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EUROPE: The International Union of Railways has awarded Hit Rail a five-year contract to supply a Real Time Mobility Data Exchange service.

UIC RTMDE is designed to provide a common platform for access to live passenger train running information. It will implement UIC’s IRS 90918-11 open standard for the exchange of real-time data. Any railway or ticket retailer will be able to access information on all active passenger train services, including any disruption, which they will be able to provide to their customers through their own IT services and apps.

This will enable railways to meet obligations arising from the CER Ticketing Roadmap and the EU’s Passenger Rights Regulation, and will allow all stakeholders to participate more efficiently than through multiple bilateral exchanges.

Utrecht-based not for profit company Hit Rail is owned by 12 European railway companies and provides international data communications and IT services used by more than 60 railway companies from 28 countries.

It will provide RTMDE through a Software-as-a-Service model using cloud technologies that have already been used for the Electronic Ticket Control Database and Database for Rail Tariffs & Fares platforms.

‘After an open call for tenders with a deep analysis of the proposal shared with our members, we are happy that Hit Rail was chosen to work together on this breakthrough innovation, that will give a full door-to-door experience’, said UIC Director General François Davenne on March 10. ‘This proves UIC’s capacity to deliver common suitable solutions for better railways service to customers.’