All articles by Railway Gazette International – Page 843

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    Busan-Gimhae Light Rail Transit opens


    SOUTH KOREA: The Busan-Gimhae Light Rail Transit driverless metro opened to passengers on September 9, with free travel before the formal opening ceremony on September 16. Starting at Sasang station in Busan, the 23·5 km line runs entirely on viaduct via Gimhae International Airport to Kaya University in Gimhae, with ...

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    News in Brief


    A Chinese-led feasibility study has put the cost of building a 257 km line between Oudong in Cambodia and Loc Ninh in Vietnam at US$686m. China has offered to contribute up toUS$500m towards the project, which would fill one of the gaps in the Trans-Asean Railway linking ...

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    Etihad Rail orders CSR sulphur wagons


    UAE: Etihad Rail has awarded China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp a contract to supply 240 covered wagons which will be used to carry granulated sulphur from Shah and Habshan for export through Ruwais. Announcing the contract on September 12, the railway authority said it was working with Abu ...

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    Ukraine prepares the next generation


    UKRAINE: The next generation of railwaymen and women are developing their industry knowledge through a series of initiatives based on hands-on training. Odessa Railway has recently provided 238 students from the State Academy of Railway Transport, Dnipropetrovs'k National University of Railway Transport and Odessa College of Railway Transport with practical ...

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    News in Brief


    Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft has awarded Gruppo FS subsidiary Netinera a contract to operate Teilnetze Waldbahn services for 10 years from December 2013 and Naabtal and Oberpfalzbahn services for nine years from December 2014. Russian Railways has unveiled a 193bn rouble investment programme for upgrading its main lines in the ...

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    Students work on Sochi projects


    RUSSIA: Students from across Russia, the CIS and Baltic States have been involved in Russian Railways' large-scale construction programme associated with the Olympic sites in Sochi. Over the summer 1100 students participated in construction of the rail and road route from Adler to the Alpika-Service mountain resort. RZD arranged three ...

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    Dubai metro Green Line opens


    UAE: On September 9 the Dubai metro's Green Line was officially opened by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, with passenger services scheduled to start the following day. The 23 km Green Line runs from a park and ride ...

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    Siemens awarded Swiss ETCS Level 1 roll-out contract


    SWITZERLAND: Swiss Federal Railway has selected Siemens’ Rail Automation business unit to supply, install and maintain equipment for its network-wide roll-out of ETCS Level 1 Limited Supervision over the next six years. SBB is the pioneer for L1LS, which will be incorporated into the Baseline 3.0.0 system requirement specifications due ...

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    International innovation wanted


    RUSSIA: 'Russian Railways is interested in seeing high-tech production brought to Russia, and in exchanging cutting-edge technologies', according to RZD President Vladimir Yakunin. Addressing the ‘Strong Russia 2011’ business summit in Moscow, Yakunin described industrial modernisation and the introduction of world-class technology as a ‘cornerstone’ of the railway’s investment policy. ...

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    Presidential opening for LGV Rhin-Rhône


    FRANCE: President Nicolas Sarkozy inaugurated the first 140 km section of LGV Rhin-Rhône between Villiers-les-Pots and Petit-Croix on September 8, cutting a ribbon at the new TGV station outside Besançon to mark the formal opening of the high speed line. He then travelled to Belfort-Montbéliard TGV, where a rolling stock ...

  • Photo: David Lustig

    New Orleans streetcar expansion drive


    USA: New Orleans Regional Transit Authority has selected Parsons Brinckerhoff to provide construction management services for a three-phase expansion of the city’s streetcar network. Last year RTA was awarded a $45m grant from the federal Department of Transportation’s TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) programme to fund construction of a ...

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    Rift Valley funding


    AFRICA: A US$165m package of funding towards a US$287m five-year programme of capital investment in the railway linking the Kenyan port of Mombasa to the Ugandan capital Kampala was signed by Rift Valley Railways, the two governments, six development organisations and a local bank on August 4. Now owned by ...

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    Siemens and RZD sign €2·5bn EMU and maintenance contracts


    RUSSIA: A €2bn contract for the Train Technologies joint venture of Siemens and Sinara to supply a further 1 200 Desiro RUS electric multiple-unit cars to Russian Railways in 2015-20 was signed on September 7. The contract was signed during Expo 1520 at Shcherbinka, and follows a preliminary agreement concluded ...

  • Prototype electric train for Zagreb suburban services (Photo: Toma Bacic).

    Zagreb suburban EMU enters service


    CROATIA: A prototype 25 kV 50 Hz suburban electric multiple-unit developed jointly by Koncar and TZV Gredelj entered service in Zagreb on September 5. The four-car articulated unit No 6112 101 has been developed as a prototype for the proposed replacement of Ganz Class 6111 EMUs which the HZ ...

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    Freight One sale set for October 28


    RUSSIA: The government has set October 28 as the date for the auction of a 75% minus two shares stake in Freight One, Russian Railways announced on September 7. Russian-registered non-state companies 'with a stable financial position and experience of operating railway rolling stock' will be able to bid to ...

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    Electro-diesel Talgo unveiled


    SPAIN: Patentes Talgo is converting 15 RENFE Class 130 gauge-changing high speed trainsets to the Class 730 hybrid by replacing the end seating cars with two new trailers each housing an MTU 12V4000R43L engine and traction alternator. With a continuous rating of 3600 kW, the Class 730 has a top ...

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    Certain progress at KiwiRail


    NEW ZEALAND: KiwiRail CEO Jim Quinn believes his business has a 'certainty' about its future that has not been seen for many years as it enters the second year of a 10-year turnaround plan which aims to make operations financially independent. 'The investment going into rail in the next two ...

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    Polymer strengthens tunnel roof


    UK: What is said to be the UK’s largest application of ultra-high modulus composite reinforcement has been used to strengthen 90 cast iron beams supporting a covered way where London Underground’s District Line runs under Victoria Embankment Gardens. LU was concerned that the 7500 mm x 500 mm cast iron ...

  • News

    Carol Coune


    Carol Coune took over as Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum with effect from August 1, succeeding Jack Short who has retired. She was formerly part of the Management Board at Belgium’s Ministry of Transport.

  • News

    Heather Allen


    Heather Allen has joined the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) as Programme Director, Sustainable Transport, having been responsible for the Sustainable Development programme at the International Union of Public Transport. She is also a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Transport in Developing Countries.