INNOTRANS: The Beijing Zongheng Electro-Mechanical Technology Co subsidiary of China Academy of Railway Sciences is to showcase its newly developed integrated traction and control technology at InnoTrans 2024.

Describing the technology as a ‘future rail system architecture’ for rolling stock, ZEMT’s Fully Electric Drive Integrated System delivers ‘advanced’ traction and braking capabilities, replacing traditional air brakes with electronically controlled systems. The company says that by transitioning from a subsystem-oriented design, a fully electric architecture can be offered; this is defined by what it terms ‘centralised train management, decentralised control and integrated drive systems’.

FEDIS has three ‘integration layers’, which manage vehicle control, power application and onboard information and data flow. The Control Integration Layer is intended to be ‘a more powerful brain for train control’, integrating disparate vehicle control functions and reducing interaction delays between critical systems to optimise system train performance.

The Power Integration Layer uses novel electro-mechanical braking technology to ‘completely eliminate air brake systems, unifying traction and braking functions using a fully electric drivetrain’.

The Information Integration Layer uses time-sensitive networking technology to support ‘intelligent perception, intelligent decision-making, and intelligent maintenance’, ZEMT adds.

FEDIS was first unveiled earlier this year at the International Metro Transit Exhibition in Nanjing.