All articles by Railway Gazette International – Page 1390
BNSF and UP test Positive Train Separation
INTRO: Richard Hope reports on a project to validate the non-vital automatic train protection overlay developed by GE Harris, using radio data links and GPS location. Now in the second of four phases, it is on course for completion by DecemberAFTER A DECADE of circling inconclusively around the Advanced Train ...
Land Rover becomes rail rover
All-terrain vehicles from Land Rover are now also able to run on railway track. Conversion work carried out by Permaquip includes fitting Fairmont Tamper Series 1000 Hy-Rail gear, enabling Road/Rail Land Rovers to operate on-rail at up to 32 km/h.Versions available include a general purpose pickup truck, personnel carrier, welders ...
Electric or diesel: tilting may tip the balance
Economic, technical, environmental and ergonomic factors must be addressed when selecting traction power. However, parameters shift if tilt is to be used. Felix Schmid* examines the issues which engineers must assessTravel time is a key element in the attractiveness of an inter-city or inter-regional rail service. Increasing maximum speed over ...
Bringing back the fish
ANNOUNCEMENT on July 16 that 2500 freight wagons will be built for US-owned freight operator EWS over the next five years - at the former carriage works in York in association with Thrall Car - is one of the most encouraging events on the British scene in the traumatic five ...
Second concession awarded
On June 26 the Mexican government accepted the bid by Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano SA for a 50-year concession to run the Ferrocarril Pacifico - Norte. As expected, GFM was the sole bidder, offering 4·197bn pesos for the 6200 km network and the Ojinaga - Topolobampo section of the Chihuahua - ...
Modular seats meet many applications
DEVELOPED by Vogel Interieur Schienenfahrzeuge in conjunction with TriCon Design of Weiden, the Wing modular seating system has been designed for applications ranging from metro cars and suburban rolling stock to high-speed trains. Wing components meeting railway mechanical strength and fire safety requirements can be assembled as desired; four different ...
Amtrak could go bankrupt next year
A WORKING GROUP of 13 set up by Bud Shuster, Chairman of the House of Representatives Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, reported on June 23 that ’Amtrak is now awash in red ink, buffeted by conflicting missions and ballooning debt, and virtually starved of capital in both political and financial terms.’ ...
Airport trains complete first phase of tests
INTRO: One of 23 seven-car trains for Hong Kong’s airport line is to be shipped from Germany this monthTEN WEEKS of trials with one of the first trains for Hong Kong MTR Corp’s airport line culminated in a media presentation on July 2 at the Adtranz works in Hennigsdorf near ...
NorthRail agreement soon
CONSTRUCTION of the electrified rail link between Manila and the former US Clark Air Base is expected to get under way before the end of next month, according to Philippines Transportation & Communications Secretary Arturo Enrile. He announced on June 17 that Philippine National Railways and North Luzon Railway Corp ...
Railways become agents of change
INTRO: Shri M Ravindra, Chairman of the Railway Board and Principal Secretary to the Government of India, sets the scene for next month’s International Seminar on Railways and the third Railway Equipment Exhibition in New DelhiWITH 62915route-km in operation - the largest network under common management outside Russia - Indian ...
Hope in Africa
TWO DEVELOPMENTS give encouragement to the hope we expressed last month (RG 7.97 p427) that railways in the southern half of Africa are starting to benefit from the laying down of arms.A 51% interest in six management and operating concessions in Mozambique’s Maputo Development Corridor is being offered for sale ...
Tunnel still afloat
EUROTUNNEL’S efforts to drum up support from shareholders for the complex financial restructuring intended to make its £8·5bn debt more manageable were rewarded at an extraordinary general meeting on July 10 in Paris. After 6 h of debate, the resolutions needed to approve the restructuring were passed by a majority ...
TARES accord
NORFOLK SOUTHERN and the US-based intermodal specialist ContainerPort Group have set up a joint venture with Cemat of Italy, Swiss piggyback operator Hupac and Intercontainer-Interfrigo to provide seamless transport services between Europe and North America. The five have formed Trans Atlantic Rail Express (Tares), a marketing alliance which will combine ...
Central Asia link accord
REPRESENTATIVES from China, Kirgizistan and Uzbekistan signed an agreement in the Uzbek capital Toshkent in June for a technical and economic feasibility study into construction of a rail link into western China. According to Uzbek Vice-Premier Rustam Junussows, the three countries also signed an accord on the management of ...
Sleepers abandoned
LONDON & Continental Railways Ltd, the company charged with building the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, confirmed on July 9 that it had abandoned plans to operate overnight sleeper trains to Paris from Glasgow, Swansea and Plymouth. LCR Chief Executive Adam Mills promised that ’we will bring the regional Eurostar day ...
Series E4 offers high capacity at high speed
BYLINE: Yoshihiko SatoGeneral Manager, Transport and Rolling Stock Department,East Japan RailwayJR EAST has adopted a two-part strategy for replacing the 700 Series 200 cars that entered service with the opening of the Tohoku and Joetsu shinkansen in 1982. The fine detail is still under discussion, but Series E2 sets running ...
Metros August 1997
Brazil: The federal government has backed proposals for a 15 km extension of Trensurb's Porto Alegre commuter line from Mercado to Triângulo. A 3·9 km extension to Estação Unisinos is expected to open later this year. Germany: German Railway has commissioned the first 11 km of the Hannover ...
GE repowers Russian-built 2TE10s in Kazakstan
INTRO: Almaty Railway and West Kazakstan Railway are acquiring 32 repowering kits from Erie to upgrade unreliable dieselsAgeing Type 2TE10 locomotives in Kazakstan are suffering poor availability, mainly due to engine and associated parts performance. General Electric of Erie, Pennsylvania, is providing 32 kits of 7FDL12 engines, plus traction alternator, ...
Guangzhou Line 1 opened
THE 5·4 km Xilang - Huangsha section of Guangzhou metro Line 1 and five stations were formally inaugurated on June 28, as part of the celebrations for the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty two days later. City and government officials were joined by representatives from the European and ...
Last month Sidetrack reported on the various ways which the activities of birds have caused problems for railways. Now we have photographic proof to show how Hondekop and stork can live in harmony in the NetherlandsCAPTION: Dieter offers an alternative to plans to link cities in south and east Australia ...