Collenette has called for bids to build a rail link between Toronto Union Station and Pearson International Airport. The privately-financed line would be completed by 2006, as part of Toronto’s bid for the 2008 Olympics, and would include a spur to Woodbine Racetrack.n ...
Heinrich Brüggeman has been appointed to head German Railway’s regional railways office in Nordrhein-Westfalen; he was formerly Board Member, Personnel, at DB Regio AG. Former Board Member, Production, Dr Joachim Trettin will head the Northeast office covering Berlin-Brandenberg and Mecklenberg-Vorpommern.Walter Flühmann has joined BLS L